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Created August 19, 2017 20:55
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
namespace BCM.Commands
public class BCWorldBlocks : BCCommandAbstract
public class PrefabCache
public string Filename;
public Vector3i Pos;
public Dictionary<int, List<PrefabCache>> UndoCache = new Dictionary<int, List<PrefabCache>>();
private void CreateUndo(EntityPlayer sender, Vector3i size, Vector3i p0)
var steamId = "_server";
if (SenderInfo.RemoteClientInfo != null)
steamId = SenderInfo.RemoteClientInfo.ownerId;
var areaCache = new Prefab();
var userId = 0; // id will be 0 for web console issued commands
areaCache.CopyFromWorld(GameManager.Instance.World, p0, new Vector3i(p0.x + size.x, p0.y + size.y, p0.z + size.z));
areaCache.bCopyAirBlocks = true;
if (sender != null)
userId = sender.entityId;
var filename = $"{steamId}_{DateTime.UtcNow.ToFileTime()}";
areaCache.Save(Utils.GetGameDir("Data/Prefabs/BCM"), filename);
if (UndoCache.ContainsKey(userId))
UndoCache[userId].Add(new PrefabCache { Filename = filename, Pos = p0 });
UndoCache.Add(userId, new List<PrefabCache> { new PrefabCache { Filename = filename, Pos = p0 } });
private void UndoInsert(EntityPlayer sender)
const string dirbase = "Data/Prefabs/BCM";
var userId = 0;
if (sender != null)
userId = sender.entityId;
if (!UndoCache.ContainsKey(userId)) return;
if (UndoCache[userId].Count <= 0) return;
var pCache = UndoCache[userId][UndoCache[userId].Count - 1];
if (pCache != null)
var p = new Prefab();
p.Load(Utils.GetGameDir(dirbase), pCache.Filename);
BCImport.InsertPrefab(p, pCache.Pos.x, pCache.Pos.y, pCache.Pos.z, pCache.Pos);
//workaround for multi dim blocks, insert undo prefab twice
//todo: clear all blocks (turn to air) before inserting the prefab instead
BCImport.InsertPrefab(p, pCache.Pos.x, pCache.Pos.y, pCache.Pos.z, pCache.Pos);
var cacheFile = Utils.GetGameDir($"{dirbase}{pCache.Filename}");
if (Utils.FileExists($"{cacheFile}.tts"))
if (Utils.FileExists($"{cacheFile}.xml"))
UndoCache[userId].RemoveAt(UndoCache[userId].Count - 1);
public override void Process()
//todo: multidim blocks
// claim stones replaced need to be removed from persistent data.
// map visitor for unloaded chunks
//todo: damage
//todo: use Chunk.RecalcHeightAt(int _x, int _yMaxStart, int _z)
//todo: change command to load chunks and offload the setblock calls to a subthread that waits for all chunks to load
// limit size to 512 x 512
// allow /y=-1 too be used to offset the insert when using player locs to allow sub areas to be accessed without underground clipping
// /y=terrain to set the bottom y co-ord to the lowest non terrain block -1
//todo: apply a custom placeholder mapping to a block value in the area
var world = GameManager.Instance.World;
if (world == null)
SendOutput("World not loaded");
var p1 = new Vector3i(int.MinValue, 0, int.MinValue);
var p2 = new Vector3i(int.MinValue, 0, int.MinValue);
string blockname;
string blockname2 = null;
int blockId;
//get loc and player current pos
EntityPlayer sender = null;
string steamId = null;
if (SenderInfo.RemoteClientInfo != null)
steamId = SenderInfo.RemoteClientInfo.ownerId;
sender = world.Entities.dict[SenderInfo.RemoteClientInfo.entityId] as EntityPlayer;
if (sender != null)
p2 = new Vector3i((int)Math.Floor(sender.serverPos.x / 32f), (int)Math.Floor(sender.serverPos.y / 32f), (int)Math.Floor(sender.serverPos.z / 32f));
SendOutput("Error: unable to get player location");
if (Options.ContainsKey("undo"))
switch (Params.Count)
case 1:
case 2:
if (steamId != null)
p1 = BCLocation.GetPos(steamId);
if (p1.x == int.MinValue)
SendOutput("No location stored. Use bc-loc to store a location.");
