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Created December 24, 2014 21:31
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This version of ntf_fir_from_q0 passes the unit tests.
def ntf_fir_from_q0(q0, H_inf=1.5, normalize="auto", **options):
Synthesize FIR NTF from quadratic form expressing noise weighting.
q0 : ndarray
first row of the Toeplitz symmetric matrix defining the quadratic form
H_inf : real, optional
Max peak NTF gain, defaults to 1.5, used to enforce the Lee criterion
normalize : string or real, optional
Normalization to apply to the quadratic form used in the NTF
selection. Defaults to 'auto' which means setting the top left entry
in the matrix Q defining the quadratic form to 1.
ntf : ndarray
FIR NTF in zpk form
Other parameters
show_progress : bool, optional
provide extended output, default is True
fix_pos : bool, optional
fix quadratic form for positive definiteness. Numerical noise
may make it not positive definite leading to errors. Default is True
cvxopt_xxx : various type, optional
Parameters prefixed by ``cvxopt_`` are passed to the ``cvxopt``
optimizer. Allowed options are:
Maximum number of iterations (defaults to 100)
Absolute accuracy (defaults to 1e-7)
Relative accuracy (defaults to 1e-6)
Tolerance for feasibility conditions (dtimeefaults to 1e-6)
Do not use other options since they could break ``cvxpy`` in
unexpected ways. Defaults can be set by changing the function
``default_options`` attribute.
See Also
Check the documentation of ``cvxopt`` for further information.
# Manage optional parameters
opts = ntf_fir_from_q0.default_options.copy()
o = split_options(opts, ['cvxopt_'], ['show_progress', 'fix_pos'])
# Do the computation
order = q0.shape[0]-1
if normalize == 'auto':
q0 = q0/q0[0]
elif normalize is not None:
q0 = q0*normalize
Q = la.toeplitz(q0)
d, v = np.linalg.eigh(Q)
if o.get('fix_pos', True):
d = d/np.max(d)
d[d < 0] = 0.
qs = np.matrix(mdot(v, np.diag(np.sqrt(d)), np.linalg.inv(v)))
br = cvx.Variable(order, 1, name='br')
b = cvx.vstack(1, br)
target = cvx.Minimize(cvx.norm2(qs*b))
X = cvx.Semidef(order, name='X')
A = np.matrix(np.eye(order, order, 1))
B = np.vstack((np.zeros((order-1, 1)), 1.))
C = br[::-1].T
D = np.matrix(1.)
M1 = A.T*X
M2 = M1*B
dim = X.size[1] + M2.size[1] + C.T.size[1]
M = cvx.vstack(
cvx.hstack(M1*A-X, M2, C.T),
cvx.hstack(M2.T, B.T*X*B-H_inf**2, D),
cvx.hstack(C, D, np.matrix(-1.))
Mcopy = -cvx.Semidef(order+2)
constraints = [
cvx.diag(Mcopy) == cvx.diag(M),
cvx.upper_tri(Mcopy) == cvx.upper_tri(M),
p = cvx.Problem(target, constraints)
p.solve(solver=cvx.CVXOPT, verbose=o.get('show_progress', True),
**strip_options(o, 'cvxopt_'))
ntf_ir = np.hstack((1, np.asarray(br.value.T)[0]))
return (np.roots(ntf_ir), np.zeros(order), 1.)
ntf_fir_from_q0.default_options = {'cvxopt_maxiters': 100,
'cvxopt_abstol': 1e-7,
'cvxopt_reltol': 1e-6,
'cvxopt_feastol': 1e-6,
'show_progress': True,
'fix_pos': True}
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