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Last active November 20, 2022 13:18
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Workflow to install argocd on an AKS cluster

Login to Azure CLI

Login to azure

az login

get aks credentials which will be stored in the kubeconfig

 az aks get-credentials --name <resourcename> --resource-group <resourcegroup>

output the list of clusters

az aks list -o table

if needed, set kubectx and kubens accordingly


For windows: as im working with multiple different clusters, i found it useful to separate them to different config files. So when i start a terminal im working on a clean kubeconfig which in my case has the docker desktop cluster as context I save that context as temporary variable kubeconfig_saved, wo which i can later restore the state when im done working on the current cluster


to switch to another kubeconfig file, i run the following command


get aks credentials which will be stored in the kubeconfig

 az aks get-credentials --name <resourcename> --resource-group <resourcegroup>

afterwards i can restore the initial clean state via


command to display current contexts in kubeconfig

k config get-contexts

Install Argo CD

not required now but helps to keep clean config location later on mkdir argocd cd argocd

Create the new namespace

k create namespace argocd 

Install argocd from githubs install.yaml

kubectl apply -n argocd -f

Patch argocd server from ClusterIP to LoadBalancer


kubectl patch svc argocd-server -n argocd -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'


 kubectl patch svc argocd-server -n argocd -p '{\"spec\": {\"type\": \"LoadBalancer\"}}'

Optional: port-forward

kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443

Connect to ArgoCD

Server URL

Or you can get the IP address via:

k get ing -n cpj-ns-argocd

Initial Admin password

kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d

Connect CLI to ArgoCD Server

argocd login --core

to login to admin account use:

argocd login --username admin --grpc-web-root-path /argocd

Dev Setup

After you have successfully connected your terminal to argocd, you will have to setup the following inside of argocd:

  • Add Gitlab Repository to ArgoCD allowed repositories
  • Create Users through RBAC

Create New users

kubect get configmap argocd-cm -n argocd -o yaml > argocd-cm.yml

add the following to argocd-cm.yml

  # add an additional local user with apiKey and login capabilities
  #   apiKey - allows generating API keys
  #   login - allows to login using UI
  accounts.student1: apiKey, login

apply changes

kubectl apply -f .\argocd-cm.yml

verify the new users exists

argocd account list 

update password of new user

argocd account update-password --account student1 --new-password student1

RBAC for repository rules

export argo cds rbac configuration to the local directory argocd/

kubectl get configmap argocd-rbac-cm -n argocd -o yaml > argocd-rbac.yml

add following to the bottom of the newly generated file

  policy.csv: |
    p, role:org-admin, applications, *, */*, allow
    p, role:org-admin, clusters, get, *, allow
    p, role:org-admin, projects, get, default, allow
    p, role:org-admin, projects, get, training, allow
    p, role:org-admin, repositories, get, *, allow
    p, role:org-admin, repositories, create, *, allow
    p, role:org-admin, repositories, update, *, allow
    g, student0, role:org-admin
    g, student1, role:org-admin

or set default role to org-admin

k apply -f .\argocd-rbac.yml

Now you should be able to login with the newly created student1 and create repositories,clusters and applications


Here is a list of possible failures with argo and how to correct them

Users create a Repository that cant connect properly

When users set the wrong repository info (wrong credentials, typo, wrong url format) then that repo entry blocks any new repo entries with the same url. Therefore, the repo must first be deleted, which cant be done via UI-

To do this, login with admin credentials as described in line 102. Enter

argocd repo rm <REPO-URL>

the repo is now deleted and users can reenter repo info. make sure theyre using the clone-url with the .git ending!!

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