blockname = Params[0];
if (Params.Count == 2)
blockname2 = Params[1];
SendOutput("Error: unable to get player location");
case 7:
case 8:
//parse params
if (!int.TryParse(Params[0], out p1.x) || !int.TryParse(Params[1], out p1.y) || !int.TryParse(Params[2], out p1.z) || !int.TryParse(Params[3], out p2.x) || !int.TryParse(Params[4], out p2.y) || !int.TryParse(Params[5], out p2.z))
SendOutput("Error: unable to parse coordinates");
blockname = Params[6];
if (Params.Count == 8)
blockname2 = Params[7];
//todo: make a helper method for below output SendHelp(Enum.InvalidParamCount)
SendOutput("Error: Incorrect command format.");
var size = new Vector3i(Math.Abs(p1.x - p2.x) + 1, Math.Abs(p1.y - p2.y) + 1, Math.Abs(p1.z - p2.z) + 1);
var p3 = new Vector3i(
p1.x < p2.x ? p1.x : p2.x,
p1.y < p2.y ? p1.y : p2.y,
p1.z < p2.z ? p1.z : p2.z
//todo: check that can just use p3 + size instead
var p4 = new Vector3i(
p1.x == p2.x ? p1.x + 1 : p1.x > p2.x ? p1.x : p2.x,
p1.y == p2.y ? p1.y + 1 : p1.y > p2.y ? p1.y : p2.y,
p1.z == p2.z ? p1.z + 1 : p1.z > p2.z ? p1.z : p2.z
//**************** GET BLOCKVALUE
var bv = int.TryParse(blockname, out blockId) ? Block.GetBlockValue(blockId) : Block.GetBlockValue(blockname);
//**************** CREATE PREFAB
//Prefab _prefab = new Prefab(size);
//_prefab.bCopyAirBlocks = true;
//_prefab.bExcludeDistantPOIMesh = true;
//_prefab.distantPOIYOffset = 0;
//_prefab.bAllowTopSoilDecorations = false;
//_prefab.bTraderArea = false;
//_prefab.SleeperVolumesStart = new List<Vector3i>();
var modifiedChunks = GetAffectedChunks(p3, size);
//create backup of area prefab will insert to
if (!Options.ContainsKey("noundo"))
//todo: use BlockTools.CopyIntoStorage to get prefab, then save to cache
CreateUndo(sender, size, p3);
if (Options.ContainsKey("swap"))
SwapBlocks(size, p3, p4, bv, blockname2, modifiedChunks);
else if (Options.ContainsKey("chown"))
else if (Options.ContainsKey("densify"))
//options: randomise, smooth, default
else if (Options.ContainsKey("scan"))
ScanBlocks(size, p3, bv, blockname);
else //if (_options.ContainsKey("fill"))
FillBlocks(size, p3, p4, bv, modifiedChunks);
private static Dictionary<long, Chunk> GetAffectedChunks(Vector3i p3, Vector3i size)
//todo: get an array of chunk keys instead, trigger loading here, if not done by end of process, then defer changes to sub thread
var modifiedChunks = new Dictionary<long, Chunk>();
for (var cx = -1; cx <= size.x + 16; cx = cx + 16)
for (var cz = -1; cz <= size.z + 16; cz = cz + 16)
var chunk = GameManager.Instance.World.GetChunkFromWorldPos(p3.x + cx, p3.y, p3.z + cz) as Chunk;
if (chunk == null)
SendOutput($"Unable to load chunk for insert @ {p3.x + cx},{p3.z + cz}");
if (modifiedChunks.ContainsKey(chunk.Key)) continue;
modifiedChunks.Add(chunk.Key, chunk);
return modifiedChunks;
private static void SwapBlocks(Vector3i size, Vector3i p3, Vector3i p4, BlockValue newbv, string blockname, Dictionary<long, Chunk> modifiedChunks)
int blockId;
var targetbv = int.TryParse(blockname, out blockId) ? Block.GetBlockValue(blockId) : Block.GetBlockValue(blockname);
const int clrIdx = 0;
var counter = 0;
//todo: fix this code
var block1 = Block.list[targetbv.type];
if (block1 == null)
SendOutput("Unable to find target block by id or name");
var block2 = Block.list[newbv.type];
if (block2 == null)
SendOutput("Unable to find replacement block by id or name");
var world = GameManager.Instance.World;
for (var i = 0; i < size.x; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < size.y; j++)
for (var k = 0; k < size.z; k++)
sbyte density = 1;
var textureFull = 0L;
if (newbv.Equals(BlockValue.Air))
density = MarchingCubes.DensityAir;
