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Created July 13, 2022 23:59
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Code to convert a stim.Circuit into an equivalent stim.Tableau and a stim.Tableau into an equivalent stim.Circuit. The circuit decomposition isn't efficient but it's simple to write.
from typing import List
import stim
def circuit_to_tableau(circuit: stim.Circuit) -> stim.Tableau:
s = stim.TableauSimulator()
return s.current_inverse_tableau() ** -1
def tableau_to_circuit(tableau: stim.Tableau) -> stim.Circuit:
remaining = tableau.inverse()
recorded_circuit = stim.Circuit()
def do(gate: str, targets: List[int]):
recorded_circuit.append(gate, targets)
remaining.append(stim.Tableau.from_named_gate(gate), targets)
n = len(remaining)
for col in range(n):
# Find a cell with an anti-commuting pair of Paulis.
for pivot_row in range(col, n):
px = remaining.x_output_pauli(col, pivot_row)
pz = remaining.z_output_pauli(col, pivot_row)
if px and pz and px != pz:
raise NotImplementedError("Failed to find a pivot cell")
# Move the pivot to the diagonal.
if pivot_row != col:
do("SWAP", [pivot_row, col])
# Transform the pivot to X->X, Z->Z.
px = remaining.x_output_pauli(col, col)
if px == 3:
do("H", [col])
elif px == 2:
do("H_XY", [col])
pz = remaining.z_output_pauli(col, col)
if pz == 2:
do("H_YZ", [col])
# Use the pivot to remove all other terms in the X observable.
for row in range(col + 1, n):
px = remaining.x_output_pauli(col, row)
if px:
do("C" + "_XYZ"[px], [col, row])
# Use the pivot to remove all other terms in the Z observable.
for row in range(col + 1, n):
pz = remaining.z_output_pauli(col, row)
if pz:
do("XC" + "_XYZ"[pz], [col, row])
# Fix pauli signs.
if remaining.z_output(col).sign == -1:
do("X", [col])
if remaining.x_output(col).sign == -1:
do("Z", [col])
# The column is now solved.
# By some sort of symmetry this also solves the row.
return recorded_circuit
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