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Last active December 17, 2023 19:01
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Caching solution for AOC 2023 day 16
#load "C:\Users\Stevie-O\Documents\LINQPad Queries\advent-of-code\common\aoc-input-util.linq"
#load "C:\Users\Stevie-O\Documents\LINQPad Queries\advent-of-code\common\aoc-parsers.linq"
const string EXAMPLE_1 = @"
void Main()
using (var tr =
var input = ReadAllLines(tr).ToArray();
var day16 = new Day16(input);
internal class Day16
enum Direction
NORTH = UserQuery.NORTH, EAST = UserQuery.EAST, SOUTH = UserQuery.SOUTH, WEST = UserQuery.WEST
class VisitTracker
bool[,] VisitGrid;
int Height => VisitGrid.GetLength(1);
int Width => VisitGrid.GetLength(0);
HashSet<SignedPoint> VisitSet = new HashSet<SignedPoint>();
public VisitTracker(int width, int height)
VisitGrid = new bool[width, height];
public bool IsVisited(int x, int y) =>
VisitGrid[x, y]
VisitSet.Contains(new SignedPoint(x, y))
public void PrintVisitGrid()
for (var y = 0; y < Height; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < Width; x++)
Console.Write(VisitGrid[x, y] ? 'X' : '.');
public int GetVisitCount()
var count = 0;
for (var x = 0; x < Width; x++)
for (var y = 0; y < Height; y++)
if (VisitGrid[x, y])
return count;
return VisitSet.Count;
public bool Visit(SignedPoint location)
if (VisitGrid[location.X, location.Y]) return false;
VisitGrid[location.X, location.Y] = true;
return true;
return VisitSet.Add(location);
public void MergeFrom(VisitTracker other)
for (var x = 0; x < Width; x++)
for (var y = 0; y < Height; y++)
VisitGrid[x, y] |= other.VisitGrid[x, y];
class LightRay
public SignedPoint Position;
public Direction Direction;
public int Width;
public int Height;
public LightRay(SignedPoint position, Direction direction, int width, int height)
Position = position;
Direction = direction;
Width = width;
Height = height;
public void TurnCW()
Direction = (Direction)(((int)Direction + 2) % 8);
public void TurnCCW()
Direction = (Direction)(((int)Direction + 6) % 8);
public bool Move()
Position += DirectionVelocity[(int)Direction];
if (Position.X < 0 || Position.X >= Width || Position.Y < 0 || Position.Y >= Height)
return false;
return true;
char[,] Grid;
int Width;
int Height;
string RenderGrid(VisitTracker visited)
var sb = new StringBuilder((Width + Environment.NewLine.Length) * Height);
for (var y = 0; y < Height; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < Width; x++)
char gridch = Grid[x, y];
char drawch = gridch switch
'.' => visited.IsVisited(x, y) ? '#' : '.',
_ => gridch,
return sb.ToString();
VisitTracker CreateTracker() => new VisitTracker(Width, Height);
public Day16(string[] lines)
Width = lines[0].Length;
Height = lines.Length;
Grid = new char[lines[0].Length, lines.Length];
for (var y = 0; y < lines.Length; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < lines[y].Length; x++)
Grid[x, y] = lines[y][x];
enum RayAction
MoveOn, // '.'