else if (newbv.Block.shape.IsTerrain())
density = MarchingCubes.DensityTerrain;
var p5 = new Vector3i(i + p3.x, j + p3.y, k + p3.z);
if (world.GetBlock(p5).Block.GetBlockName() != block1.GetBlockName()) continue;
world.ChunkClusters[clrIdx].SetBlock(p5, true, newbv, false, density, false, false);
world.ChunkClusters[clrIdx].SetTextureFull(p5, textureFull);
//GameManager.Instance.World.SetBlock(clrIdx, p5, newbv, false, false);
//GameManager.Instance.World.SetDensity(clrIdx, p5, density);
//GameManager.Instance.World.SetTexture(clrIdx, p5.x, p5.y, p5.z, textureFull);
SendOutput($@"Replaced {counter} '{block1.GetBlockName()}' blocks with '{block2.GetBlockName()}' @ {p3} to {p4}");
SendOutput("Use bc-wblock /undo to revert the changes");
private static void FillBlocks(Vector3i size, Vector3i p3, Vector3i p4, BlockValue bv, Dictionary<long, Chunk> modifiedChunks)
const int clrIdx = 0;
if (Block.list[bv.type] == null)
SendOutput("Unable to find block by id or name");
var world = GameManager.Instance.World;
for (var i = 0; i < size.x; i++)
for (var k = 0; k < size.z; k++)
for (var j = 0; j < size.y; j++)
var p5 = new Vector3i(i + p3.x, j + p3.y, k + p3.z);
var chunk = world.GetChunkFromWorldPos(p5) as Chunk;
if (chunk == null) continue;
var bvCurr = GameManager.Instance.World.GetBlock(p5);
if (!bvCurr.ischild)
bvCurr.Block.shape.OnBlockRemoved(GameManager.Instance.World, chunk, p5, bvCurr);
if (bvCurr.Block.isMultiBlock)
bvCurr.Block.multiBlockPos.RemoveChilds(GameManager.Instance.World, chunk.ClrIdx, p5, bvCurr);
else if (bvCurr.Block.isMultiBlock)
bvCurr.Block.multiBlockPos.RemoveParentBlock(GameManager.Instance.World, chunk.ClrIdx, p5, bvCurr);
//todo: need to store these blocks in undo data if parent is outside area
//repeat process twice because of issues with multidim
SetBlocks(clrIdx, p3, size, BlockValue.Air);
SetBlocks(clrIdx, p3, size, bv);
SendOutput($@"Inserting block '{Block.list[bv.type].GetBlockName()}' @ {p3} to {p4}");
SendOutput("Use bc-wblock /undo to revert the changes");
private static void SetBlocks(int clrIdx, Vector3i p3, Vector3i size, BlockValue bv)
var world = GameManager.Instance.World;
var block1 = Block.list[bv.type];
for (var j = 0; j < size.y; j++)
for (var i = 0; i < size.x; i++)
for (var k = 0; k < size.z; k++)
sbyte density = 1;
var textureFull = 0L;
var p5 = new Vector3i(i + p3.x, j + p3.y, k + p3.z);
if (bv.Equals(BlockValue.Air))
density = MarchingCubes.DensityAir;
if (world.GetTerrainHeight(p5.x, p5.z) > p5.y)
var chunkSync = world.GetChunkFromWorldPos(p5.x, p5.y, p5.z) as Chunk;
chunkSync?.SetTerrainHeight(p5.x & 15, p5.z & 15, (byte)p5.y);
else if (block1.shape.IsTerrain())
density = MarchingCubes.DensityTerrain;
if (Block.list[bv.type].shape.IsTerrain() && world.GetTerrainHeight(p5.x, p5.z) < p5.y)
var chunkSync = world.GetChunkFromWorldPos(p5.x, p5.y, p5.z) as Chunk;
chunkSync?.SetTerrainHeight(p5.x & 15, p5.z & 15, (byte)p5.y);
if (Options.ContainsKey("texture"))
sbyte texture;
sbyte.TryParse(Options["texture"], out texture);
var num = 0L;
for (var face = 0; face < 6; face++)
var num2 = face * 8;
num &= ~(255L << num2);
num |= (long)(texture & 255) << num2;
textureFull = num;
if (Options.ContainsKey("density"))
if (sbyte.TryParse(Options["density"], out density))
SendOutput($"Using density {density}");
world.ChunkClusters[clrIdx].SetBlock(p5, true, bv, false, density, false, false);
world.ChunkClusters[clrIdx].SetTextureFull(p5, textureFull);
private static void ScanBlocks(Vector3i size, Vector3i p3, BlockValue bv, string search)
var block1 = Block.list[bv.type];
if (block1 == null && search != "*")
SendOutput("Unable to find block by id or name");
