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Last active October 13, 2021 21:23
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functions {
vector SIR(real time, // Time
vector y, // System state of the ODE [susceptible, infected, recovered] at the time specified
real beta0,
vector beta_N,
real gamma,
// vector theta, // Parameter values used to evaluate the ODE system
vector left_t,
vector right_t,
// vector x_r, // Left and right time bounds for the calculation of the time-dependent incidence rate
int n_obs, // Length of the time series
int n_pop, // Population
int n_difeq) // Number of differential equations
// NOTE: Return a vector with the solution to the system:
vector[n_difeq] dy_dt;
// Left and right time bounds for the calculation of the time-dependent incidence rate
// vector[n_obs] left_t = x_r[1:n_obs];
// vector[n_obs] right_t = x_r[(n_obs+1):(2*n_obs)];
// Estimated parameters:
// real beta0 = theta[1];
// vector[n_obs] beta_N = theta[2:(n_obs+1)]; // Time-varying effective contact rate
// real gamma = theta[n_obs+2]; // Recovery rate
real beta;
// Time-dependent incidence rate:
for (i in 1:n_obs) {
if(time >= 0 && time < 1) beta = beta0;
else if(time >= left_t[i] && time <= right_t[i]) beta = beta_N[i];
}// End for
// print("Beta: ", beta);
// print("y[1]: ", y[1]);
// print("y[2]: ", y[2]);
// Dummy compartment to record the cumulative incidence:
dy_dt[4] = beta * y[1] * y[2] / n_pop;
// S compartment:
dy_dt[1] = - dy_dt[4];
// R compartment:
dy_dt[3] = gamma * y[2];
// I compartment:
dy_dt[2] = -(dy_dt[1] + dy_dt[3]);
return dy_dt;
}// End SIR function
data {
int<lower = 1> n_obs; // Number of days observed
int<lower = 1> n_pop; // Population
int<lower = 1> n_difeq; // Number of differential equations
int y_deaths[n_obs]; // Data, total number of new deaths
vector[n_difeq] initial_state_raw; // Initial states
int<lower = 1> sigmaBM_cp1; // Change-point 1
int<lower = 1> sigmaBM_cp2; // Change-point 2
real ts[n_obs]; // Time points observed
vector<lower = 0>[n_obs] left_t; // Left time limit
vector<lower = 0>[n_obs] right_t; // Right time limit
// Priors:
real eta0_sd;
real eta1_sd;
real gamma_shape;
real gamma_scale;
real sigmaBM_sd;
real reciprocal_phi_scale;
real I_D[n_obs];
int weeks_ahead;
// Adjoint ODE solver parameters:
real rel_tol_forward;
vector[n_difeq] abs_tol_forward;
real rel_tol_backward;
vector[n_difeq] abs_tol_backward;
real rel_tol_quadrature;
real abs_tol_quadrature;
int max_num_steps;
int num_steps_between_checkpoints;
int interpolation_polynomial;
int solver_forward;
int solver_backward;
transformed data {
// vector[2*n_obs] x_r;
real I_D_rev[n_obs];
// x_r[1:n_obs] = left_t;
// x_r[(n_obs+1):(2*n_obs)] = right_t;
for(i in 1:n_obs) I_D_rev[i] = I_D[n_obs - i + 1];
parameters {
real eta0;
vector[n_obs] eta;
real<lower = 0> gamma;
real<lower = 0> sigmaBM1;
real<lower = 0> sigmaBM2;
real<lower = 0> sigmaBM3;
real<lower = 0> reciprocal_phiD;
transformed parameters{
real<lower = 0> beta0;
vector<lower = 0>[n_obs] beta_N; // transmission rate, beta = exp(eta)
vector[n_difeq] state_estimate[n_obs];
real<lower = 0> E_cases[n_obs];
real<lower = 0> E_deaths[n_obs];
