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Last active March 2, 2020 13:56
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  • Save Stephanvs/42625899770c8f819b6275b341f93886 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Stephanvs/42625899770c8f819b6275b341f93886 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
WebRTC Demos
* Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree.
'use strict';
const leftVideo = document.getElementById('leftVideo');
const rightVideo = document.getElementById('rightVideo');
let stream;
let pc1;
let pc2;
const offerOptions = {
offerToReceiveAudio: 1,
offerToReceiveVideo: 1
let startTime;
function maybeCreateStream() {
if (stream) {
if (leftVideo.captureStream) {
stream = leftVideo.captureStream();
console.log('Captured stream from leftVideo with captureStream',
} else if (leftVideo.mozCaptureStream) {
stream = leftVideo.mozCaptureStream();
console.log('Captured stream from leftVideo with mozCaptureStream()',
} else {
console.log('captureStream() not supported');
// Video tag capture must be set up after video tracks are enumerated.
leftVideo.oncanplay = maybeCreateStream;
if (leftVideo.readyState >= 3) { // HAVE_FUTURE_DATA
// Video is already ready to play, call maybeCreateStream in case oncanplay
// fired before we registered the event handler.
rightVideo.onloadedmetadata = () => {
console.log(`Remote video videoWidth: ${this.videoWidth}px, videoHeight: ${this.videoHeight}px`);
rightVideo.onresize = () => {
console.log(`Remote video size changed to ${rightVideo.videoWidth}x${rightVideo.videoHeight}`);
// We'll use the first onresize callback as an indication that
// video has started playing out.
if (startTime) {
const elapsedTime = - startTime;
console.log('Setup time: ' + elapsedTime.toFixed(3) + 'ms');
startTime = null;
function call() {
console.log('Starting call');
startTime =;
const videoTracks = stream.getVideoTracks();
const audioTracks = stream.getAudioTracks();
if (videoTracks.length > 0) {
console.log(`Using video device: ${videoTracks[0].label}`);
if (audioTracks.length > 0) {
console.log(`Using audio device: ${audioTracks[0].label}`);
const servers = null;
pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection(servers);
console.log('Created local peer connection object pc1');
pc1.onicecandidate = e => onIceCandidate(pc1, e);
pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection(servers);
console.log('Created remote peer connection object pc2');
pc2.onicecandidate = e => onIceCandidate(pc2, e);
pc1.oniceconnectionstatechange = e => onIceStateChange(pc1, e);
pc2.oniceconnectionstatechange = e => onIceStateChange(pc2, e);
pc2.ontrack = gotRemoteStream;
stream.getTracks().forEach(track => pc1.addTrack(track, stream));
console.log('Added local stream to pc1');
console.log('pc1 createOffer start');
pc1.createOffer(onCreateOfferSuccess, onCreateSessionDescriptionError, offerOptions);
function onCreateSessionDescriptionError(error) {
console.log(`Failed to create session description: ${error.toString()}`);
function onCreateOfferSuccess(desc) {
console.log(`Offer from pc1
console.log('pc1 setLocalDescription start');
pc1.setLocalDescription(desc, () => onSetLocalSuccess(pc1), onSetSessionDescriptionError);
console.log('pc2 setRemoteDescription start');
pc2.setRemoteDescription(desc, () => onSetRemoteSuccess(pc2), onSetSessionDescriptionError);
console.log('pc2 createAnswer start');
// Since the 'remote' side has no media stream we need
// to pass in the right constraints in order for it to
// accept the incoming offer of audio and video.
pc2.createAnswer(onCreateAnswerSuccess, onCreateSessionDescriptionError);
function onSetLocalSuccess(pc) {
console.log(`${getName(pc)} setLocalDescription complete`);
function onSetRemoteSuccess(pc) {
console.log(`${getName(pc)} setRemoteDescription complete`);
function onSetSessionDescriptionError(error) {
console.log(`Failed to set session description: ${error.toString()}`);
function gotRemoteStream(event) {
if (rightVideo.srcObject !== event.streams[0]) {
rightVideo.srcObject = event.streams[0];
console.log('pc2 received remote stream', event);
function onCreateAnswerSuccess(desc) {
console.log(`Answer from pc2:
console.log('pc2 setLocalDescription start');
pc2.setLocalDescription(desc, () => onSetLocalSuccess(pc2), onSetSessionDescriptionError);
console.log('pc1 setRemoteDescription start');
pc1.setRemoteDescription(desc, () => onSetRemoteSuccess(pc1), onSetSessionDescriptionError);
function onIceCandidate(pc, event) {
() => onAddIceCandidateSuccess(pc),
err => onAddIceCandidateError(pc, err)
console.log(`${getName(pc)} ICE candidate:
${event.candidate ?