PipeThrough, // '|' from north/south or '-' from east/west
OffGrid, // exited the grid
SplitNS, // '|' from east/west
SplitEW, // '-' from north/south
RayAction GetRayAction(SignedPoint position, Direction dir)
return Grid[position.X, position.Y] switch
'.' => RayAction.MoveOn,
'/' => (dir == Direction.EAST || dir == Direction.WEST) ? RayAction.TurnCCW : RayAction.TurnCW,
'\\' => (dir == Direction.EAST || dir == Direction.WEST) ? RayAction.TurnCW : RayAction.TurnCCW,
'|' => (dir == Direction.NORTH || dir == Direction.SOUTH) ? RayAction.PipeThrough : RayAction.SplitNS,
'-' => (dir == Direction.NORTH || dir == Direction.SOUTH) ? RayAction.SplitEW : RayAction.PipeThrough,
Dictionary<(SignedPoint, Direction), (RayAction action, SignedPoint endPos, Direction endDir, VisitTracker visited)> SegmentCache = new();
(RayAction action, SignedPoint endPos, Direction endDir, VisitTracker visited) RunRaySegment(RayAction startAction, SignedPoint startPos, Direction startDir)
var cacheKey = (startPos, startDir);
if (!SegmentCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out var result))
result = SegmentCache[cacheKey] = _RunRaySegment(startAction, startPos, startDir);
SegmentCache[(result.endPos, GetReverseDirection(result.endDir))] = (startAction, startPos, GetReverseDirection(startDir), result.visited);
return result;
static Direction GetReverseDirection(Direction d) =>
(RayAction action, SignedPoint endPos, Direction endDir, VisitTracker visited) _RunRaySegment(RayAction startAction, SignedPoint startPos, Direction startDir)
var tracker = CreateTracker();
var ray = new LightRay(startPos, startDir, Width, Height);
// if we didn't start from off-grid, make sure we track that we visited the start position
if (startAction != RayAction.OffGrid)
RayAction stopAction = RayAction.OffGrid;
while (ray.Move())
var stop = false;
var action = GetRayAction(ray.Position, ray.Direction);
switch (action)
case RayAction.MoveOn: break;
case RayAction.TurnCCW: ray.TurnCCW(); break;
case RayAction.TurnCW: ray.TurnCW(); break;
default: // terminate segment
stopAction = action;
stop = true; // can't "break" out of the while loop from here
if (stop) break;
return (stopAction, ray.Position, ray.Direction, tracker);
VisitTracker RunRay(SignedPoint entryPoint, Direction entryDirection)
var visited = new HashSet<(SignedPoint, Direction)>();
var tracker = CreateTracker();
var rays = new Queue<(RayAction startAction, SignedPoint startPos, Direction startDir)>();
rays.Enqueue((RayAction.OffGrid, entryPoint, entryDirection));
while (rays.Count > 0)
var rayInfo = rays.Dequeue();
if (!visited.Add((rayInfo.startPos, rayInfo.startDir)))
//Console.WriteLine("Already visited: {0}", (rayInfo.startPos, rayInfo.startDir));
continue; // we've already done this one
var newRayInfo = RunRaySegment(rayInfo.startAction, rayInfo.startPos, rayInfo.startDir);
//RenderGrid(newRayInfo.visited).Dump($"{rayInfo} -> {newRayInfo}");
//Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1}", rayInfo, newRayInfo);
// merge in all the spots visited by this last segment
switch (newRayInfo.action)
case RayAction.OffGrid: break; // dead-end
case RayAction.PipeThrough:
// keep going
rays.Enqueue((RayAction.PipeThrough, newRayInfo.endPos, newRayInfo.endDir));
//Console.WriteLine("enqueued: {0}", rays.Last());
case RayAction.SplitEW:
rays.Enqueue((RayAction.PipeThrough, newRayInfo.endPos, Direction.EAST));
rays.Enqueue((RayAction.PipeThrough, newRayInfo.endPos, Direction.WEST));
case RayAction.SplitNS:
rays.Enqueue((RayAction.PipeThrough, newRayInfo.endPos, Direction.NORTH));
rays.Enqueue((RayAction.PipeThrough, newRayInfo.endPos, Direction.SOUTH));
default: throw new Exception("internal error");
return tracker;
public object Solve_1()
var ray = RunRay(new SignedPoint(-1, 0), Direction.EAST);
return ray.GetVisitCount();