var stats = new SortedDictionary<string, int>();
const int clrIdx = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < size.y; j++)
for (var i = 0; i < size.x; i++)
for (var k = 0; k < size.z; k++)
var p5 = new Vector3i(i + p3.x, j + p3.y, k + p3.z);
var blockValue = GameManager.Instance.World.GetBlock(clrIdx, p5);
//var d = GameManager.Instance.World.GetDensity(_clrIdx, p5);
//var t = GameManager.Instance.World.GetTexture(i + p3.x, j + p3.y, k + p3.z);
var name = ItemClass.list[blockValue.type]?.Name;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
name = "air";
if (search == "*")
SetStats(name, blockValue, stats);
if (name != bv.Block.GetBlockName()) continue;
SetStats(name, blockValue, stats);
private static void SetStats(string name, BlockValue bv, IDictionary<string, int> stats)
if (stats.ContainsKey($"{bv.type:D4}:{name}"))
stats[$"{bv.type:D4}:{name}"] += 1;
stats.Add($"{bv.type:D4}:{name}", 1);
private void Notes()
// //bc-wblocks - lists options / help details (see below)
// // <co-ords> = 2x vector3i pos
// //bc-wblocks <co-ords> /fill <blockid> - fills the area with the specified block
// //bc-wblocks <co-ords> /fill <blockid> [/face0=textureId] [/face1=textureId] [/face2=textureId] [/face3=textureId] [/face4=textureId] [/face5=textureId]
// //bc-wblocks <co-ords> /swap <targetblockid> <replacementblockid> [/face0=textureId] [/face1=textureId] [/face2=textureId] [/face3=textureId] [/face4=textureId] [/face5=textureId]
// //bc-wblocks <co-ords> /chown <entityid> (or /self) - sets the owner of the tileentity blocks and land claims in the area to the entityid listed (or the commander if /self used)
// //bc-wblocks <co-ords> /densify <density> - set the density of blocks within the area. If <density> is neg: set terrain blocks, positive: set cube blocks (or is that reversed?)
// // /noair - option means it will only swap the blocks if original block is not air (applies to /fill and /swap)
// // /nowet - option means it will only swap the blocks if original block is not water (applies to /fill and /swap)
// // /noclaim - skips processing of claim blocks in target area
// // /random=1,2,3,4,5 a list of blocks to use for /fill and /swap to randomly replace blocks in target area
// // /circle - instead of two vector3i provide a single vector3i and an inner+outer radius and height, optionally a pair of values for arc degrees
// // /prefab - a prefab to insert repeatedly within the area
// //loc - shows player current location (/worldpos /etc), and sets the pos for prafab and block commands
// //bc-rb, bc-renderblocks, bc-block, block
// //bc-block upgrade - upgrades the blocks 1 step within an area
// //bc-block repair - repairs all blocks in the area
// //bc-block swap - swaps source block with target block for blocks in the area
// //bc-block randomdam - randomly damages all blocks in the area
// //bc-block downgrade /nodestroy - downgrades all blocks in area, optional for no destroy but only those not on the last stage
// //bc-block insert /fill=terrain /fill=air /fill=cube[/texture=0,1,2,3,4,5] [default]/fill=all - changes all blocks in an area with the block specified, options act as filters what blocks get replaced in the target area
// //bc-block prefab /nopartial /2d - renders a prefab in the area defined repeating the prefab to fill the area, optional on nopartial to prevent the insertion of partial prefabs at the edges of the area. 2d optional to only draw 1 layer of prefabs rather than stacking them (default)
// //bc-chunk reset - resets the chunk to its rwg original state
// //bc-chunk reload <player> - reloads the chunks in that players loaded chunk list
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