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Created November 14, 2022 11:35
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Classes Lab

In this lab, we'd like you to make some classes of your own. Below we've outlined a few scenarios to be modelled as classes.

We have provided a set of files where you can create your classes and test your code.

Learning Objectives

  • Be able to create your own class
  • Be able to create objects
  • Be able to add properties to a class
  • Be able to access and modify properties
  • Be able to add methods to a class
  • Be able to modify the value of properties in methods

Part A

For this part we want you to make a class that represents a CodeClan student.

The files for this section can be found in single_class_lab_start_code/student_class

You should write your code in the the src/ file. The tests we have provided are in tests/ They are all skipped at the moment. You should work through the tests one at a time, deleting the line which causes the test to skip.

To run the tests:


  • Create a class called Student that has the properties name (str) and cohort (str).
  • Create an __init__ method that takes in a name (str) and a cohort (str - e.g "E41", "G19", etc) to initialise the properties when a new student is created.
  • Create a talk method that gets the student to talk, returning "I can talk!".
  • Create a method, say_favourite_language that takes in a students favourite programming language and returns it as part of a string (eg. student.say_favourite_language("Python") -> "I love Python").

Part B

Now we would like you to make a class that represents a sports team.

The files for this section can be found in single_class_lab_start_code/team_class

You should write your code in the the src/ file. The tests we have provided are in tests/ They are all skipped at the moment. You should work through the tests one at a time, deleting the line which causes the test to skip.

To run the tests:


  • Create a class called Team that has the properties properties name (str), players (list of strs) and a coach (str).
  • Create an __init__ method that takes in a name (str), a list of player names (as strs) and a coach(str) to initialise the properties when a new team is created.
  • Create a method add_player that takes in a string of a new players's name and adds that new player to the players list.
  • Add a method has_player that takes in a string of a player's name and checks to see if they are in the players list. It should return True if the player's name is in the list and False otherwise.


  • Add a points property into your class that starts at 0 without adding it as a parameter inside your init function.

  • Create a method, play_game that takes in whether the team has won(True) or lost(False) and adds 3 to the points property for a win.

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