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Last active September 30, 2021 09:05
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package main
import (
type Shape struct {
grid [][]bool
points []Point
func (s *Shape) Width() int {
return len(s.grid[0])
func (s *Shape) Height() int {
return len(s.grid)
func (s *Shape) ComputePoints() {
for y := 0; y < s.Height(); y++ {
for x := 0; x < s.Width(); x++ {
if s.grid[y][x] {
s.points = append(s.points, Point{x, y})
func ShapeFromString(input string) *Shape {
lines := strings.Split(input, "\n")
height := len(lines)
width := len(lines[0])
shape := &Shape{}
for y := 0; y < height; y++ {
line := lines[y]
var row []bool
for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
row = append(row, line[x] != ' ')
shape.grid = append(shape.grid, row)
return shape
func (s *Shape) String() string {
var rows []string
for y := 0; y < s.Height(); y++ {
var row strings.Builder
for x := 0; x < s.Width(); x++ {
if s.grid[y][x] {
} else {
row.WriteRune(' ')
rows = append(rows, row.String())
return strings.Join(rows, "\n")
func (s *Shape) Clone() *Shape {
return ShapeFromString(s.String())
func (s *Shape) Rotate90() *Shape {
var newGrid [][]bool
for x := 0; x < s.Width(); x++ {
var column []bool
for y := 0; y < s.Height(); y++ {
column = append(column, s.grid[y][x])
newGrid = append(newGrid, column)
for y := 0; y < len(newGrid); y++ {
var row []bool
for x := len(newGrid[0]) - 1; x >= 0; x-- {
row = append(row, newGrid[y][x])
newGrid[y] = row
s.grid = newGrid
return s
func (s *Shape) Flip() *Shape {
var newGrid [][]bool
for y := 0; y < s.Height(); y++ {
var row []bool
for x := s.Width() - 1; x >= 0; x-- {
row = append(row, s.grid[y][x])
newGrid = append(newGrid, row)
s.grid = newGrid
return s
func ShapeGroups(shapes []*Shape) [][]*Shape {
var shapeGroups [][]*Shape
for _, shape := range shapes {
var shapeGroup []*Shape
allPermutations := []*Shape{
for _, permutation := range allPermutations {
s := permutation.String()
same := false
for _, shape := range shapeGroup {
if s == shape.String() {
same = true
if same {
shapeGroup = append(shapeGroup, permutation)
shapeGroups = append(shapeGroups, shapeGroup)
return shapeGroups
type Point struct {
x int
y int
type Solution struct {
grid [][]rune
func (s *Solution) Width() int {
return len(s.grid[0])
func (s *Solution) Height() int {
return len(s.grid)
func (s *Solution) String() string {
var rows []string
for y := 0; y < s.Height(); y++ {
var row strings.Builder
for x := 0; x < s.Width(); x++ {
rows = append(rows, row.String())
return strings.Join(rows, "\n")
func SolutionFromPoints(points []Point) *Solution {
var solution Solution
maxX := 0
maxY := 0
for _, point := range points {
if point.x > maxX {
maxX = point.x
if point.y > maxY {
maxY = point.y
for y := 0; y <= maxY; y++ {
var row []rune
for x := 0; x <= maxX; x++ {
hasPoint := false
for _, point := range points {
if point.x == x && point.y == y {
hasPoint = true
value := ' '
if hasPoint {
value = 'x'
row = append(row, value)
solution.grid = append(solution.grid, row)
return &solution
func SolvePuzzle(puzzle *Shape, shapes []*Shape) {
// Assumptions - puzzle width & height both bigger than any shape width & height.
shapeGroups := ShapeGroups(shapes)
// Array of shape group index, shape index, and offset index
// A shape might have no offsets, in which case the offset list may be nil.
var possibleFits [][][]Point
for _, shapeGroup := range shapeGroups {
var shapeGroupFits [][]Point
for _, shape := range shapeGroup {
var shapeFits []Point
for yOffset := 0; yOffset <= puzzle.Height()-shape.Height(); yOffset++ {
for xOffset := 0; xOffset <= puzzle.Width()-shape.Width(); xOffset++ {
fits := true
for y := 0; y < shape.Height(); y++ {
for x := 0; x < shape.Width(); x++ {
if shape.grid[y][x] && !puzzle.grid[y+yOffset][x+xOffset] {
fits = false
if !fits {
if fits {
shapeFits = append(shapeFits, Point{x: xOffset, y: yOffset})
shapeGroupFits = append(shapeGroupFits, shapeFits)
possibleFits = append(possibleFits, shapeGroupFits)
solution := SolutionFromPoints(puzzle.points)
// The following loop contains the most important optimization.
