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Created March 4, 2020 08:24
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Monadic operators for category theory
export interface Func<a, b> {
f: (_: a) => b
then: <c>(this: Func<a, b>, g: Func<b, c>) => Func<a, c>
repeat: (this: Func<a, a>) => Func<number, Func<a, a>>
repeatUntil: (this: Func<a, a>) => Func<Func<a, boolean>, Func<a, a>>
export let Func = <a, b>(f: (_: a) => b): Func<a, b> => {
return {
f: f,
then: function <c>(this: Func<a, b>, g: Func<b, c>): Func<a, c> {
return Func<a, c>(x => g.f(this.f(x)))
repeat: function (this: Func<a, a>): Func<number, Func<a, a>> {
return Func<number, Func<a, a>>(n => repeat(this, n))
repeatUntil: function(this: Func<a, a>): Func<Func<a, boolean>, Func<a, a>> {
return Func<Func<a, boolean>, Func<a, a>>(p => repeatUntil(this, p))
export let Identity = <a>(): Func<a, a> => Func(x => x)
let repeat = function <a>(f: Func<a, a>, n: number): Func<a, a> {
if (n <= 0) {
return Identity<a>() // Return the identity function when n <= 0, basicly means do nothing
else {
return f.then(repeat(f, n - 1)) // Else build a chain then's, pass f around and decrement n
let repeatUntil = function<a>(f: Func<a, a>, predicate: Func<a, boolean>) : Func<a, a> {
let g =
(x: a) => {
if (predicate.f(x)) {
return Identity<a>().f(x) // If predicate is true apply the identity function to x
else {
return f.then(repeatUntil(f, predicate)).f(x) // Else build a chain of then's pass f around and apply f to x
return Func<a, a>(g)
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