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Created December 19, 2022 22:34
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Solution to AOC 2022 Day 19 Part 1
<Query Kind="Program">
#load "../common/aoc-input-util.linq"
#load "../common/aoc-parsers.linq"
void Main()
const bool UseSampleInput = false;
using (var tr =
UseSampleInput ? GetSampleInput() : OpenDataFile()
var bplst = ParseInput(tr).ToList();
var lst = bplst.Select(sim => new { id =, maxGeodes = FindMaxGeodes(new MiningSimulation(sim)) }).ToList()
//.Dump("blueprint scores")
lst.Select(x => * x.maxGeodes).Sum().Dump("Part 1");
static int GetFinalGeodesUpperBound(MiningSimulation sim)
// v1: assumed we could create a new geode robot each cycle.
// not close enough to reality to prune enough dead branches; couldn't even solve the sample
// v2: assumed we could create a new obsidian robot each cycle
// good enough for the sample but too slow for the puzzle
// v3: assume we can create a new clay robot each cycle
int geodeRobotCount = sim.GeodeRobotCount;
int obsidianRobotCount = sim.ObsidianRobotCount;
int clayRobotCount = sim.ClayRobotCount;
int obsidianCount = sim.ObsidianCount;
int obsidianCost = sim.GeodeRobotObsidianCost;
int clayCount = sim.ClayCount;
int clayCost = sim.ObsidianRobotClayCost;
int geodeCount = sim.GeodeCount;
for (int i = sim.TimePassed; i < TimeLimit; i++)
var newClayRobotCount = clayRobotCount;
var newObsidianRobotCount = obsidianRobotCount;
var newGeodeRobotCount = geodeRobotCount;
if (obsidianCount >= obsidianCost)
// spend 1min building a geode robot
obsidianCount -= obsidianCost;
if (clayCount >= clayCost)
// spend 1min building an obsidian robot
clayCount -= clayCost;
// somehow also spend that same minute building a clay robot
clayCount += clayRobotCount;
obsidianCount += obsidianRobotCount;
geodeCount += geodeRobotCount;
geodeRobotCount = newGeodeRobotCount;
obsidianRobotCount = newObsidianRobotCount;
clayRobotCount = newClayRobotCount;
return geodeCount;
record struct MiningAction(int time, string robotType)
public override string ToString()
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("T={0}: ", time);
if (robotType == null) sb.Append("Wait");
else sb.Append("Build ").Append(robotType);
return sb.ToString();
const int TimeLimit = 24;
int FindMaxGeodes(MiningSimulation sim)
var queue = new CheapPriorityQueue<(double rate, int timePassed, int estimatedFutureValue),
(MiningSimulation sim, ImmutableList<MiningAction> history, ImmutableList<MiningSimulation> simHistory)>();
queue.Enqueue((0.0, 0, 0),
(sim, ImmutableList<MiningAction>.Empty,
var dc = new DumpContainer()
var dc_best = new DumpContainer()
//.Dump("Best pressure, err, geode count")
int bestGeodesEver = 0;
ImmutableList<MiningAction> bestSequence = default;
ImmutableList<MiningSimulation> bestHistory = default;
while (queue.Count > 0)
var (state, history, simHistory) = queue.Dequeue();
dc.Content = $"Queue count = {queue.Count}";
if (state.TimePassed > TimeLimit)
continue; // dead
if (state.TimePassed > 0)
simHistory = simHistory.Add(state);
var curGeodeCount = state.GeodeCount;
if (curGeodeCount > bestGeodesEver)
bestGeodesEver = curGeodeCount;
bestSequence = history;
bestHistory = simHistory;
dc_best.Content = bestGeodesEver;
if (state.TimePassed == TimeLimit) continue; // outtatime
var finalGeodesUpperBound = state.GetFinalValueUpperBound();
if (finalGeodesUpperBound <= bestGeodesEver)
// dead-end
foreach (var robot2build in state.GetBuildableRobots())
