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Last active September 27, 2023 15:32
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Birthday Paradox - a Monte Carlo experiment
"""Explore the surprising probabilities of the "Birthday Paradox".
Idea inspired by The Big Book of Small Python Projects by Al Sweigart.
This version runs much faster than the version in the book, and so
can handle much larger numbers of people.
The main optimisations are:
1. `get_birthdays_till_match` exits early when a match is found.
2. A cache list is used for fast lookups of random dates.
It also considers leap years, for a more accurate distribution of dates.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from random import choice
from collections import Counter
def get_number() -> int:
"""Prompt for an integer and return the number."""
prompt = True
while prompt:
number = int(input())
except ValueError:
print('Please enter a number.')
if number < 2:
print("Don't be silly. We need at least 2")
elif number > 10000:
print('Enter a smaller number (max 10,000')
prompt = False
return number
def get_birthdays(num: int, cache: list[str]) -> list[str]:
"""Return a list of 'num' birthdays."""
return [choice(cache) for _ in range(num)]
def print_birthdays(bdays: list[str]) -> None:
"""Print a formatted list of birthdays."""
count = 0
for bd in bdays:
print(bd, end=', ')
count += 1
if count % 10 == 0:
def find_duplicates(bdays: list[str]) -> dict:
"""Return a dict of duplicate birthdays."""
bctr = Counter(bdays)
dups = {key: val for key, val in bctr.items() if val > 1}
return dups
def report_duplicates(dups: dict) -> None:
"""Report results from a single run."""
print('In this simulation, multiple people have birtdays on')
for key, _ in list(dups.items())[:-1]:
print(key, end=', ')
print(f'and {list(dups.keys())[-1]}.')
def get_birthdays_till_match(num_bdays: int, cache: list[str]) -> bool:
"""Return True if match found in birthdays, else False."""
bdays: set = set()
for _ in range(num_bdays):
bday = choice(cache)
if bday in bdays:
# Early termination is much quicker
# when there's a large numbers of birthdays.
return True
return False
def sim_loop(num_bdays: int, cache: list[str]) -> int:
"""Run simulation 1000,000 times."""
matches = 0
for i in range(10):
for _ in range(10000):
if get_birthdays_till_match(num_bdays, cache):
matches += 1
print(f'{(i + 1) * 10000} simulations run.')
return matches
def print_summary(bdays: int, dups: int) -> None:
"""Print summary of 100,000 simulations."""
print(f"""Out of 100,000 simulations of {bdays} people, there was a
matching birthday in that group {dups} times. This means
that {bdays} people have a {(dups / 1000):.2f} % chance of
having a matching birthday in their group.
That's probably more than you would think!""")
def generate_dates_cache():
"""Return a tuple of dates for fast lookup."""
today =
# Generate enough dates to achieve a reasonable
# distribution of "Feb 29" birthdays.
return [(today - timedelta(days=delta)).strftime('%b %d')
for delta in range(1, 36500)] # approx 100 years.
if __name__ == '__main__':
CACHE = generate_dates_cache()
print('How many birthdays shall I generate? (Max 10,000)')
number_of_birthdays = get_number()
birthdays = get_birthdays(number_of_birthdays, CACHE)
print(f'Here are {number_of_birthdays} birthdays:')
duplicates = find_duplicates(birthdays)
if len(duplicates) > 0:
# Run through 100,000 simulations:
print(f'Generating {number_of_birthdays} '
f'random birthdays 100,000 times...')
input('Press Enter to begin...')
DUP_COUNT = sim_loop(number_of_birthdays, CACHE)
print_summary(number_of_birthdays, DUP_COUNT)
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