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Created May 4, 2019 16:05
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Bespoke Monad
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
module Effects.BespokeMonad where
-- Log the value of the accumulator.
-- Pick an integer uniformly randomly from the half-open interval [0, 10).
-- Mutate the accumulator by adding the random integer to it.
-- We need an abstract data type
-- We need an execution fuction
-- We need helper functions
-- See:
-- Goal:
-- Solution 1: Bespoke Monad
import Control.Monad (replicateM_)
import System.Random (StdGen, getStdGen, randomR)
-- Abstract data type
data Computation a = Computation
{ unCompution :: StdGen -> Integer -> (StdGen, Integer, String, a)
-- Helper functions
getRandom :: Computation Integer
getRandom =
Computation $ \g1 i ->
let (r, g2) = randomR (0, 10) g1
in (g2, i, "", r)
getAccumulator :: Computation Integer
getAccumulator = Computation $ \g1 i -> (g1, i, "", i)
setAccumulator :: Integer -> Computation ()
setAccumulator i = Computation $ \g1 _ -> (g1, i, "", ())
logOutput :: String -> Computation ()
logOutput s = Computation $ \g1 i -> (g1, i, s, ())
-- Interpreter / Execution Function
runComputation ::
Computation a -> StdGen -> Integer -> (StdGen, Integer, String, a)
runComputation c s i = unCompution c s i
-- program
program :: Computation ()
program =
replicateM_ 10 $ do
i <- getAccumulator
logOutput (show i ++ "\n")
r <- getRandom
setAccumulator (r + i)
-- Instances
instance Functor Computation where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Computation a -> Computation b
fmap f m =
Computation $ \g1 i ->
let (g2, i2, s, a) = runComputation m g1 i
in (g2, i2, s, f a)
instance Applicative Computation where
pure :: a -> Computation a
pure a = Computation $ \g1 i -> (g1, i, "", a)
(<*>) :: Computation (a -> b) -> Computation a -> Computation b
(<*>) c1 c2 =
Computation $ \g1 i1 ->
let (g2, i2, s2, f) = runComputation c1 g1 i1
(g3, i3, s3, a) = runComputation c2 g2 i2
in (g3, i3, s3, f a)
instance Monad Computation where
return :: a -> Computation a
return a = pure a
(>>=) :: Computation a -> (a -> Computation b) -> Computation b
(>>=) c k =
Computation $ \g1 i1 ->
let (g2, i2, s2, a) = runComputation c g1 i1
(g3, i3, s3, b) = runComputation (k a) g2 i2
in (g3, i3, s2 ++ s3, b)
main :: IO ()
main = do
stdGen <- getStdGen
print $ runComputation program stdGen 10
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