public object Solve_2()
var rayCount = 0;
/* start a ray from each point along the border of the grid and find which one returns the largest visit count */
var maxVisitCount = 0;
for (var x = 0; x < Width; x++)
var ray = RunRay(new SignedPoint(x, -1), Direction.SOUTH);
maxVisitCount = Math.Max(maxVisitCount, ray.GetVisitCount());
ray = RunRay(new SignedPoint(x, Height), Direction.NORTH);
maxVisitCount = Math.Max(maxVisitCount, ray.GetVisitCount());
rayCount += 2;
for (var y = 0; y < Height; y++)
var ray = RunRay(new SignedPoint(-1, y), Direction.EAST);
maxVisitCount = Math.Max(maxVisitCount, ray.GetVisitCount());
ray = RunRay(new SignedPoint(Width, y), Direction.WEST);
maxVisitCount = Math.Max(maxVisitCount, ray.GetVisitCount());
rayCount += 2;
return maxVisitCount;
#region SignedPoint
const int NORTH = 0, NORTHEAST = 1, EAST = 2, SOUTHEAST = 3, SOUTH = 4, SOUTHWEST = 5, WEST = 6, NORTHWEST = 7;
static readonly string[] DirectionNames = new string[] { nameof(NORTH), nameof(NORTHEAST), nameof(EAST), nameof(SOUTHEAST), nameof(SOUTH), nameof(SOUTHWEST), nameof(WEST), nameof(NORTHWEST), };
static readonly int[] ReverseDirection = new int[] { SOUTH, SOUTHWEST, WEST, NORTHWEST, NORTH, NORTHEAST, EAST, SOUTHEAST };
static readonly Velocity[] DirectionVelocity = new[]
new Velocity(0, -1), // NORTH
new Velocity(1, -1), // NORTHEAST
new Velocity(1, 0), // EAST
new Velocity(1, 1), // SOUTHEAST
new Velocity(0, 1), // SOUTH
new Velocity(-1, 1), // SOUTHWEST
new Velocity(-1, 0), // WEST
new Velocity(-1, -1), // NORTHWEST
readonly struct Velocity
public readonly int Dx, Dy;
public Velocity(int dx, int dy)
Dx = dx; Dy = dy;
public static Velocity operator *(in Velocity v, int c)
return new Velocity(v.Dx * c, v.Dy * c);
public override string ToString() => ToString(null, null);
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
return string.Concat("dx = ", Dx.ToString(format, formatProvider), ", dy = ", Dy.ToString(format, formatProvider));
// Point structure optimized for signed coordinates (from my 2018 solutions)
readonly struct SignedPoint : IEquatable<SignedPoint>, IFormattable
public static SignedPoint Origin => new SignedPoint();
public readonly int X, Y;
//public int DistanceFromOrigin => GetManhattanDistance(SignedPoint.Origin);
public SignedPoint(int x, int y) { X = x; Y = y; }
public static SignedPoint operator +(SignedPoint sp, in Velocity v) => sp.OffsetBy(v);
public SignedPoint OffsetBy(int dx, int dy) { return new SignedPoint(X + dx, Y + dy); }
public SignedPoint OffsetBy(in Velocity v) { return OffsetBy(v.Dx, v.Dy); }
public SignedPoint FlipX() { return new SignedPoint(-X, Y); }
public SignedPoint FlipY() { return new SignedPoint(X, -Y); }
public SignedPoint FlipXY() { return new SignedPoint(-X, -Y); }
public SignedPoint Go(int direction) { return OffsetBy(DirectionVelocity[direction]); }
public bool Equals(SignedPoint b) { return X == b.X && Y == b.Y; }
public override bool Equals(object obj) => (obj is SignedPoint) && Equals((SignedPoint)obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
return X ^ (((Y >> 16) & 0xFFFF) | (Y << 16));
public override string ToString() => ToString(null, null);
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
return string.Concat("(", X.ToString(format, formatProvider), ", ", Y.ToString(format, formatProvider), ")");
public int GetManhattanDistance(int x, int y) => GetManhattanDistance(new SignedPoint(x, y));
public int GetManhattanDistance(in SignedPoint pt) { return Math.Abs(X - pt.X) + Math.Abs(Y - pt.Y); }
public static bool operator ==(in SignedPoint a, in SignedPoint b) { return a.X == b.X && a.Y == b.Y; }
public static bool operator !=(in SignedPoint a, in SignedPoint b) { return !(a == b); }
//public object ToDump() => new { X, Y };
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