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Created January 24, 2023 00:40
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# Minimum moves solver for
from collections import deque
import chess
def main():
destinations = [chess.F8, chess.E8, chess.C8, chess.B8,
chess.H7, chess.G7, chess.E7, chess.C7, chess.A7,
chess.H6, chess.G6, chess.F6, chess.B6, chess.A6,
chess.H4, chess.G4, chess.F4, chess.B4, chess.A4,
chess.H3, chess.G3, chess.E3, chess.C3, chess.A3,
chess.H2, chess.F2, chess.E2, chess.C2, chess.B2,
chess.G1, chess.F1, chess.E1, chess.C1, chess.B1, chess.A1]
knight_square = chess.H8
board = chess.Board()
board.set_piece_at(knight_square, chess.Piece(chess.KNIGHT, chess.WHITE))
board.set_piece_at(chess.D5, chess.Piece(chess.QUEEN, chess.BLACK))
for destination_square in destinations:
board.set_piece_at(knight_square, chess.Piece(chess.KNIGHT, chess.WHITE))
board.set_piece_at(chess.D5, chess.Piece(chess.QUEEN, chess.BLACK))
shortest_path = breadth_first_search(board, knight_square, destination_square,
{knight_square}, [])
print(f'{chess.square_name(destination_square)} -> {", ".join([chess.square_name(move.to_square) for move in shortest_path])}')
knight_square = destination_square
def breadth_first_search(board, from_square, to_square, visited, path):
queue = deque()
queue.append((board.copy(stack=False), [], {from_square}))
while queue:
board, path, visited = queue.popleft()
for legal_move in board.legal_moves:
if legal_move.to_square in visited:
if legal_move.to_square == chess.D5:
# Cannot take queen.
if board.is_attacked_by(chess.BLACK, legal_move.to_square):
# Cannot go to a square attacked by the queen.
new_board = board.copy(stack=False)
new_board.turn = chess.WHITE
new_square = legal_move.to_square
new_visited = set(visited)
if new_square == to_square:
return path + [legal_move]
queue.append((new_board, path + [legal_move], new_visited))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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