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Created October 24, 2022 21:20
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  • Save SteveL-MSFT/3f19e0ce0f5b4db453f94e5e66e90620 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SteveL-MSFT/3f19e0ce0f5b4db453f94e5e66e90620 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[string]$include = "*.resx"
$filesToExclude = @(
$resx = dir -r $include -Exclude $filesToExclude
$names = @{}
write-progress -id 1 -Activity "Finding resx files"
foreach ($file in $resx) {
$xml = [System.Xml.XmlDocument]::new()
foreach ($name in $ {
$names[$name] = $file
$sources = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
write-progress -id 1 -Activity "Finding source files"
$sourceFiles = dir -r *.cs,*.xaml -exclude *strings.cs
foreach ($file in $sourceFiles) {
$content = get-content $file -raw
$i = 0
foreach ($name in $names.Keys) {
$percent = [int32]([double]$i / [double]($names.Count) * 100)
write-progress -id 1 -Activity "Searching" -PercentComplete $percent -Status "$key $i of $($names.Count)"
$found = $false
foreach ($source in $sources) {
# if ($source.contains(".$name") -or $source.contains("Resourcetext(`"$name`")") -or $source.contains("`"$name`"") -or $source.contains("$name = ")) {
if ($source.contains($name)) {
$found = $true
if ($found) {
else {
Write-Host "$name not found from $($names[$name])"
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