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Created March 13, 2022 10:59
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Untitled PuzzleScript Script
Play this game by pasting the script in
title Sokoban Template
author Pedro PSI and Stingby12
key_repeat_interval 0.09
Black Orange White Blue
DarkBlue DarkBlue DarkBlue DarkBlue
. = Background
# = Wall
% = WallDestroy
° = WallSpawner
¨ = WallSpawnerTroll
P = Player
£ = Player and TargetPlayer
è = Player and WallSpawner
* = PushCrate
@ = PushCrate and TargetCrate
& = PushCrate and TargetPlayer
ç = PushPaint
+ = PullCrate
~ = PullCrate and TargetCrate
? = PullPaint
c = ControlCrate
¤ = ControlCrate and TargetCrate
O = TargetCrate
' = TargetPlayer
Crate = PushCrate or PullCrate or ControlCrate
TargetCrate, TargetPlayer
WallSpawner, WallSpawnerTroll, PushPaint, PullPaint
Player, Wall, WallDestroy, Crate
[ > Player | PushCrate] -> [ > Player | > PushCrate] again
[ < Player | PullCrate] -> [ < Player | < PullCrate] again
[Crate WallSpawner] -> [Wall]
[Crate WallSpawnerTroll] -> [Wall]
[> Crate | WallDestroy] -> [ | ]
[Crate PushPaint] -> [PushCrate PushPaint]
[Crate PullPaint] -> [PullCrate PullPaint]
[PushCrate | ControlCrate] -> [PushCrate Controled | ControlCrate]
[PullCrate | ControlCrate] -> [PullCrate Controled | ControlCrate]
[ > Player | ControlCrate ] -> [ > Player | > ControlCrate ] again
+ [ moving ControlCrate | PushCrate Controled] -> [ moving ControlCrate | moving PushCrate moving Controled]
+ [ moving ControlCrate | PullCrate Controled] -> [ moving ControlCrate | moving PullCrate moving Controled]
+ [> Crate | WallDestroy] -> [ | ]
[Controled no Crate] -> []
All TargetCrate on Crate
All TargetPlayer on Player
message Do you love PuzzleScript...
message ... but hate all the well designed games ?
message If so, you are in luck !
message This Sokoban template...
message ... will teach you step by step...
message ... how to make the worst game ever.
message I didn't planned to make this, ...
message ... but an user from this community...
message ... said that if I don't make this game, ...
message ... he would come into my house...
message ... and I'll get in trouble.
message We don't want that to happen, right ?
message Anyways, the template.
message For the first level...
message ... make an easy start.
message -_-_-_- Level 1 of 51 -_-_-_-
message For the next level...
message ... also make an easy start.
message -_-_-_- Level 2 of 51 -_-_-_-
message And for the next one...
message ... continue babying the player.
message -_-_-_- Level 3 of 51 -_-_-_-
message The best way to make a game...
message ... is to come up of something unique...
message ... and try to implement it.
message -_-_-_- Level 4 of 51 -_-_-_-
message But, that takes effort !
message So let's just make...
message ... some sokoban variations instead.
message -_-_-_- Level 5 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Add more challenge...
message ... as the levels goes on.
message -_-_-_- Level 6 of 51 -_-_-_-
message If you want to add even more challenge...
message ... remove the undo function...
message ... with "noundo" in the prelude !
message -_-_-_- Level 6 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Just in case...
message ... if you run out of ideas for levels...
message ... try creating this :
message -_-_-_- Level 7 of 51 -_-_-_-
message This design can have many variants...
message ... and none of them are terrible !
message -_-_-_- Level 8 of 51 -_-_-_-
message It's especially fun...
message ... because you can lose all progress...
message ... with one small mistake !
message -_-_-_- Level 9 of 51 -_-_-_-
message With your knowledges...
message ... you can make masterpieces like this.
message -_-_-_- Level 10 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Now just repeat this prosses...
message ... and your game...
message ... will be finished in no time !
message Thank me later !
message But you know what ?
message Doing the same things...
message ... over and over again...
message ... is not fun.
message Let's be a bit more original...
message ... and see how that goes.
message -_-_-_- Level 11 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Try finding creative things...
message ... to do with the new objects.
message -_-_-_- Level 12 of 51 -_-_-_-
message That looks way better now !
message -_-_-_- Level 13 of 51 -_-_-_-
message And as I said before...
message ... make the levels slowly hard.
message -_-_-_- Level 14 of 51 -_-_-_-
message But difficulty management...
message ... shouldn't be a problem...
message ... since undo fuctionality is off !
message -_-_-_- Level 15 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Also, if you are planning...
message ... to introduce the player...
message ... with new mechanics...
message ... you might just give up at this point.
message -_-_-_- Level 16 of 51 -_-_-_-
message It's not like they don't know...
message ... what this red cross does.
message -_-_-_- Level 17 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Wanna upgrade difficulty a little ?
message Decrease the "key repeat interval"...
message ... to a ridiculously low number !
message -_-_-_- Level 18 of 51 -_-_-_-
message I suggest between 1...
message and 0.5, both inclued.
message -_-_-_- Level 19 of 51 -_-_-_-
message If you are in a complete block...
message ... just steal someone else's idea.
message -_-_-_- Level 20 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Don't use "run rules on level start".
message This thing is useless lol
message -_-_-_- Level 21 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Don't worry about "again".
message All it does is just give another turn.
message -_-_-_- Level 22 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Designing levels is too hard.
message It's not worth it...
message ... to waste hours making levels.
