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Created February 23, 2018 11:45
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class LagCreator(object):
def __init__(self, groupby_keys, lagdict, drop_cols=True, suffix=''):
self.groupby_keys = groupby_keys
self.lagdict = lagdict
self.drop_cols = drop_cols
self.suffix = suffix
def transform(self, X):
cols_to_drop = list(set([item for sublist in
self.lagdict.values() for item in sublist]))
for week in self.lagdict:
df_add = X.groupby(self.groupby_keys)[self.lagdict[week]].shift(-week)
new_colnames = [col + str(week).replace('-', '_') + self.suffix for col in df_add.columns]
X[new_colnames] = df_add
if self.drop_cols:
X = X.drop(cols_to_drop, axis=1)
return X
static_cols = ['cpi', 'unemployment', 'fuel_price', 'markdown1', 'markdown2', 'markdown3','markdown4', 'markdown5']
lagdict = {
-2: ['weekly_sales'],
-1: ['weekly_sales', 'weekly_sales_sm1', 'weekly_sales_sm3'],
0: ['weekly_sales', 'isholiday', 'temperature'] + static_cols,
1: ['weekly_sales', 'isholiday', 'temperature', 'weekly_sales_1ly'],
2: ['weekly_sales', 'isholiday', 'temperature', 'weekly_sales_1ly']
lagdict_yearly = {
-1: ['weekly_sales']
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