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Created January 21, 2015 00:49
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NYLT Scoutmasters' Minute

That was great, wasn't it? I love campfires. There's just something aobut flame that kind of gets you to thinking.

It can be a campfire, or a candle, a lantern... the flame dancing in the air just draws you in, and can make you think.

So what is a flame? It's something we learn very early in our Scouting career. What are the three ingredients for a flame? (ask for help)

Heat, air, and fuel. Without just one of these, the flame cannot survive. If you lack heat, your flame will just go out. Without air, your flame will choke and be snuffed out. Without fuel, your flame will starve and die away.

I keep talking about how I've been here working for this camp for almost a decade. It's important for you all to know why we're doing this. We aren't paid; in fact, we're each paying to be here, giving up our gas, a week of our paychecks, our time lounging by the pool or playing video games or whatever else we'd otherwise be doing.

The reason's you guys. It's that joy we get to see you grow and learn over the week. It's knowing that you'll leave this course with it meaning as much to you as it does for us. And it's knowing that a few of you will want to come back, and serve by passing on these lessons to the next generation of Scouts and Venturers.

So I hope you take something from this course. I want you all to leave with the flame of leadership in your hearts.

The flame of leadership also has three parts, three things which have stuck with me since I myself was a participant in NYLT: Be, Know, and Do. Keep these in mind throughout the week, and work on growing and kindling them.

The first part is BE. BE is everything about you that makes you the person you are. Who will you be this week? The quiet one in the back? A trouble maker? Or will you BE a leader, who knows when to step up and take charge, and step back and follow.

The second part is KNOW. KNOW is composed of the skills of teaching and leading to help others - and yourself - to achieve goals. If you can take care of the BE, these youth staffers will help you with the KNOW. Take their lessons to heart - they may seem corny, and maybe you won't get it all at first, but trust me, there's a lot that you can take from it all.

The final part is DO. DO is taking the toolbox of leadership skills we will teach you this week: Vision-Goals-Planning, The Leading and Teaching EDGEs, the who-what-where-how planning tools, and much more, and applying them. Not just to your troops and crews, but throughout life.

Why am I here? Because seeing how my work in this course has helped young Scouts and Venturers means more to me than graduating high school, more than a lot of my time in college, and even more than my Eagle Award.

Why are you here? You're about to find out.

As our campfire concludes, I want you to return silently to your campsites. Think about why you're here at NYLT. Dedicate yourself to making the most of the days that lie ahead. Stoke the fire of leadership in your soul. Let it grow and light up your world.

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