// Prune the offsets based on which shape offsets would make some locations
// impossible to reach through any of the other shapes' placements.
// The key insight here is that we can prune entire offsets before recursing.
// This final change improved the runtime from around 8s to 18ms.
for shapeGroupIndex, shapeGroup := range possibleFits {
for shapeIndex, offsets := range shapeGroup {
var validOffsetIndicies []int
for offsetIndex, offset := range offsets {
points := shapeGroups[shapeGroupIndex][shapeIndex].points
// Demark this offset's placement as `1`.
for _, point := range points {
solution.grid[point.y+offset.y][point.x+offset.x] = '1'
for otherShapeGroupIndex, shapeGroup := range possibleFits {
if shapeGroupIndex == otherShapeGroupIndex {
for shapeIndex, offsets := range shapeGroup {
for _, offset := range offsets {
points := shapeGroups[otherShapeGroupIndex][shapeIndex].points
// Ensure that this other piece's offset will not collide with the `1`s.
fits := true
for _, point := range points {
if solution.grid[point.y+offset.y][point.x+offset.x] == '1' {
fits = false
if !fits {
// Demark the reached cells from this piece as `2`.
for _, point := range points {
solution.grid[point.y+offset.y][point.x+offset.x] = '2'
// At this point, we have marked the offset we're looking at as `1`,
// and all the other reachable places as `2`.
// Any places still with `x` are unreachable if we use this offset, so we can prune it.
impossible := false
for _, point := range puzzle.points {
if solution.grid[point.y][point.x] == 'x' {
impossible = true
if !impossible {
validOffsetIndicies = append(validOffsetIndicies, offsetIndex)
// Undo our modifications to the grid.
for _, point := range puzzle.points {
solution.grid[point.y][point.x] = 'x'
var validOffsets []Point
for _, validOffsetIndex := range validOffsetIndicies {
validOffsets = append(validOffsets, offsets[validOffsetIndex])
possibleFits[shapeGroupIndex][shapeIndex] = validOffsets
// Sort shape groups by complexity - least complex in the front, most complex at the end.
// This change reduced the runtime from about 11s to 8s.
// With all other optimizations, the default order runs in about 28ms.
// Least optimal order runs in 138ms.
// Most optimal order runs in 18ms.
var order []int
for i := range possibleFits {
order = append(order, i)
sort.Slice(order, func(i, j int) bool {
a := 0
b := 0
for _, shape := range possibleFits[i] {
a += len(shape)
for _, shape := range possibleFits[j] {
b += len(shape)
return a < b
RecursiveSolve(solution, shapeGroups, possibleFits, 0, order)
func RecursiveSolve(solution *Solution, shapeGroups [][]*Shape, possibleFits [][][]Point, shapeGroupIndex int, order []int) bool {
if shapeGroupIndex == len(shapeGroups) {
// Base case, solved.
return true
for shapeIndex, offsets := range possibleFits[order[shapeGroupIndex]] {
points := shapeGroups[order[shapeGroupIndex]][shapeIndex].points
for _, offset := range offsets {
// Check if it fits.
offsetFits := true
for _, point := range points {
if solution.grid[point.y+offset.y][point.x+offset.x] != 'x' {
// This one doesn't fit.
offsetFits = false
if !offsetFits {
// Try something else.
for _, point := range points {
solution.grid[point.y+offset.y][point.x+offset.x] = rune(shapeGroupIndex + 65)
// Recurse with this fit.
if RecursiveSolve(solution, shapeGroups, possibleFits, shapeGroupIndex+1, order) {
return true
// Backtrack.
for _, point := range points {
solution.grid[point.y+offset.y][point.x+offset.x] = 'x'
return false
func main() {
" xx \n"+
" xxxxx\n"+
" xx \n"+
" xx \n"+
" xxx \n"+
" xxx xxx \n"+
" xxxxxxxxxx \n"+
" xxxxxxxxxx \n"+
"xxxxxxxxxxxx \n"+
" xx xx \n"+
" xx xx "),
ShapeFromString(" xxx\nxx "),
ShapeFromString("xx\nx \nxx"),
ShapeFromString(" x \nxxx\n x "),
ShapeFromString("xxx\n x \n x "),
ShapeFromString("xx\nx \nx \nx "),
ShapeFromString("xxx\nx \nx "),
ShapeFromString("xx \n x \n xx"),
ShapeFromString("x \nxx\nx \nx "),
ShapeFromString(" xx\nxx \nx "),
ShapeFromString("xx \nxxx"),
ShapeFromString(" xx\nxx \n x "),
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