event.candidate.candidate : '(null)'}`);
function onAddIceCandidateSuccess(pc) {
console.log(`${getName(pc)} addIceCandidate success`);
function onAddIceCandidateError(pc, error) {
console.log(`${getName(pc)} failed to add ICE Candidate: ${error.toString()}`);
function onIceStateChange(pc, event) {
if (pc) {
console.log(`${getName(pc)} ICE state: ${pc.iceConnectionState}`);
console.log('ICE state change event: ', event);
function getName(pc) {
return (pc === pc1) ? 'pc1' : 'pc2';
function getOtherPc(pc) {
return (pc === pc1) ? pc2 : pc1;
* Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree.
'use strict';
const videoElement = document.querySelector('video');
const audioInputSelect = document.querySelector('select#audioSource');
const audioOutputSelect = document.querySelector('select#audioOutput');
const videoSelect = document.querySelector('select#videoSource');
const selectors = [audioInputSelect, audioOutputSelect, videoSelect];
audioOutputSelect.disabled = !('sinkId' in HTMLMediaElement.prototype);
function gotDevices(deviceInfos) {
// Handles being called several times to update labels. Preserve values.
const values = => select.value);
selectors.forEach(select => {
while (select.firstChild) {
for (let i = 0; i !== deviceInfos.length; ++i) {
const deviceInfo = deviceInfos[i];
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = deviceInfo.deviceId;
if (deviceInfo.kind === 'audioinput') {
option.text = deviceInfo.label || `microphone ${audioInputSelect.length + 1}`;
} else if (deviceInfo.kind === 'audiooutput') {
option.text = deviceInfo.label || `speaker ${audioOutputSelect.length + 1}`;
} else if (deviceInfo.kind === 'videoinput') {
option.text = deviceInfo.label || `camera ${videoSelect.length + 1}`;
} else {
console.log('Some other kind of source/device: ', deviceInfo);
selectors.forEach((select, selectorIndex) => {
if ( => n.value === values[selectorIndex])) {
select.value = values[selectorIndex];
// Attach audio output device to video element using device/sink ID.
function attachSinkId(element, sinkId) {
if (typeof element.sinkId !== 'undefined') {
.then(() => {
console.log(`Success, audio output device attached: ${sinkId}`);
.catch(error => {
let errorMessage = error;
if ( === 'SecurityError') {
errorMessage = `You need to use HTTPS for selecting audio output device: ${error}`;
// Jump back to first output device in the list as it's the default.
audioOutputSelect.selectedIndex = 0;
} else {
console.warn('Browser does not support output device selection.');
function changeAudioDestination() {
const audioDestination = audioOutputSelect.value;
attachSinkId(videoElement, audioDestination);
function gotStream(stream) { = stream; // make stream available to console
videoElement.srcObject = stream;
// Refresh button list in case labels have become available
return navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
function handleError(error) {
console.log('navigator.MediaDevices.getUserMedia error: ', error.message,;
function start() {
if ( { => {
const audioSource = audioInputSelect.value;
const videoSource = videoSelect.value;
const constraints = {
audio: {deviceId: audioSource ? {exact: audioSource} : undefined},
video: {deviceId: videoSource ? {exact: videoSource} : undefined}
audioInputSelect.onchange = start;
audioOutputSelect.onchange = changeAudioDestination;
videoSelect.onchange = start;
* Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree.
'use strict';
const startButton = document.getElementById('startButton');
const callButton = document.getElementById('callButton');
const hangupButton = document.getElementById('hangupButton');
callButton.disabled = true;
hangupButton.disabled = true;
startButton.addEventListener('click', start);
callButton.addEventListener('click', call);
hangupButton.addEventListener('click', hangup);
let startTime;
const localVideo = document.getElementById('localVideo');
const remoteVideo = document.getElementById('remoteVideo');
localVideo.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function() {
console.log(`Local video videoWidth: ${this.videoWidth}px, videoHeight: ${this.videoHeight}px`);
remoteVideo.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function() {
console.log(`Remote video videoWidth: ${this.videoWidth}px, videoHeight: ${this.videoHeight}px`);
remoteVideo.addEventListener('resize', () => {
console.log(`Remote video size changed to ${remoteVideo.videoWidth}x${remoteVideo.videoHeight}`);
// We'll use the first onsize callback as an indication that video has started
// playing out.
