+----------------------+----+------------------+------------+ |
|is_independent |Year|Value_sum |record_count| |
+----------------------+----+------------------+------------+ |
|Commonwealth of US |1960|2368070.0 | 2| |
|Commonwealth of US |1961|2410061.6 | 2| |
|Commonwealth of US |1962|2460862.6 | 2| |
|Commonwealth of US |1963|2515238.6 | 2| |
|Commonwealth of US |1964|2564966.6 | 2| |
|Commonwealth of US |1965|2605157.0 | 2| |
|Commonwealth of US |1966|2636484.2 | 2| |
... |
|Part of DK |2007|105127.0 | 2| |
|Part of DK |2008|104925.0 | 2| |
|Part of DK |2009|104948.0 | 2| |
|Part of DK |2010|105242.0 | 2| |
|Part of FR |1960|28334.0 | 2| |
|Part of FR |1961|29715.0 | 2| |
|Part of FR |1962|31108.0 | 2| |
... |
|Territory of GB |2005|175444.0 | 4| |
|Territory of GB |2006|179339.0 | 4| |
|Territory of GB |2007|182379.0 | 4| |
|Territory of GB |2008|184742.0 | 4| |
|Territory of GB |2009|186691.0 | 4| |
|Territory of GB |2010|188428.0 | 4| |
|Territory of US |1960|119477.0 | 3| |
|Territory of US |1961|123435.0 | 3| |
|Territory of US |1962|127865.0 | 3| |
|Territory of US |1963|132772.0 | 3| |
|Territory of US |1964|138016.0 | 3| |
|Territory of US |1965|143391.0 | 3| |
|Territory of US |1966|149372.0 | 3| |
... |
|Yes |2006|6539418656.998454 | 191| |
|Yes |2007|6616972256.680267 | 191| |
|Yes |2008|6695249310.393451 | 191| |
|Yes |2009|6773605967.338223 | 191| |
|Yes |2010|6851909862.0 | 191| |
+----------------------+----+------------------+------------+ |
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