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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Save SteveBate/5db6081bc67354877360 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A version of the pipe and filters task but with the ability to also specify middleware (aspects) at the same time.
void Main()
// create a pipeline task
var mytask = new Task<OrderMatrixMessage>();
// register aspects
mytask.Wrap(new LoggingAspect<OrderMatrixMessage>());
mytask.Wrap(new ExceptionLoggingAspect<OrderMatrixMessage>());
mytask.Wrap(new AsyncAspect<OrderMatrixMessage>());
// register filters
mytask.Register(new Step1());
mytask.Register(new Step2());
mytask.Register(new Step3());
mytask.Register(new Step4());
// create a message. Change the PretendAnErrorHappened value to true to see the message handler kick in.
var msg = new OrderMatrixMessage { PinNo = "BB124", PretendAnErrorHappened = true };
msg.OnStart = () => { Console.WriteLine("OnStart"); };
msg.OnDone = () => { Console.WriteLine("OnDone"); };
msg.OnSuccess = () => { Console.WriteLine("OnSuccess"); };
msg.OnError = (e) => { Console.WriteLine("OnError"); };
// run it
// our message
public class OrderMatrixMessage : BaseMessage
public string PinNo { get; set; }
public bool PretendAnErrorHappened { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("PinNo: {0}", PinNo);
// simple logging aspect
public class LoggingAspect<T> : Handler<T>
public void Handle(T msg)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Logging Message Before: {0}", msg));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Logging Message After: {0}", msg));
public Handler<T> Inner { get; set; }
// exception logging aspect
public class ExceptionLoggingAspect<T> : Handler<T>
public void Handle(T msg)
catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Logging error: {0}", ex);
public Handler<T> Inner { get; set; }
// An aspect to invoke the filters on a background thread
public class AsyncAspect<T> : Handler<T>
public void Handle(T msg)
var bw = new BackgroundWorker();
bw.DoWork += (o, e) => Inner.Handle(msg);
bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (o, e) => bw.Dispose();
public Handler<T> Inner { get; set; }
// filters - nothing unusual here
public class Step1 : Filter<OrderMatrixMessage>
public void Execute(OrderMatrixMessage input)
public class Step2 : Filter<OrderMatrixMessage>
public void Execute(OrderMatrixMessage input)
public class Step3 : Filter<OrderMatrixMessage>
public void Execute(OrderMatrixMessage input)
input.Stop = true;
throw new Exception("oh oh! Something went wrong!");
public class Step4 : Filter<OrderMatrixMessage>
public void Execute(OrderMatrixMessage input)
public interface Filter<T>
void Execute(T msg);
public interface Handler<T>
void Handle(T msg);
Handler<T> Inner { get; set; }
public abstract class BaseMessage
public bool Stop { get; set; }
public Action<String> OnError { get; set; }
public Action OnSuccess { get; set; }
public Action OnStart { get; set; }
public Action OnDone { get; set; }
public class Task<T> where T : BaseMessage
public Task()
// initialise both the handler and pipeline to a new instance of the Pipeline class
// setting handler to this ensures Invoke will always execute correctly even if no aspects are registered
this.handler = this.pipeline = new Pipeline<T>();
// Wrap takes a Handler<T> which all aspects must implement. The logic here wires each handler to the previous to set up a chain
public void Wrap(Handler<T> h)
h.Inner = this.handler;
this.handler = h;
// Register just passes on the filter to the inner pipeline
public void Register(Filter<T> filter)
// Register many in one call
public void Register(params Filter<T>[] filters)
foreach (var filter in filters)
// starting with the first aspect handler (if any) start the pipeline executing
public void Invoke(T msg)
Handler<T> handler;
Pipeline<T> pipeline;
// private implementation
class Pipeline<T1> : Handler<T1> where T1 : BaseMessage
public void Add(Filter<T1> filter)
public void Handle(T1 msg)
foreach (var f in filters)
// we have access to the Stop property within the pipeline because all messages must inherit from BaseMessage via the where T1 constraint above
if (msg.Stop)
if(msg.OnSuccess != null)
catch (Exception ex)
if (msg.OnError != null)
if(msg.OnDone != null)
public Handler<T1> Inner { get; set; }
List<Filter<T1>> filters = new List<Filter<T1>>();
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