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Created August 4, 2022 08:47
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from typing import Iterable, Tuple
import time
import numpy as np
def to_mask(word: str) -> int:
"""Converts a word into a bitmask where each bit indicates presence of a letter."""
t = 0
for c in word:
t |= 1 << (ord(c) - ord('a'))
return t
def uniques_to_np32(masks: Iterable[int]) -> np.ndarray:
return np.array(sorted(set(masks)), dtype=np.uint32)
def main():
t0 = time.monotonic()
# Got word list from
with open('word_list.txt') as f:
words =
# Compute unique single-word masks.
singlet_masks = uniques_to_np32(to_mask(word) for word in words if len(set(word)) == 5)
num_singlets = len(singlet_masks)
# Compute unique double-word masks.
unions = np.repeat(singlet_masks, repeats=len(singlet_masks)).reshape((num_singlets, num_singlets))
overlaps = unions.copy()
for letter in range(num_singlets):
unions[:, letter] |= singlet_masks[letter]
overlaps[:, letter] &= singlet_masks[letter]
unions.shape = (num_singlets * num_singlets,)
overlaps.shape = (num_singlets * num_singlets,)
doublet_masks = uniques_to_np32(unions[overlaps == 0])
# Compute unique double-word-and-one-extra-bit masks.
known_extrabitdoublets = set()
for letter in range(26):
extrabitdoublets = doublet_masks | (1 << letter)
for k2 in np.flatnonzero(extrabitdoublets != doublet_masks):
# Search for singlet+doublet mask combos whose leftovers are a double-word-and-an-extra-bit.
def iter_singlet_doublet_extrabitdoublets() -> Iterable[Tuple[int, int, int]]:
for singlet in singlet_masks:
for working_doublet_index in np.flatnonzero((singlet & doublet_masks) == 0):
doublet = doublet_masks[working_doublet_index]
extrabitdoublet = (singlet | doublet) ^ ((1 << 26) - 1)
if extrabitdoublet in known_extrabitdoublets:
yield singlet, doublet, extrabitdoublet
# Have a way to map solved masks back to words.
mask_to_word = {to_mask(word): word for word in words}
seen_results = set()
for singlet, doublet, extrabitdoublet in iter_singlet_doublet_extrabitdoublets():
# Find location of the doublet in the outer or table. Index tells original two.
doublet_index = np.flatnonzero(unions == doublet)[0]
# Find the extra bit and location of the leftover doublet in the outer or table. Index tells original two.
for letter in range(26):
extrabit = 1 << letter
if extrabit & extrabitdoublet:
doublet2_matches = np.flatnonzero(unions == extrabitdoublet & ~extrabit)
if len(doublet2_matches):
doublet_index2 = doublet2_matches[0]
raise NotImplementedError("extrabitdoublet wasn't a doublet with an extra bit")
# Convert indices into masks.
word_masks = [
singlet_masks[doublet_index // len(singlet_masks)],
singlet_masks[doublet_index % len(singlet_masks)],
singlet_masks[doublet_index2 // len(singlet_masks)],
singlet_masks[doublet_index2 % len(singlet_masks)],
# Convert masks into words.
words = tuple(sorted(mask_to_word[m] for m in word_masks))
if words not in seen_results:
print("found", words, 'after', time.monotonic() - t0, 'seconds')
print("finished searching after", time.monotonic() - t0, 'seconds')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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