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Created September 13, 2016 07:58
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Swift 2.2 example showing how a generic protocol can be "Equatable"
import Foundation
generic protocol that is Equatable by itself
and wraps any equatable data type
protocol SameOldThingable: Equatable {
associatedtype DataType: Equatable
var data: DataType { get set }
"equals" operator overloading
this makes SameOldThingable Equatable
- parameter lhs: SameOldThingable
- parameter rhs: SameOldThingable
- return: Bool
func ==<T: SameOldThingable>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool {
return ==
concrete type that adopts "SameOldThingable"
this is implemented using generics but "SameOldThing" could also use a
typealias to specify what concrete type the associated type "DataType"
of the "SameOldThingable" protocol should be
struct SameOldThing<DataType: Equatable>: SameOldThingable {
var data: DataType
// MARK: demo
let hello = SameOldThing<String>(data: "Hello")
let world = SameOldThing<String>(data: "World")
// not equal
assert((hello == world) == false)
let anotherHello = SameOldThing<String>(data: "Hello")
// equal
assert((hello == anotherHello) == true)
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