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Created April 17, 2013 21:45
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Save Stiivi/5408041 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Left inner join in Brewery2 – three different joins: * SQL with iterable * SQL with SQL in the same store * SQL with SQL in another store Demonstrates multiple dispatch.
from brewery import data_object, FieldList, open_store
from brewery import kernel as k
import brewery.base.iterator
import brewery.backends.sql
[0, 1, 100.0],
[1, 1, 200.0],
[2, 2, 150.0],
[3, 2, 250.0],
[4, 3, 300.0],
[5, 3, 350.0]
MONTHS_DATA = [ [1, "january"], [2, "february"], [3, "march"] ]
# Initialization:
# Prepare two separate databases
db = open_store("sql", url="sqlite:///")
db_foreign = open_store("sql", url="sqlite:///")
# 1. Create fact table as SQL table
fields = FieldList(("id", "integer"),
("month", "integer"),
("amount", "float"))
facts = db.create("fact", fields=fields)
# 2. Create months dimension table
# 2a. Create as iterable
dim_months_iter = data_object("iterable", MONTHS_DATA, FieldList("id", "month"))
# 2b. Create as table
dim_months_table = db.create("months", fields=fields)
# 2c. Create as foreign table
dim_months_foreign = db_foreign.create("months", fields=fields)
# 3. Do the joins
joins = [ ("month", "id") ]
print "=== JOIN SQL with ITERABLE"
result = k.left_inner_join(facts, [dim_months_iter], joins)
print "--- result type: %s" % type(result)
print "--- result reps: %s" % (result.representations(), )
print "=== JOIN SQL with SQL from same store"
result = k.left_inner_join(facts, [dim_months_table], joins)
print "--- result type: %s" % type(result)
print "--- result reps: %s" % (result.representations(), )
print "=== JOIN SQL with SQL from foreign store"
result = k.left_inner_join(facts, [dim_months_foreign], joins)
print "--- result type: %s" % type(result)
print "--- result reps: %s" % (result.representations(), )
--- result type: <class 'brewery.objects.IterableDataSource'>
--- result reps: ['rows', 'records']
=== JOIN SQL with SQL from same store
--- result type: <class 'brewery.backends.sql.objects.SQLStatement'>
--- result reps: ['sql', 'rows', 'records']
=== JOIN SQL with SQL from foreign store
--- result type: <class 'brewery.objects.IterableDataSource'>
--- result reps: ['rows', 'records']
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