message -_-_-_- Level 23 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Also, don't worry...
message ... if the game breaks, ...
message ... you can't fix it anyways.
message -_-_-_- Level 24 of 51 -_-_-_-
message What matters is to upload the game.
message -_-_-_- Level 25 of 51 -_-_-_-
message With that being said...
message ... you can get to the uploading !
message Oh my, this game is horrible.
message Who would play this game ?
message [You need to make the game.]
message Why ?
message [Remember what I said earlier ?]
message ...
message Okay.
message So the user...
message ... really wants the game...
message ... to be done.
message I'm going to be...
message ... a little bit brief...
message ... with what I'll say.
message -_-_-_- Level 26 of 51 -_-_-_-
message In case you're an idiot...
message ... there is a export button...
message ... that gives you an HTML build...
message ... of your game.
message -_-_-_- Level 27 of 51 -_-_-_-
message You can play your HTML build...
message ... anytime you want.
message -_-_-_- Level 27 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Now, let's go to the...
message ... uploading.
message Oh, brother...
message -_-_-_- Level 28 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Most people use
message ... to upload their games.
message It would be good enough.
message -_-_-_- Level 29 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Horever, it will be a little bit tougher...
message ... if you want to put it...
message ... on
message Which looks cooler, by the way !
message -_-_-_- Level 30 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Okay, time to upload.
message The main thing you have to do...
message ... is to give your game a title.
message -_-_-_- Level 31 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Then you have to upload your HTML build.
message Click on the "Upload files" button...
message ... and select the build.
message -_-_-_- Level 32 of 51 -_-_-_-
message You can add a description...
message ... to your game !
message You can use it to tell a little story...
message ... or in this case, useless text.
message -_-_-_- Level 33 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Last step is to add a thumbnail...
message ... and a tagline.
message If there is nothing exiting...
message ... make it look like it is.
message -_-_-_- Level 34 of 51 -_-_-_-
message But wait ! There's more !
message -_-_-_- Level 35 of 51 -_-_-_-
message If you want your game...
message ... to be on the top on popularity...
message ... you MUST use the ultimate technic.
message Which is clickbait !
message -_-_-_- Level 36 of 51 -_-_-_-
message You see, experiments shows...
message ... that the kids would most likely...
message ... click on something flashy and exiting.
message Why not you give it a shot ?
message -_-_-_- Level 36 of 51 -_-_-_-
message First step is to make something...
message ... with PuzzleScript's level editor.
message Then take a screenshot...
message ... and use it for the thumbnail...
message ... of your project.
message And, you're done !
message -_-_-_- Level 37 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Just kidding !
message We'll take a step further...
message -_-_-_- Level 38 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Degrade the quality of the thumbnail, ...
message ... oversaturate it, ...
message ... add a million emojis, ...
message ... add a particuliar AliA face, ...
message ... and the thumbnail is now complete !
message -_-_-_- Level 39 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Now just reapeat the same thing...
message ... for all of your projects...
message ... and you will be number 1...
message ... before you and them will know it !
message All thanks to me !
message -_-_-_- Level 40 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Uh oh ! What's this ?
message Not getting enough views...
message ... or followers ?
message Try stealing some games !
message -_-_-_- Level 41 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Find PuzzleScript games...
message ... that has a lot of views.
message -_-_-_- Level 41 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Look for their hackable link if possible...
message ... and just upload the game !
message -_-_-_- Level 42 of 51 -_-_-_-
message And no, you don't need...
message ... to make the exact same game.
message -_-_-_- Level 43 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Since the original games are popular...
message ... your profile will go to the moon !!!
message -_-_-_- Level 44 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Still need a little boost ?
message All you have to do is...
message ... beg for views !
message -_-_-_- Level 45 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Spam comments about one of your games...
message ... in any popular games's page !
message -_-_-_- Level 45 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Flood the page, ...
message ... torture the creator...
message ... do whatever you want !
message -_-_-_- Level 46 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Oh, and don't forget...
message ... to tell what's the name...
message ... of your game.
message -_-_-_- Level 47 of 51 -_-_-_-
message This is the most effective way...
message ... of how to get your games popular !
message -_-_-_- Level 48 of 51 -_-_-_-
message Not only the comments you post...
message ... can't be unseen by the creator...
message ... but it force him...
message ... to play your game...
message ... in case you do stop commenting !
message [Which is usually in a day or two]
message -_-_-_- Level 49 of 51 -_-_-_-
message idk what to say next lol
message -_-_-_- Level 50 of 51 -_-_-_-
message With that being said...
message ... your games should be huge now...
message ... regardless how awful they are...
message ... all thanks to little children...
message ... and forms of torture !
message -_-_-_- Level 51 of 51 -_-_-_-
message -_-_-_- Congratulations! -_-_-_-
message ... for being a piece of shit...
message ... that don't even know...
message ... how to make games !
message Good luck trying...
message ... to become popular...
message ... with your trash games, ...
message ... because no one...
message ... will give a shit...
message ... about these.
message I mean, why the fuck...
message ... would you even follow...
message ... this template ?
message But you know what ?
message Fuck you.
message Just enjoy making awful games.
message The Thinky Puzzles server...
message ... don't even need...
message ... a piece of shit...
message ... like you either.
message ...
message ...
message Okay.
message Thank you for studying this...
message -_-_- Sokoban Template -_-_- -_- by Pedro PSI and Stingby12 -_- (2022)
message Here is a piece of advise :
message Every mistake you make should feel like it's your fault.
message Music (CC-BY-3.0) :
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