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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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Rake - upgrade a Ghost blog installation
require 'bundler'
require 'fileutils'
GHOST_DIR = ENV['GHOST_HOME'] || '<your_ghost_folder>'
THEME = 'casper'
namespace :blog do
desc 'Upgrades Ghost using given file'
task :upgrade, :file do |t, args|
ghost_archive = args[:file]
abort 'Please specify a .zip package' unless File.extname(ghost_archive) == '.zip'
Dir.chdir GHOST_DIR
`tar cvzf content-backup.tgz content` # backup content files
FileUtils.rm_rf 'core'
Dir.mkdir 'tmp' unless Dir.exist? 'tmp'
Dir.chdir 'tmp' do
`unzip #{ghost_archive}`
files = Dir.glob '*'
FileUtils.cp_r files, GHOST_DIR, remove_destination: true
FileUtils.rm_rf 'tmp'
`npm install --production`
puts "Successfully upgraded to ghost version #{/((\d)+\.)+/.match(ghost_archive)[0].chop}!"
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Check out my informative blog post on this script

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