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Steve Trewick SteveTrewick

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SteveTrewick / HexDump.swift
Last active February 1, 2025 18:52
Dump familiar hexies in swift 16 bytes then UTF8 chars
import Foundation
Hex Dumper
public struct HexDump {
SteveTrewick / sizeof.swift
Created January 6, 2025 21:02
stored a metatype and need to get the MemoryLayout, etc? Yeah, me too.
// if we have a type param, can we get the bits we need out of it,
// like length?
let xtype = UInt16.self
// MemoryLayout<xtype> etc, no no no, so ...
func sizeof<T>(_ value: T.Type) -> Int {
let sz = sizeof(xtype)
SteveTrewick / memhex.swift
Last active January 5, 2025 23:34
hex bytes of swift int in memory order (LSB->MSB)
// hex bytes of swift int in memory order (LSB->MSB)
func memhex<T: BinaryInteger>(_ value: T) -> String {
var value = value
var hex = ""
withUnsafeBytes(of: &value) { bytes in
for byte in bytes {
hex += String(format:"%02x", byte) + " "
SteveTrewick / IQ_Oscillator.swift
Created June 28, 2023 14:27
Generate the I and Q components for a local oscillator
import Foundation
Generate the I and Q components for a local oscillator
public class IQ_Oscillator {
let tau = 2 * Double.pi
SteveTrewick / Goertzel.swift
Created November 11, 2022 16:52
Demonstartion of a Goertzel Algorithm in Swift
import Foundation
Demo implementation of the famous Goertzel algorithm in Swift
NB it is not currently possible to make this generic without
also pulling in the Swift Numerics package.
SteveTrewick / AVFoundationBufferSize.swift
Last active November 9, 2022 13:55
Set the buffer size for AVFoundation captures including, e.g, AVCaptureSession via an AVCaptureAudioDataOutput
// couple of useful functions for dealing with an AVCaptureSession
// chucked out there for posterity and search
// What led to me to do this : Set size of AVCaptureAudioDataOutput buffer
// What might also lead you here : Swift AudioValueTranslation
// PLEASE NOTE : There are no error checks in this code, demo purposes only.
import AVFoundation
SteveTrewick / AudioDeviceEnumerator.swift
Created November 5, 2022 13:11
Enumerate audio input and output devices using Swift on macOS
import Foundation
import CoreAudio
import OSLog
So you want to get a list of audio input and output devices on macOS do you?
Should be easy right?
SteveTrewick / bitreverse.swift
Last active March 9, 2021 17:32
Reverse the bits of an integer in Swift
func reverse <T: FixedWidthInteger> ( word: T ) -> T {
var word = word
var rev : T = 0
for _ in (0..<word.bitWidth) {
rev = (rev << 1) + (word & 0b1)
word >>= 1
return rev
SteveTrewick / HTML-DSL3.swift
Last active July 22, 2020 18:14
Now with some embedded text tags. I'm not sold on the method or the code, but it beats writing a ton of weird combinations of buildBlock. This is one way. There is another!
import Foundation
// so the main limitation of the previous efforts was that we couldn't do e.g.
// p { "here is " em { "some" } "emphasis" }
// without starting to write crazy amounts of buildBlock functions, so...
extension XMLNode {
func named(_ name: String) -> XMLNode {
SteveTrewick / HTML-DSL2.swift
Last active July 22, 2020 15:56
Second and much nicer cut on HTML DSL in swift. No attributes etc yet, but this is a cleaner base design (in some ways at least)
import Foundation
extension XMLNode {
func named(_ name: String) -> XMLNode { = name
return self