if (startTime) {
const elapsedTime = - startTime;
console.log('Setup time: ' + elapsedTime.toFixed(3) + 'ms');
startTime = null;
let localStream;
let pc1;
let pc2;
const offerOptions = {
offerToReceiveAudio: 1,
offerToReceiveVideo: 1
function getName(pc) {
return (pc === pc1) ? 'pc1' : 'pc2';
function getOtherPc(pc) {
return (pc === pc1) ? pc2 : pc1;
async function start() {
console.log('Requesting local stream');
startButton.disabled = true;
try {
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({audio: true, video: true});
console.log('Received local stream');
localVideo.srcObject = stream;
localStream = stream;
callButton.disabled = false;
} catch (e) {
alert(`getUserMedia() error: ${}`);
function getSelectedSdpSemantics() {
const sdpSemanticsSelect = document.querySelector('#sdpSemantics');
const option = sdpSemanticsSelect.options[sdpSemanticsSelect.selectedIndex];
return option.value === '' ? {} : {sdpSemantics: option.value};
async function call() {
callButton.disabled = true;
hangupButton.disabled = false;
console.log('Starting call');
startTime =;
const videoTracks = localStream.getVideoTracks();
const audioTracks = localStream.getAudioTracks();
if (videoTracks.length > 0) {
console.log(`Using video device: ${videoTracks[0].label}`);
if (audioTracks.length > 0) {
console.log(`Using audio device: ${audioTracks[0].label}`);
const configuration = getSelectedSdpSemantics();
console.log('RTCPeerConnection configuration:', configuration);
pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);
console.log('Created local peer connection object pc1');
pc1.addEventListener('icecandidate', e => onIceCandidate(pc1, e));
pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);
console.log('Created remote peer connection object pc2');
pc2.addEventListener('icecandidate', e => onIceCandidate(pc2, e));
pc1.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', e => onIceStateChange(pc1, e));
pc2.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', e => onIceStateChange(pc2, e));
pc2.addEventListener('track', gotRemoteStream);
localStream.getTracks().forEach(track => pc1.addTrack(track, localStream));
console.log('Added local stream to pc1');
try {
console.log('pc1 createOffer start');
const offer = await pc1.createOffer(offerOptions);
await onCreateOfferSuccess(offer);
} catch (e) {
function onCreateSessionDescriptionError(error) {
console.log(`Failed to create session description: ${error.toString()}`);
async function onCreateOfferSuccess(desc) {
console.log(`Offer from pc1\n${desc.sdp}`);
console.log('pc1 setLocalDescription start');
try {
await pc1.setLocalDescription(desc);
} catch (e) {
console.log('pc2 setRemoteDescription start');
try {
await pc2.setRemoteDescription(desc);
} catch (e) {
console.log('pc2 createAnswer start');
// Since the 'remote' side has no media stream we need
// to pass in the right constraints in order for it to
// accept the incoming offer of audio and video.
try {
const answer = await pc2.createAnswer();
await onCreateAnswerSuccess(answer);
} catch (e) {
function onSetLocalSuccess(pc) {
console.log(`${getName(pc)} setLocalDescription complete`);
function onSetRemoteSuccess(pc) {
console.log(`${getName(pc)} setRemoteDescription complete`);
function onSetSessionDescriptionError(error) {
console.log(`Failed to set session description: ${error.toString()}`);
function gotRemoteStream(e) {
if (remoteVideo.srcObject !== e.streams[0]) {
remoteVideo.srcObject = e.streams[0];
console.log('pc2 received remote stream');
async function onCreateAnswerSuccess(desc) {
console.log(`Answer from pc2:\n${desc.sdp}`);
console.log('pc2 setLocalDescription start');
try {
await pc2.setLocalDescription(desc);
} catch (e) {
console.log('pc1 setRemoteDescription start');
try {
await pc1.setRemoteDescription(desc);
} catch (e) {
async function onIceCandidate(pc, event) {
try {
await (getOtherPc(pc).addIceCandidate(event.candidate));
} catch (e) {
onAddIceCandidateError(pc, e);
console.log(`${getName(pc)} ICE candidate:\n${event.candidate ? event.candidate.candidate : '(null)'}`);
function onAddIceCandidateSuccess(pc) {
console.log(`${getName(pc)} addIceCandidate success`);
function onAddIceCandidateError(pc, error) {
console.log(`${getName(pc)} failed to add ICE Candidate: ${error.toString()}`);
function onIceStateChange(pc, event) {
if (pc) {
console.log(`${getName(pc)} ICE state: ${pc.iceConnectionState}`);
console.log('ICE state change event: ', event);
function hangup() {
console.log('Ending call');
pc1 = null;
pc2 = null;
hangupButton.disabled = true;
callButton.disabled = false;
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