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Created January 4, 2018 06:15
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// Modified version of
// that demonstrates the inability to type expressions which require higher ranked types
import { TypeInference as ti } from "./type_inference";
import { Myna as m } from "./node_modules/myna-parser/myna";
var verbose = false;
// Defines syntax parsers for type expressions and a simple lambda calculus
function registerGrammars()
// A simple grammar for parsing type expressions
var typeGrammar = new function()
var _this = this;
this.typeExprRec = m.delay(() => { return _this.typeExpr});
this.typeList = m.guardedSeq('(',,, ')').ast;
this.typeVar = m.guardedSeq("'", m.identifier).ast;
this.typeConstant = m.identifier.or(m.digits).or("->").or("*").or("[]").ast;
this.typeExpr = m.choice(this.typeList, this.typeVar, this.typeConstant).ast;
m.registerGrammar('type', typeGrammar, typeGrammar.typeExpr);
// A simple grammar for parsing the lambda calculus
var lambdaGrammar = new function()
var _this = this;
this.recExpr = m.delay(() => _this.expr);
this.var = m.identifier.ast; = m.integer.ast;
this.abstraction = m.guardedSeq("\\", this.var, ".").then(this.recExpr).ast;
this.parenExpr = m.guardedSeq("(", this.recExpr, ")").ast;
this.expr = m.choice(this.parenExpr, this.abstraction, this.var,;
m.registerGrammar('lambda', lambdaGrammar, lambdaGrammar.expr);
var typeParser = m.parsers['type'];
var lcParser = m.parsers['lambda'];
function runTest(f:() => any, testName:string, expectFail:boolean = false) {
try {
console.log("Running test: " + testName);
var result = f();
console.log("Result = " + result);
if (result && !expectFail || !result && expectFail) {
else {
catch (e) {
if (expectFail) {
console.log("PASSED: expected fail, error caught: " + e.message);
else {
console.log("FAILED: error caught: " + e.message);
function stringToType(input:string) : ti.Type {
var ast = typeParser(input);
if (ast.end != input.length)
throw new Error("Only part of input was consumed");
return astToType(ast);
function typeToString(t:ti.Type) : string {
if (t instanceof ti.TypeVariable)
return "'" +;
else if (t instanceof ti.TypeArray)
return "(" +" ") + ")";
return t.toString();
function astToType(ast) : ti.Type {
if (!ast)
return null;
switch (
case "typeVar":
return ti.typeVariable(ast.allText.substr(1));
case "typeConstant":
return ti.typeConstant(ast.allText);
case "typeList":
return ti.typeArray(;
case "typeExpr":
if (ast.children.length != 1)
throw new Error("Expected only one child of node, not " + ast.children.length);
return astToType(ast.children[0]);
throw new Error("Unrecognized type expression: " +;
function testParse(input:string, fail:boolean=false) {
runTest(() => stringToType(input), input, fail);
var coreTypes = {
apply : "((('a -> 'b) 'a) -> 'b)",
compose : "((('b -> 'c) (('a -> 'b) 'd)) -> (('a -> 'c) 'd))",
quote : "(('a 'b) -> (('c -> ('a 'c)) 'b))",
dup : "(('a 'b) -> ('a ('a 'b)))",
swap : "(('a ('b 'c)) -> ('b ('a 'c)))",
pop : "(('a 'b) -> 'b)",
var combinators = {
test : '(\\id.(id \\x.x) (id 0)) \\x.x',
function lambdaAstToType(ast:m.AstNode, engine:ti.ScopedTypeInferenceEngine) : ti.Type {
switch (
case "abstraction":
var arg = engine.introduceVariable(ast.children[0].allText);
var body = lambdaAstToType(ast.children[1], engine);
var fxn : ti.Type = ti.functionType(arg, body);
return fxn;
case "parenExpr":
return lambdaAstToType(ast.children[0], engine);
case "var":
return engine.lookupVariable(ast.allText);
case "int":
return ti.typeConstant('int');
case "expr":
var r : ti.Type = lambdaAstToType(ast.children[0], engine);
for (var i=1; i < ast.children.length; ++i) {
var args = lambdaAstToType(ast.children[i], engine);
r = engine.applyFunction(r, args);
return r;
throw new Error("Unrecognized ast rule " + ast.rule);
function stringToLambdaExprType(s:string) : ti.Type {
var e = new ti.ScopedTypeInferenceEngine();
var ast = lcParser(s);
if (ast.end != s.length)
throw new Error("Only part of input was consumed");
var t = lambdaAstToType(ast, e);
t = e.getUnifiedType(t);
t = ti.alphabetizeVarNames(t);