real<lower = 0> phiD;
vector[n_obs + 2] theta;
vector[n_difeq] initial_state;
real ifr;
real initial_time;
real times[n_obs];
initial_time = 0.0; // Initial time point
times = ts;
ifr = 0.01;
beta0 = exp(eta0);
beta_N = exp(eta);
// Solution to the ODE:
theta[1] = beta0;
theta[2:(n_obs+1)] = beta_N;
theta[n_obs+2] = gamma;
for (i in 1:n_difeq) initial_state[i] = initial_state_raw[i];
state_estimate = ode_adjoint_tol_ctl(SIR,
rel_tol_forward, // Relative tolerance for forward solve
abs_tol_forward, // Absolute tolerance vector for each state for forward solve
rel_tol_backward, // Relative tolerance for backward solve
abs_tol_backward, // Absolute tolerance vector for each state for backward solve
rel_tol_quadrature, // Relative tolerance for backward quadrature
abs_tol_quadrature, // Absolute tolerance for backward quadrature
max_num_steps, // Maximum number of time-steps to take in integrating the ODE solution between output time points for forward and backward solve
num_steps_between_checkpoints, // Number of steps between checkpointing forward solution
interpolation_polynomial, // Interpolation polynomial: 1=Hermite, 2=polynomial
solver_forward, // Solver for forward phase: 1=Adams, 2=BDF
solver_backward, // Solver for backward phase: 1=Adams, 2=BDF
beta0, beta_N, gamma, left_t, right_t, n_obs, n_pop, n_difeq);
for (i in 1:n_obs) {
// Expected new cases by calendar day:
E_cases[i] = state_estimate[i,4] - (i==1 ? 0 : (state_estimate[i,4] > state_estimate[i-1,4] ? state_estimate[i-1,4] : 0) );
// Expected deaths by calendar day:
if(i == 1) E_deaths[i] = 1e-010;
else E_deaths[i] = ifr * dot_product(head(E_cases,i-1), tail(I_D_rev, i-1));
}// End for
phiD = 1. / reciprocal_phiD;
model {
// Prior distributions:
eta0 ~ normal(0, eta0_sd);
gamma ~ gamma(gamma_shape, gamma_scale);
sigmaBM1 ~ normal(0, sigmaBM_sd);
sigmaBM2 ~ normal(0, sigmaBM_sd);
sigmaBM3 ~ normal(0, sigmaBM_sd);
reciprocal_phiD ~ cauchy(0, reciprocal_phi_scale);
eta[1] ~ normal(0, eta1_sd);
for (i in 2:n_obs){
if(i < sigmaBM_cp1) eta[i] ~ normal(eta[i-1], sigmaBM1);
else if (sigmaBM_cp1 < i < sigmaBM_cp2) eta[i] ~ normal(eta[i-1], sigmaBM2);
else eta[i] ~ normal(eta[i-1], sigmaBM3);
}// End for
//for (i in 1:n_obs) y_deaths[i] ~ neg_binomial_2(E_deaths[i], phiD);
y_deaths ~ neg_binomial_2(E_deaths, phiD);
generated quantities {
vector[n_obs] R_t; // Time-varying reproduction number
vector[n_obs] log_lik; // Log-likelihood
real dev; // Deviance
int pred_daily_deaths[n_obs]; // Daily predicted deaths
int pred_weekly_deaths[weeks_ahead];// Weekly predicted deaths
// Time-varying reproduction number (vectorized):
R_t = beta_N/gamma;
// Log-likelihood:
for (i in 1:n_obs) {
//R_t[i] = beta_N[i]/gamma;
log_lik[i] = neg_binomial_2_lpmf(y_deaths[i]| E_deaths[i], phiD);
}// End for
// Daily predicted deaths:
pred_daily_deaths = neg_binomial_2_rng(E_deaths, 1/phiD);
// Weekly predicted deaths:
for(i in 1:weeks_ahead){
int start = 1 + 7*(i-1);
int end = min(start + 6, n_obs);
pred_weekly_deaths[i] = sum(pred_daily_deaths[start:end]);
}// End for
// Deviance:
dev = (-2) * sum(log_lik);
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