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Created November 3, 2019 17:05
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-- | Type level Peano numbers in PureScript.
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (zero,one,add)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
foreign import kind Peano
foreign import data Succ :: Peano -> Peano
foreign import data Zero :: Peano
data PeanoProxy (a :: Peano) = PeanoProxyValue
class ShowPeano (a :: Peano) where
reflectPeano :: PeanoProxy a -> Int
instance showPeanoZero :: ShowPeano Zero where
reflectPeano _ = 0
instance showPeanoSucc :: ShowPeano p => ShowPeano (Succ p) where
reflectPeano _ = 1 + reflectPeano (PeanoProxyValue :: PeanoProxy p)
class SuccPeano (input :: Peano) (output :: Peano)
| input -> output
instance succPeanoZero :: SuccPeano Zero (Succ Zero)
instance succPeanoSucc :: SuccPeano s (Succ s)
class AddPeano (inputA :: Peano) (inputB :: Peano) (output :: Peano)
| inputA inputB -> output
instance addPeanoZeroA :: AddPeano Zero b b
instance addPeanoZeroB :: AddPeano a Zero a
instance addPeanoSucc :: AddPeano a (Succ b) c => AddPeano (Succ a) b c
class ShowPeano b <= PeanoKindConstraint b
instance peanoTypeConstraint :: ShowPeano b => PeanoKindConstraint b
zero :: PeanoProxy Zero
zero = PeanoProxyValue
one :: PeanoProxy (Succ Zero)
one = PeanoProxyValue
five :: PeanoProxy (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))
five = PeanoProxyValue
succ :: forall a b . SuccPeano a b => PeanoProxy a -> PeanoProxy b
succ _ = PeanoProxyValue
add :: forall a b c . AddPeano a b c => PeanoProxy a -> PeanoProxy b -> PeanoProxy c
add _ _ = PeanoProxyValue
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
log $ show $ reflectPeano zero
log $ show $ reflectPeano one
log $ show $ reflectPeano $ succ one
log $ show $ reflectPeano $ add one (succ one)
log $ show $ reflectPeano $ add five (succ five)
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