var nextState = state.BuildRobot(robot2build);
queue.Enqueue((-nextState.GeodesPerMinute, -nextState.TimePassed, -nextState.GetFinalValueUpperBound()),
(nextState, history.Add(new MiningAction(state.TimePassed, robot2build)), simHistory)
if (state.MakesSenseToWait)
var nextState = state.Wait1Minute();
queue.Enqueue((-nextState.GeodesPerMinute, -nextState.TimePassed, -nextState.GetFinalValueUpperBound()),
(nextState, history.Add(new MiningAction(state.TimePassed, null)), simHistory)
return bestGeodesEver;
#region CheapPriorityQueue
class CheapPriorityQueue<TPriority, TValue>
class ShimComparer : IComparer<(TPriority key, long sequence)>
IComparer<TPriority> _keyComparer;
public ShimComparer(IComparer<TPriority> keyComparer)
_keyComparer = keyComparer;
public int Compare((TPriority key, long sequence) x, (TPriority key, long sequence) y)
int cmp = _keyComparer.Compare(x.key, y.key);
if (cmp != 0) return cmp;
return x.sequence.CompareTo(y.sequence);
SortedDictionary<(TPriority key, long sequence), TValue> _dict;
long _sequence;
public CheapPriorityQueue() : this(Comparer<TPriority>.Default)
public CheapPriorityQueue(IComparer<TPriority> comparer)
_dict = new SortedDictionary<(TPriority, long), TValue>(new ShimComparer(comparer));
public int Count => _dict.Count;
public TValue Dequeue()
var firstEntry = _dict.First();
return firstEntry.Value;
public void Enqueue(TPriority priority, TValue value)
var sequence = _sequence++;
_dict[(priority, sequence)] = value;
class MiningSimulation
public MiningSimulation(Blueprint blueprint)
this.Blueprint = blueprint;
RobotCount = new int[blueprint.robots.Length];
ResourceCount = new int[blueprint.robots.Length];
var typeMap = TypeMap = new Dictionary<string, int>();
var robots = blueprint.robots;
for (int i = 0; i < robots.Length; i++)
typeMap[robots[i].type] = i;
// you start with one ore robot
_clayIndex = typeMap["clay"];
_obsidianIndex = typeMap["obsidian"];
_geodeIndex = typeMap["geode"];
int? _finalGeodesUpperBound;
public int GetFinalValueUpperBound()
if (_finalGeodesUpperBound == null)
_finalGeodesUpperBound = GetFinalGeodesUpperBound(this);
return _finalGeodesUpperBound.Value;
public MiningSimulation Clone()
var tmp = (MiningSimulation)MemberwiseClone();
tmp._finalGeodesUpperBound = null;
tmp.RobotCount = (int[])tmp.RobotCount.Clone();
tmp.ResourceCount = (int[])tmp.ResourceCount.Clone();
tmp.MakesSenseToWait = false;
return tmp;
public int GetResourceCount(string name) => ResourceCount[TypeMap[name]];
public MiningSimulation Wait1Minute()
var copy = Clone();
return copy;
void Advance1Minute()
MakesSenseToWait = false;
for (int i = 0; i < RobotCount.Length; i++)
ResourceCount[i] += RobotCount[i];
public MiningSimulation BuildRobot(string type)
var copy = Clone();
var typeIdx = TypeMap[type];
return copy;
void BuildRobot(int typeIdx)
var robotDef = Blueprint.robots[typeIdx];
var resource1idx = TypeMap[robotDef.cost1.type];
var resource2idx = (robotDef.cost2.qty > 0 ? TypeMap[robotDef.cost2.type] : 0);
var tmp = ResourceCount[resource1idx] -= robotDef.cost1.qty;
if (tmp < 0) throw new Exception("can't build this robot!");
tmp = ResourceCount[resource2idx] -= robotDef.cost2.qty;
if (tmp < 0) throw new Exception("can't build this robot!");
enum RobotBuildPolicy
RobotBuildPolicy GetBuildPolicy(RobotType robot)
var type1idx = TypeMap[robot.cost1.type];
var type2idx = (robot.cost2.qty > 0) ? TypeMap[robot.cost2.type] : type1idx;
// can we build it? YES WE CAN!
