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Last active May 18, 2019 01:53
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  • Save StevenWarren/1111832b1779efdbf52e790094b9a3fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save StevenWarren/1111832b1779efdbf52e790094b9a3fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Create C# POCO class from SQL Server
@table varchar(100),
@tmp varchar(max),
@usings varchar(100),
@namespace varchar(100),
@lf char(2),
@t char(1);
SET @table = 'action';
SET @namespace = 'MyProject.Models';
SET @lf = CHAR(13)+CHAR(10);
SET @t = CHAR(9);
SET @usings = 'using System;'+@lf+'using System.Collections.Generic;'+@lf+'using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;'+@lf+@lf
SELECT @tmp = Class FROM(
'namespace '+@namespace + @lf +
@t+(Select(IIF(col.is_identity = 1,'[TableName("''", "''")]','')) FROM sys.columns COL WHERE col.object_id = TAB.object_id AND col.is_identity = 1) + @lf +
@t+'public class ' + + 'DTO' + @lf +
@t + '{'+ @lf +
SELECT cols.Required + cols.MaxLength + @t + @t +'public '+ NullablePrefix +cols.dotnettype + NullableSuffix +' ' + cols.columnname + ' { get; set; }' + @lf AS prop
SELECT col.NAME AS columnname,
col.user_type_id AS datatypeid,
typ.NAME AS datatypename,
iif(col.is_nullable = 1 AND typ.NAME NOT IN ('nvarchar','nchar', 'bit'),'Nullable<','') as NullablePrefix,
iif(col.is_nullable = 1 AND typ.NAME NOT IN ('nvarchar','nchar', 'bit'),'>','') as NullableSuffix,
WHEN typ.NAME IN ('varbinary',
'rowversion') THEN 'Byte[]'
WHEN typ.NAME IN ('nvarchar',
'nchar') THEN 'String'
WHEN typ.NAME = 'uniqueidentifier' THEN 'Guid'
WHEN typ.NAME = 'bit' THEN 'Boolean'
WHEN typ.NAME = 'tinyint' THEN 'Byte'
WHEN typ.NAME = 'smallint' THEN 'Int16'
WHEN typ.NAME = 'int' THEN 'Int32'
WHEN typ.NAME = 'bigint' THEN 'Int64'
WHEN typ.NAME IN ('smallmoney',
'decimal') THEN 'Decimal'
WHEN typ.NAME = 'real' THEN 'Single'
WHEN typ.NAME = 'float' THEN 'Double'
WHEN typ.NAME IN ('smalldatetime',
'datetime') THEN 'DateTime'
END AS dotnettype,
Iif(typ.NAME IN ('nvarchar','nchar'),@t + @t + '[MaxLength('+Cast(col.max_length AS NVARCHAR)+')]'+ @lf,'') AS [MaxLength],
WHEN col.is_nullable=1 THEN ''
WHEN col.is_nullable=0 THEN @t + @t + '[Required]'+ @lf
END AS [Required]
FROM sys.columns COL
INNER JOIN sys.types TYP
ON typ.user_type_id = col.user_type_id
WHERE col.object_id = TAB.object_id ) AS cols FOR xml path (''),TYPE
).value('.', 'varchar(max)'),1,0,'')
+ @t + '}' + @lf + '}' [Class]
FROM sys.tables tab
WHERE tab.NAME = @table) as res
print @tmp;
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  • Added Custom Attribute (TableName) to class declaration.
  • Added Nullable<{{type}}> for nullable fields.

Example output:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

namespace MyProject.Models
	[TableName("action", "action_id")]
	public class actionDTO
		public Int32 action_id { get; set; }
		public String ifunc { get; set; }
		public Boolean ismenu { get; set; }
		public String descrip { get; set; }
		public Nullable<Decimal> levelreq { get; set; }

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