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Created January 27, 2020 11:00
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import { CoreModule, Module, Controller, Query, Type, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLString, GraphQLFloat, GraphQLInt } from "@gapi/core";
import { VoyagerModule } from "@gapi/voyager";
import { Neo4JModule, graphRequest } from "@rxdi/neo4j";
import { makeAugmentedSchema } from "neo4j-graphql-js";
import { mergeSchemas } from "graphql-tools";
const typeDefs = `
type Movie {
title: String
year: Int
imdbRating: Float
genres: [Genre] @relation(name: "IN_GENRE", direction: "OUT")
type Genre {
name: String
movies: [Movie] @relation(name: "IN_GENRE", direction: "IN")
const Movie = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Movie',
fields: () => ({
title: {
type: GraphQLString
year: {
type: GraphQLInt
imdbRating: {
type: GraphQLFloat
export class TestController {
Movie(root, params, ctx, resolveInfo) {
return graphRequest(root, params, ctx, resolveInfo)
controllers: [TestController],
imports: [
types: [Movie],
// schemaOverride: schema =>
// mergeSchemas({
// schemas: [
// schema,
// makeAugmentedSchema({
// typeDefs
// })
// ]
// }),
username: "graphql-server",
password: "b.OqCSpTlwCaw7.bz7G5rHnsSoEt9h1",
address: "bolt://"
export class AppModule {}
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