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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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FreeCodeCamp - TwitchTV API
$(document).ready(function() {
// on document ready
var baseEndpoint = ""
var users = ["medrybw", "freecodecamp", "storbeck", "terakilobyte", "habathcx","RobotCaleb","comster404","brunofin","thomasballinger","noobs2ninjas","beohoff"]
var JSONP = "?callback=?"
// user arrays
var allUsers = [];
var onlineUsers = [];
var offlineUsers = [];
// for each user
users.forEach(function(currUser) {
// make a request to the API
$.getJSON(baseEndpoint + currUser + JSONP, function(data) {
// gather and format information for user
var user = {};
// userName
user["userName"] = currUser;
// streamStatus
if (data["stream"] === null) {
user["streamStatus"] = "user-off";
else {
user["streamStatus"] = "user-on";
// img
if (user["streamStatus"] === "user-on") {
user["img"] = data["stream"]["channel"]["logo"];
else {
user["img"] = "";
// push to all users
// push to on / off user array as appropriate
if (user["streamStatus"] === "user-on") {
else {
// functions to create the DOM structure appended to the .user-list DOM node
// function for #all button
function allButton(){
var nodeStructure = '';
allUsers.forEach(function(userObject) {
// verbose in order to make structure of node clear
nodeStructure += '<div class="col-md-2 user">';
nodeStructure += '<img src="' + userObject["img"] +'" alt="' + userObject["userName"] + ' Profile">';
nodeStructure += '<span class="user-name">' + userObject["userName"] + '</span>';
nodeStructure += '<i class="fa fa-check-square-o fa-lg user-on"></i>';
nodeStructure += '</div>';
// find the .user-list element on the DOM and append newly created node(s) to it
// test
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