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Last active May 24, 2016 17:51
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  • Save StewartJohn/7be124f699480ce4240faee1b0926d66 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save StewartJohn/7be124f699480ce4240faee1b0926d66 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This Google Scripts code passes parameters from a Google Spreadsheet to the API. It then parses the API's json into a new sheet. On a third sheet it builds a table of users and URLs and runs countifs formulas to count annotations by user by url. Here's a link to a blog post about the project:…
function collectAnnotations() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var values = sheet.getRange(7, 5, 4).getValues(); // create array of parameters set by the user by generating an array from row 7, column 5 for 3 rows
// parsing the array of parameters set by the user
var user = values[0];
var url = values[1];
var tag = values[2];
var anyField = values[3];
var group = sheet.getRange(14, 5).getValues(); // get the user entered value for the group
var authorization = sheet.getRange(20, 5).getValues(); // get the user entered value for the authorization token
var limit = sheet.getRange(21, 5).getValues(); // get the user entered value for the authorization token
if (limit < 1)
limit = 200;
// build the API request URL with a base and whatever parameters were entered
var request = '' + limit; //pull the account name from cell A1 in the spreadsheet
if ( tag != '' )
request += '&tags=' + tag;
if ( user != '' )
request += '&user=' + user;
if ( group != '' )
request += '&group=' + group;
if ( url != '' )
request += '&url=' + url;
if ( anyField != '' )
request += '&any=' + anyField;
// If there is an authorization token we have to set up headers and pass those to options for the UrlFetchApp.fetch
if ( authorization != '' )
var headers =
"Authorization" : "Bearer " + authorization
var options =
"headers" : headers
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(request, options); // get feed
} else
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(request)
// Get the active sheets
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// The code below will deletes an old Archive to make space for the new
var sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets();
while(sheets.length > 1)
sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets();
ss.insertSheet('Annotation Archive', 1);
// a set of variables for keeping track of student annotations
var students = [];
var readings = [];
// a set of variables for cleaning up the output for the spreadsheet
var userAccount = "";
var modifiedUser = "";
var time = "";
var modifiedTime = "";
// parse the json
var data = JSON.parse(response);
var counter =;
if(limit < counter){
counter = limit;}
var columnHeaders = ["User", "URL", "Text", "Time", "Annotation Link", "Tag(s)"];
// output the json into the rows of a spreadsheet
for (var i = 0; i< counter; i++) {
var stats = [];
userAccount = data.rows[i].user;
modifiedUser = userAccount.replace("acct:", "");
time = data.rows[i].updated;
modifiedTime = time.replace("T", " ");
modifiedTime = modifiedTime.substring(0, 16); //trim off the fractional time of annotation
stats.push(modifiedUser); //output the user to the A column
stats.push(data.rows[i].uri);//output the uri to the B column
stats.push(data.rows[i].text);//output the text of the annotation to the C column
stats.push(modifiedTime);//output the time of the annotation to the D column
stats.push(data.rows[i].links.html);//output the HTML link for the annotation to the E column
//for(var g in data.rows[i].tags){
if(data.rows[i].tags.length > 0){
var tagString = data.rows[i].tags.toString();
stats.push(tagString); //output the Tags for the annotation to the F column and as many more columns as needed
// Create a new sheet with a table of annotators in rows and urls as column headers
ss.insertSheet('Annotation Count', 2);
// Create uniqueReadings by eliminating duplicate entries from readings array
var uniqueReadings = [];
for(var n in readings){
Logger.log(uniqueReadings[uniqueReadings.length-1]+' = '+readings[n]+' ?');
// Add the readings as column headers
sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var abc = 2;
for(var n in uniqueReadings){
sheet.getRange(1, abc).setFormula('=HYPERLINK("' + uniqueReadings[n] + '", "' + uniqueReadings[n] + '")');
// Create courseRoster by eliminating duplicate entries from students array
var courseRoster = [];
for(var n in students){
Logger.log(courseRoster[courseRoster.length-1]+' = '+students[n]+' ?');
// Add the users as row headers
var x = 2;
for(var n in courseRoster){
sheet.getRange(x, 1).setValue(courseRoster[n]);
// Add a countifs formula to all cells to count number of annotations by user per reading
var calculationArea = sheet.getRange(2,2,courseRoster.length,uniqueReadings.length);
calculationArea.setFormula("=countifs('Annotation Archive'!$A:$A,R[0]C1,'Annotation Archive'!$B:$B,R1C[0])");
// Color cells to show where the number of annotations is more than 0
var x = 2;
for(var n = 0; n < courseRoster.length; n++){
var y = 2;
for(var p = 0; p < uniqueReadings.length; p++){
var calculations = sheet.getRange(x, y).getValue();
if(calculations > 0)
y++; // increase y to move across columns within a row
x++; // increase x to move down a row
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