if (ResourceCount[type1idx] >= robot.cost1.qty &&
ResourceCount[type2idx] >= robot.cost2.qty)
return RobotBuildPolicy.CanBuild;
// hrm. well, will we be able to build it in the FUTURE?
if (RobotCount[type1idx] > 0 && RobotCount[type2idx] > 0)
return RobotBuildPolicy.CanSoonBuild;
// okay, we can't build this robot, but waiting is not going to improve the situation
// (THIS HEURISTIC IS SLIGHTLY WRONG. I hope it's not wrong enough to give me the wrong answer.)
return RobotBuildPolicy.CannotBuild;
public IEnumerable<string> GetBuildableRobots()
var robots = Blueprint.robots;
for (int i = 0; i < robots.Length; i++)
var robot = robots[i];
var policy = GetBuildPolicy(robot);
if (policy == RobotBuildPolicy.CanBuild) yield return robot.type;
else if (policy == RobotBuildPolicy.CanSoonBuild) MakesSenseToWait = true;
public readonly Blueprint Blueprint;
public int TimePassed { get; private set; }
readonly int _obsidianIndex;
readonly int _geodeIndex;
readonly int _clayIndex;
public int GeodeCount => ResourceCount[_geodeIndex];
public int GeodeRobotCount => RobotCount[_geodeIndex];
public int ObsidianCount => ResourceCount[_obsidianIndex];
public int ObsidianRobotCount => RobotCount[_obsidianIndex];
public int GeodeRobotObsidianCost => Blueprint.robots[_geodeIndex].cost2.qty;
public int ClayCount => ResourceCount[_clayIndex];
public int ClayRobotCount => RobotCount[_clayIndex];
public int ObsidianRobotClayCost => Blueprint.robots[_obsidianIndex].cost2.qty;
public double GeodesPerMinute => (double)GeodeCount / (double)TimePassed;
public bool MakesSenseToWait { get; private set; }
readonly Dictionary<string, int> TypeMap;
int[] RobotCount;
int[] ResourceCount;
public object ToDump() => new {
Robots = RobotCount,
Resources = ResourceCount,
record struct RobotCost(int qty, string type);
record struct RobotType(string type, RobotCost cost1, RobotCost cost2);
record class Blueprint(int id, RobotType[] robots);
IEnumerable<Blueprint> ParseInput(TextReader tr)
var bp_parser = new Regex(@"^Blueprint (\d+): ");
var robot_parser1 = new Regex(@"^Each (\w+) robot costs (\d+) (\w+)\.\s*");
var robot_parser2 = new Regex(@"^Each (\w+) robot costs (\d+) (\w+) and (\d+) (\w+)\.\s*");
foreach (var _line in ReadAllLines(tr))
var line = _line;
var m = bp_parser.Match(line); if (!m.Success) throw new Exception(_line);
int bp_id = int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value);
line = line.Substring(m.Groups[0].Length);
var robots = new List<RobotType>(4);
while (line.Length > 0)
m = robot_parser1.Match(line);
if (m.Success)
line = line.Substring(m.Groups[0].Length);
var robot = new RobotType(m.Groups[1].Value,
new RobotCost(int.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value), m.Groups[3].Value),
m = robot_parser2.Match(line);
if (m.Success)
line = line.Substring(m.Groups[0].Length);
var robot = new RobotType(m.Groups[1].Value,
new RobotCost(int.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value), m.Groups[3].Value),
new RobotCost(int.Parse(m.Groups[4].Value), m.Groups[5].Value)
throw new Exception("error: " + _line);
yield return new Blueprint(
const string EXAMPLE_1 = @"
Blueprint 1: Each ore robot costs 4 ore. Each clay robot costs 2 ore. Each obsidian robot costs 3 ore and 14 clay. Each geode robot costs 2 ore and 7 obsidian.
Blueprint 2: Each ore robot costs 2 ore. Each clay robot costs 3 ore. Each obsidian robot costs 3 ore and 8 clay. Each geode robot costs 3 ore and 12 obsidian.
TextReader GetSampleInput()
return new StringReader(EXAMPLE_1);
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