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Last active March 20, 2023 15:07
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  • Save StevenMeiklejohn/853d785058d1643b4722d1147fcfb677 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save StevenMeiklejohn/853d785058d1643b4722d1147fcfb677 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Git & GitHub Homework


  • Create a folder in your week_01/day_1 directory
mkdir precourse_recap
cd precourse_recap
  • Initialize a git repository in the folder
git init
  • Create a new file called
  • In the file, write a simple Python program:

    • create variables of different types
    • call some methods/functions using these variables
    • use some operators (e.g. +, -)

    For example:

    # create variables of different types
    day_of_week = "Monday"
    current_week = 1
    current_day_of_week = 1
    # call the print function using the variables and some operators
    # we also use the str() function to convert integers to strings
    print("Today is " + day_of_week + ", Week " + str(current_week) 
          + " Day " + str(current_day_of_week) + " of CodeClan")
    # run your file in your terminal:
    # python3
    # and it should print out:
    # Today is Monday, Week 1 Day 1 of CodeClan

    Another example:

    current_week = 1
    current_day_of_week = 1
    total_course_weeks = 16
    total_course_days_per_week = 5
    def weeks_to_go():
      weeks_left = total_course_weeks - current_week
      days_left = total_course_days_per_week - current_day_of_week
      print(f"Only {weeks_left} weeks and {days_left} days to go!")
    def motivate_me():
      print("We got this!! You're doing great!!!")
    # Only 15 weeks and 4 days to go!
    # We got this!! You're doing great!!!
  • Save the file!

  • Stage the file

git add .
  • Commit the files to the repository
git commit -m "first commit"

Remote - Github

  • Create a new repository


  • Add the Github remote
  • Push to the remote repository
git push origin main
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