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Last active July 27, 2020 01:51
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Simple logarithmic integral
from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
import math
from itertools import cycle
ctx = getcontext()
ctx.prec = 256
# Constant from:
euler_mascheroni = Decimal(
# Cache for faster
fact_mul_k_cache = tuple(math.factorial(k) * k for k in range(1, LI_PRECISION + 1))
# A dead simple algorithm for approximating the logarithmic integral
# Accuracy is near equal to sympy's li()
def li(input, li_precision=LI_PRECISION):
assert input > 1 and li_precision <= LI_PRECISION
global fact_mul_k_cache, euler_mascheroni
ln_x = ctx.ln(input)
approx_sum: Decimal = sum(
ctx.divide(ctx.power(ln_x, k), fact_mul_k_cache[k - 1]) for k in range(1, li_precision + 1))
return ctx.ln(ln_x) + euler_mascheroni + approx_sum
# A more complex version of li, using a different approximation method
# Claims to have a 'more rapid' convergence
# Testing at 10000000 shows 20% fewer iterations are needed to obtain similar accuracy
def li_2(input, li_precision=int(LI_PRECISION//1.25)):
assert input > 1 and li_precision <= LI_PRECISION
global fact_mul_k_cache, euler_mascheroni
pos_neg_cycle = cycle((1, -1))
ln_x = ctx.ln(input)
approx_sum = sum(
ctx.multiply(next(pos_neg_cycle), ctx.power(ln_x, n)),
ctx.multiply(math.factorial(n), 1 << (n - 1))
# summation k=0 -> floor((n-1)/2) requires at least 1 iteration at [0]
# therefore end of range() must be at least 1
sum(ctx.divide(1, 2 * k + 1) for k in range(0, (n - 1) // 2 + 1))
for n in range(1, li_precision + 1)
return ctx.ln(ln_x) + euler_mascheroni + ctx.multiply(ctx.sqrt(input), approx_sum)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sympy
print(w :=
print(x := li(10000000))
print(y := li_2(10000000))
print(z1 := min(i for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(str(w), str(x))) if x != y))
print(z2 := min(i for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(str(x), str(y))) if x != y))
print(str(x) == str(y))
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