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Last active April 26, 2019 13:42
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  • Save StevenMDixon/6bdb1661405a16671fd75823836a6341 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save StevenMDixon/6bdb1661405a16671fd75823836a6341 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
You are a malicous hacker, You trade in one thing and one thing only, Data. Doesn't matter where you get it from Data is Data. But beware
You're always being watched and the government is good at shutting you down. Cleverly hack your way through this face paced game while big
brother is close behind.
Gather resources use those resources to Develop things that will help take over the net.
Normally there are no real challenges from clicker/idle games. I would like to put something in like an alert level or events.
- Node shut off (Randomly after a certian level a players node can be disabled. Maybe a user shut down the computer or something?)
- Maximum alert (All data gathering is stalled for a duration based on level)
- Server Wipe (Server will be set to recovery mode, Player will have to kill the server to continue.)
- Sanatized (If the alert level is to high a node or server may be sanatized/killed)
- Targeted( SomeOne is working on shutting down your Node/Server! )
- Rebooting (Something happened either you restarted the system or someone else did!)
The user is tasked with using their skills to compromise servers and take over the web. You have start with on infected computer and must exploit n
- node (A group of compromised computers, used to infect other nodes or servers, 4 systems)
- IP:
- status: (off, on, disabled, rebooting)
- task: (gathering, pinging, infecting)
- slots: []
- Difficulty: 0-10
- server (2 nodes, upgrades output from nodes [1]1.5, [2]2.0)
- IP:
- ISP: "Name"
- status: (off, on, disabled, sanatized, disabled)
- Nodes: []
- Difficulty: 0-10
- cloud server (Used to find and infect new nodes, rare, cannot connect to other servers or nodes)
- IP:
- status: (off, on)
- slot: []
- Difficulty: 0-10
- ISP (player must find 3 servers of the same isp to infect the isp, isp assignment is random, doubles bandwidth for all connected nodes)
- IP:
- Name: "Name"
- Servers: [list of discovered servers]
- Difficulty: 0-10
- Data Center (data centers are protected by Firewalls, Large Cache of data upon succesfull infection.)
- IP:
- Cache: Data Amount
- Protection: [FireWall, ]
- Difficulty: 0-10
Level: player level is based on data spent to level up
Data: current amount of data a player has found
Alert level: 0-%100 (the higher the amount the more likely the player is to expereince bad events will lower by 1% every 5 seconds)
Nodes discovered: nodes found during node pings
Nodes compromised: current number of nodes player has access to default 1.
Servers Discovered: Servers found during node pings
Servers Compromised: Servers hacked into.
ISP's Identified: number of ISPS identified
ISP's Compromised: number of ISPS the player has infected.
Data Centers Disovered: how many data centers the player has discovered. only locatable after infecting an ISP
Data Centers Compromised: How many data centers have been compromised
?-Bandwidth: limits how many slots can be filled each installable item eats bandwidth.
Data: the basic building block, without data nothing can be devloped (measured in Kb)
Expoits: Used to construct payloads.
Payloads: Used to hack into servers and firewalls.
Installable Node systems:
Bots: (Compromised System): bots collect Data, must be crafted with data. (1kbps, 1 bw)
VPN: reduces alert lvl reduces dataspeed (data speed halfed for node 1%/5s, 1bw)
Decoy: Allows this node to be disabled from events in anothers stead. (1bw)
BotNet: (Compromised Cluster): Cluster of bots created by using four bots. harvests 1.5x than amount 4 bots would. (6kbps, 2bw)
Encrypter: Reduces alert level. (2bw, 1%/2s)
Exploiter: Crafted from data, generates exploits used to construct payloads. (1mb = 1 exploit/min, 2bw)
Crack Generator: Converts data and exploits into payloads, crafted from 1 Exploiter and 2 Botnets. (1 payload/min, 1bw)
Cracking Cluster: Converts data and exploits into payloads, crafted from 4 Crack generators. (6 payload/min, 4bw).
Installable Cloud Server systems:
Compromised Site: Allows server to infect new nodes (% chance of happening)
Email Generator: Allows server to infect new nodes higher chance but uses data
Interceptor: Actively lowers alert level
level progression:
player will use data to level up. level cost will be exponentional power of 2?
levels will unlock scripts and upgrades.
Level expereince required
0: Bots, VPN 0
1: BotNets, Decoy 1mb
2: Node Upgrades BW +1, 1mb^2
3: Servers, Exploiter available 1mb^3
4: Crack Generator, Encrypter 1mb^4
5: Node Upgrades BW +1 1mb^5
6: Cloud Servers 1mb^6
7: ISPs Now discoverable 1mb^7
8: Bots/BotNets upgrade (5kpbs) 1mb^8
9: Cracking Cluster, Data Centers Now discoverable 1mb^9
10: Pristige! 1mb^10
Main system commands
- help: list all available commands (will not list non-revealed items)
- level-up: levels up player once specifics are met
- color: specify color for system
- node
-l : lits node status
-k(0-~) : shuts node off
-r(0-~) : uninstalls all items from node.
-s : show list of installable/installed items
-i : install specified items
-u : uninstall specified items
-c : connects specified node to server
-t(ip) : target server to connect to
- server
-l: lists all servers and ip adresses.
-t(ip) specify server by ip
-k: kills specified server, disconnects all nodes.
-s: list stats of specified server
- dev
-l list all developable items
-d develop specified item
- task
- p : node will stop producing data and scan for servers/nodes/isps/data centers will stop after finding one item.
- i : node will start infecting specified ip address provided
- k : kill task that is running on node, returns to gather
- g : node will gather data from bots
- t : specify ip for node to attack with infection
React Components
- Desktop - main window
- Prompts - graphics for each cmd window
- Text
- Alerts?
progress bars:
<[= 10% ]>
command prompt: syntax highlighting like powershell
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