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Last active June 28, 2020 06:41
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Telstra Smart Modem Stats to InfluxDB
import telstra_smart_modem
from telstra_smart_modem.base import ModemBase, HTTP_TIMEOUT
import bs4
import re
import json
from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime
from influxdb import InfluxDBClient
IP = ""
USERNAME = "admin"
PASSWORD = "Telstra"
tsm = telstra_smart_modem.Modem(IP, USERNAME, PASSWORD) # Login to the modem
client = InfluxDBClient(host="", port=8086) # InfluxDB IP and port
def get_modal(modal):
response = ModemBase.session.get(
return response
def get_mobile_ajax():
response = ModemBase.session.get(
value = json.loads(response.text)
return value
def get_string_modal(modal, id):
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(modals[modal], "html.parser")
value = soup.find("span", attrs={
"id": id
if value is not None:
return '"' + value + '"'
return "null" # If missing on page return null
def get_int_modal(modal, id):
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(modals[modal], "html.parser")
value = soup.find("span", attrs={
"id": id
if value is not None:
return re.sub(r"[^0-9\.]", '', value) # Replace non digits + decimals (I know it's not really an int)
return "null"
def get_list_modal(modal, id, unit):
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(modals[modal], "html.parser")
value = soup.find("span", attrs={
"id": id
if value is not None:
return value.replace(' ', '').split(unit)[0:2] # Slice the units off
return ["null"] * 2 # *2 for index errors
def to_epoch(uptime):
re_uptime = \
re.findall(r"(([0-9]+) days? )?(([0-9]{1,2}) hours? )?(([0-9]{1,2}) minutes? )?([0-9]{1,2}) seconds?",
length = re_uptime[1].isdigit() + re_uptime[3].isdigit() + re_uptime[5].isdigit() + re_uptime[6].isdigit()
if length == 4: return int(re_uptime[1]) * 86400 + int(re_uptime[3]) * 3600 + int(re_uptime[5]) * 60 + int(re_uptime[6])
elif length == 3: return int(re_uptime[3]) * 3600 + int(re_uptime[5]) * 60 + int(re_uptime[6])
elif length == 2: return int(re_uptime[5]) * 60 + int(re_uptime[6])
elif length == 1: return int(re_uptime[6])
else: return 0
except IndexError:
return 0
while True:
status = '"' + tsm.getModemStatus() + '"' # Make telstra_smart_modem check if timed-out (also get the modems status)
# A dict of the modal pages to reduce loading multiple times
modals = {"gateway-modal": get_modal("gateway-modal"), "broadband-modal": get_modal("broadband-modal"),
"internet-modal": get_modal("internet-modal"), "lte-modal": get_modal("lte-modal")}
lte_ajax = get_mobile_ajax() # A json dict of the ajax page to reduce loading multiple times
data = "modem status=" + status + \
",uptime=" + get_string_modal("gateway-modal", "Uptime") + \
",uptime_epoch=" + str(to_epoch(get_string_modal("gateway-modal", "Uptime"))) + \
",dslstatus=" + get_string_modal("broadband-modal", "DSL Status") + \
",dsluptime=" + get_string_modal("broadband-modal", "DSL Uptime") + \
",dsltype=" + get_string_modal("broadband-modal", "DSL Type") + \
",dslmode=" + get_string_modal("broadband-modal", "DSL Mode") + \
",dslmaxrateup=" + get_list_modal("broadband-modal", "Maximum Line rate", "Mbps")[0] + \
",dslmaxratedown=" + get_list_modal("broadband-modal", "Maximum Line rate", "Mbps")[1] + \
",dsllinerateup=" + get_list_modal("broadband-modal", "Line Rate", "Mbps")[0] + \
",dsllineratedown=" + get_list_modal("broadband-modal", "Line Rate", "Mbps")[1] + \
",dsldataup=" + get_list_modal("broadband-modal", "Data Transferred", "MBytes")[0] + \
",dsldatadown=" + get_list_modal("broadband-modal", "Data Transferred", "MBytes")[1] + \
",dslpowerup=" + get_list_modal("broadband-modal", "Output Power", "dBm")[0] + \
",dslpowerdown=" + get_list_modal("broadband-modal", "Output Power", "dBm")[1] + \
",dslattenuationup=" + '"' + get_list_modal("broadband-modal", "Line Attenuation", "dB")[0] + '"' + \
",dslattenuationdown=" + '"' + get_list_modal("broadband-modal", "Line Attenuation", "dB")[1] + '"' + \
",dslnoiseup=" + get_list_modal("broadband-modal", "Noise Margin", "dB")[0] + \
",dslnoisedown=" + get_list_modal("broadband-modal", "Noise Margin", "dB")[1] + \
",dslinternetip=" + get_string_modal("internet-modal", "IP address") + \
",dslinternetipv6=" + get_string_modal("internet-modal", "IPv6 Address") + \
",dslinternetleaseobtained=" + get_string_modal("internet-modal", "Lease obtained") + \
",dslinternetleaseexpires=" + get_string_modal("internet-modal", "Lease expires") + \
",ltesignal=" + '"' + lte_ajax["signal_quality"] + '"' + \
",ltestatus=" + '"' + lte_ajax["status"] + '"' + \
",ltebars=" + lte_ajax["bars"] + \
",ltetemp=" + get_int_modal("lte-modal", "Temperature:") + \
client.write(data, {'db': 'docker'}, 204, 'line')
except Exception as e:
print(e) # In case modem is offline
sleep(60 - datetime.utcnow().second) # Wait till next minute
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