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Last active July 30, 2018 14:57
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Contract code for the tutorial on
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol";
contract AdvertMarket is Ownable{
event NewAdvert(uint id, bytes32 meta, uint price, address sender);
event AdvertChangedOwner(uint id, uint price, address newOwner, uint newPrice);
event AdvertDataChanged(uint id, bytes32 data);
uint maxPriceFactor = 2; // max factor the price can increase at owner change
// Following values are parts of 100, e.g. 25 => 25/100 = 0.25
uint profitFee = 25; // fee when profit is made from reselling add space
uint regularFee = 5; // fee on initial creation and reselling
uint creatorShare = 25; // in case of reselling the add space for profit, this is what the creator gets
struct Advert{
// Store big data in IPFS and store hashes as bytes32
bytes32 meta; // data about the add space
bytes32 data; // data the add should display
uint price; // price for reselling in wei
uint previousPrice; // price from previous sell
address creator; // creator of the advert
Advert[] public adverts;
mapping(uint => address) public advertToOwner;
mapping(uint => address) public advertToCreator;
modifier onlyAdCreator(uint _id) {require(msg.sender == advertToCreator[_id]); _;}
modifier onlyAdOwner(uint _id) {require(msg.sender == advertToOwner[_id]); _;}
function createAdvert(bytes32 _meta, uint _price) public {
Advert memory advert = Advert(_meta, "00000000000000000000000000000000", _price, 0, msg.sender);
uint id = adverts.push(advert) - 1;
advertToOwner[id] = msg.sender;
advertToCreator[id] = msg.sender;
emit NewAdvert(id, _meta, _price, msg.sender);
function getAdvert(uint _id) public view returns(bytes32, bytes32, uint, uint, address, address){
return (adverts[_id].meta, adverts[_id].data, adverts[_id].price, adverts[_id].previousPrice, advertToCreator[_id], advertToOwner[_id]);
function buyAdvert(uint _id, uint _newPrice, bytes32 _newData) public payable {
Advert storage advert = adverts[_id];
require(msg.value == advert.price); // assert that the payment is equal to the price
require(advert.price * maxPriceFactor >= _newPrice); // assert that the new price is not higher than the limit
emit AdvertChangedOwner(_id, advert.price, msg.sender, _newPrice);
payShareholders(advert, _id);
advertToOwner[_id] = msg.sender; // set owner to buyer
advert.previousPrice = advert.price; // set previous price
advert.price = _newPrice; // set new price = _newData; // set new data
emit AdvertDataChanged(_id, _newData); // send an event that the add data has changed
// Pays owner and creator of the add, should only be used when
// the data of the new owner is not yet assigned
function payShareholders(Advert storage _advert, uint _id) internal {
uint fee = _advert.price * regularFee / 100; // standard fee for all sales
uint creatorPayment = 0; // payment to creator defaults to 0
int profit = int(_advert.price - _advert.previousPrice); // profit if price increased
if(profit > 0 && advertToOwner[_id] != advertToCreator[_id]){ // if profit and owner is not creator ...
fee = fee + (uint(profit) * profitFee / 100); // we want our share of the profit
creatorPayment = uint(profit) * creatorShare / 100; // the creator gets it's share
uint ownerPayment = _advert.price - fee - creatorPayment; // the owner gets the rest
if(creatorPayment > 0){
function setAdData(uint _id, bytes32 _data) external onlyAdOwner(_id){
adverts[_id].data = _data;
emit AdvertDataChanged(_id, _data);
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