return t;
function testLambdaCalculus() {
for (var k in combinators) {
try {
var s = combinators[k];
var t = stringToLambdaExprType(s);
console.log(k + " = " + s + " : " + t);
catch (e) {
console.log("FAILED: " + k + " " + e);
function printCoreTypes() {
for (var k in coreTypes) {
var ts = coreTypes[k];
var t = stringToType(ts);
function testForallInference() {
var data = {
apply : "!t1.(!t0.((t0 -> t1) t0) -> t1)",
compose : "!t1!t2!t3.(!t0.((t0 -> t1) ((t2 -> t0) t3)) -> ((t2 -> t1) t3))",
quote : "!t0!t1.((t0 t1) -> (!t2.(t2 -> (t0 t2)) t1))",
dup : "!t0!t1.((t0 t1) -> (t0 (t0 t1)))",
swap : "!t0!t1!t2.((t0 (t1 t2)) -> (t1 (t0 t2)))",
pop : "!t1.(!t0.(t0 t1) -> t1)",
for (var k in data) {
var expType = data[k];
var infType = ti.normalizeVarNames(stringToType(coreTypes[k]));
if (infType != expType)
console.log("FAILED: " + k + " + expected " + expType + " got " + infType);
console.log("PASSED: " + k);
function regressionTestComposition() {
var data = [
["apply apply", "!t2.(!t0.((t0 -> !t1.((t1 -> t2) t1)) t0) -> t2)"],
["apply compose", "!t2!t3!t4.(!t0.((t0 -> !t1.((t1 -> t2) ((t3 -> t1) t4))) t0) -> ((t3 -> t2) t4))"],
["apply quote", "!t1!t2.(!t0.((t0 -> (t1 t2)) t0) -> (!t3.(t3 -> (t1 t3)) t2))"],
["apply dup", "!t1!t2.(!t0.((t0 -> (t1 t2)) t0) -> (t1 (t1 t2)))"],
["apply swap", "!t1!t2!t3.(!t0.((t0 -> (t1 (t2 t3))) t0) -> (t2 (t1 t3)))"],
["apply pop", "!t2.(!t0.((t0 -> !t1.(t1 t2)) t0) -> t2)"],
["compose apply", "!t1.(!t0.((t0 -> t1) !t2.((t2 -> t0) t2)) -> t1)"],
["compose compose", "!t1!t3!t4.(!t0.((t0 -> t1) !t2.((t2 -> t0) ((t3 -> t2) t4))) -> ((t3 -> t1) t4))"],
["compose quote", "!t1!t2!t3.(!t0.((t0 -> t1) ((t2 -> t0) t3)) -> (!t4.(t4 -> ((t2 -> t1) t4)) t3))"],
["compose dup", "!t1!t2!t3.(!t0.((t0 -> t1) ((t2 -> t0) t3)) -> ((t2 -> t1) ((t2 -> t1) t3)))"],
["compose swap", "!t1!t2!t3!t4.(!t0.((t0 -> t1) ((t2 -> t0) (t3 t4))) -> (t3 ((t2 -> t1) t4)))"],
["compose pop", "!t3.(!t0.(!t1.(t0 -> t1) (!t2.(t2 -> t0) t3)) -> t3)"],
["quote apply", "!t0!t1.((t0 t1) -> (t0 t1))"],
["quote compose", "!t0!t1!t2!t3.((t0 ((t1 -> t2) t3)) -> ((t1 -> (t0 t2)) t3))"],
["quote quote", "!t0!t1.((t0 t1) -> (!t2.(t2 -> (!t3.(t3 -> (t0 t3)) t2)) t1))"],
["quote dup", "!t0!t1.((t0 t1) -> (!t2.(t2 -> (t0 t2)) (!t3.(t3 -> (t0 t3)) t1)))"],
["quote swap", "!t0!t1!t2.((t0 (t1 t2)) -> (t1 (!t3.(t3 -> (t0 t3)) t2)))"],
["quote pop", "!t1.(!t0.(t0 t1) -> t1)"],
["dup apply", "!t1.(!t0.((((rec 1) t0) -> t1) t0) -> t1)"],
["dup compose", "!t0!t1.(((t0 -> t0) t1) -> ((t0 -> t0) t1))"],
["dup quote", "!t0!t1.((t0 t1) -> (!t2.(t2 -> (t0 t2)) (t0 t1)))"],
["dup dup", "!t0!t1.((t0 t1) -> (t0 (t0 (t0 t1))))"],
["dup swap", "!t0!t1.((t0 t1) -> (t0 (t0 t1)))"],
["dup pop", "!t0!t1.((t0 t1) -> (t0 t1))"],
["swap apply", "!t2.(!t0.(t0 !t1.(((t0 t1) -> t2) t1)) -> t2)"],
["swap compose", "!t0!t2!t3.(!t1.((t0 -> t1) ((t1 -> t2) t3)) -> ((t0 -> t2) t3))"],
["swap quote", "!t0!t1!t2.((t0 (t1 t2)) -> (!t3.(t3 -> (t1 t3)) (t0 t2)))"],
["swap dup", "!t0!t1!t2.((t0 (t1 t2)) -> (t1 (t1 (t0 t2))))"],
["swap swap", "!t0!t1!t2.((t0 (t1 t2)) -> (t0 (t1 t2)))"],
["swap pop", "!t0!t2.((t0 !t1.(t1 t2)) -> (t0 t2))"],
["pop apply", "!t2.(!t0.(t0 !t1.((t1 -> t2) t1)) -> t2)"],
["pop compose", "!t2!t3!t4.(!t0.(t0 !t1.((t1 -> t2) ((t3 -> t1) t4))) -> ((t3 -> t2) t4))"],
["pop quote", "!t1!t2.(!t0.(t0 (t1 t2)) -> (!t3.(t3 -> (t1 t3)) t2))"],
["pop dup", "!t1!t2.(!t0.(t0 (t1 t2)) -> (t1 (t1 t2)))"],
["pop swap", "!t1!t2!t3.(!t0.(t0 (t1 (t2 t3))) -> (t2 (t1 t3)))"],
["pop pop", "!t2.(!t0.(t0 !t1.(t1 t2)) -> t2)"],
for (var xs of data) {
var ops = xs[0].split(" ");
var exp = xs[1];
var expr1 = stringToType(coreTypes[ops[0]]);
var expr2 = stringToType(coreTypes[ops[1]]);
var r = ti.composeFunctions(expr1 as ti.TypeArray, expr2 as ti.TypeArray);
r = ti.normalizeVarNames(r) as ti.TypeArray;
if (r.toString() != exp) {
console.log("FAILED: " + xs[0] + " + expected " + exp + " got " + r);
else {
console.log("PASSED: " + xs[0]);
// printCoreTypes();
// testForallInference();
// regressionTestComposition();
declare var process : any;
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