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Created December 10, 2023 04:41
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Another iteration on shortening the CHSH proof.
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic
import Mathlib.Tactic.Linarith
----------------- DEFINE PROBABILITY --------------------
structure Chance where
p : Rat
v : (p >= 0) ∧ (p <= 1)
def Chance.le (a b : Chance) : Bool := a.p <= b.p
infixl:45 " ≤ " => Chance.le
infixl:45 " <= " => Chance.le
theorem Chance.le_def (a b : Chance)
: a.p <= b.p <-> (Chance.le a b)
:= by
apply Iff.intro
intro h
simp [Chance.le]
exact h
intro h
simp [Chance.le] at h
exact h
def Chance.max (a b : Chance) : Chance :=
match a <= b with
| true => b
| false => a
def Chance.ofBool (b : Bool) : Chance :=
match b with
| true => 1 (by trivial)
| false => 0 (by trivial)
def Rat.lerp (t a b : Rat) : Rat := a + t * (b - a)
def Chance.lerp (t a b : Chance) : Chance :=
(Rat.lerp t.p a.p b.p)
induction t
induction a
induction b
simp [Rat.lerp]
apply And.intro
theorem Chance.le_trans
(a b c: Chance)
(hab : a <= b)
(hbc : b <= c)
: (a <= c)
:= by
simp [Chance.le] at hab
simp [Chance.le] at hbc
simp [Chance.le]
apply Rat.le_trans hab hbc
def Chance.avg (a b : Chance) : Chance :=
Chance.lerp ( 0.5 (by trivial)) a b
def Chance.avg4 (a b c d : Chance) : Chance :=
Chance.avg (Chance.avg a b) (Chance.avg c d)
theorem Chance.lerp_le_max(t a b : Chance)
: (Chance.lerp t a b) ≤ (Chance.max a b)
:= by
induction' t with cp cv
cases h : a ≤ b
unfold Chance.max
simp [h]
simp [Chance.le] at h
simp [Chance.le, Chance.lerp, Rat.lerp]
theorem Chance.le_max_from_le_lerp(t a b c : Chance)
(h : (Chance.max a b) ≤ c)
: (Chance.lerp t a b) ≤ c
:= by
apply Chance.le_trans (Chance.lerp t a b) (Chance.max a b) c
apply Chance.lerp_le_max
exact h
----------------- DEFINE CHSH GAME --------------------
def chsh_win_rule
(a b x y : Bool)
: Bool
:= (xor a b) = (x && y)
def play_chsh_case
(a b : Bool -> Bool)
(x y : Bool)
: Chance
:= Chance.ofBool (chsh_win_rule (a x) (b y) x y)
inductive RandStrat where
| always (value : Bool -> Bool)
| rand (chance : Chance) (left : RandStrat) (right : RandStrat)
def chsh_win_rate_det (a b : Bool -> Bool) : Chance :=
(play_chsh_case a b false false)
(play_chsh_case a b false true)
(play_chsh_case a b true false)
(play_chsh_case a b true true)
def chsh_win_rate_semidet
(a : Bool -> Bool)
(br : RandStrat)
: Chance
match br with
| RandStrat.always b => chsh_win_rate_det a b
| RandStrat.rand p left right => Chance.lerp
(chsh_win_rate_semidet a left)
(chsh_win_rate_semidet a right)
def chsh_win_rate
(ar br : RandStrat)
: Chance
match ar with
| RandStrat.always a => chsh_win_rate_semidet a br
| RandStrat.rand p left right =>
(chsh_win_rate left br)
(chsh_win_rate right br)
----------------- LEMMAS --------------------
theorem CHSH_inequality_for_det_strats
(alice_strategy bob_strategy : Bool → Bool)
: (chsh_win_rate_det alice_strategy bob_strategy) ≤ ( 0.75 (by trivial))
:= by
unfold chsh_win_rate_det
unfold play_chsh_case
unfold chsh_win_rule
cases (alice_strategy false) <;>
cases (alice_strategy true) <;>
cases (bob_strategy false) <;>
cases (bob_strategy true) <;>
simp [xor, Chance.ofBool, Chance.avg, Chance.lerp, Chance.le_def]
repeat trivial
theorem CHSH_inequality_for_semidet_strats
(a : Bool -> Bool)
(br : RandStrat)
: chsh_win_rate_semidet a br ≤ 0.75 (by trivial)
:= by
cases br with
| always b =>
simp [chsh_win_rate_semidet]
apply CHSH_inequality_for_det_strats
| rand b_chance b_left b_right =>
simp [chsh_win_rate_semidet]
apply Chance.le_max_from_le_lerp
unfold Chance.max
cases cr : (chsh_win_rate_semidet a b_left ≤ chsh_win_rate_semidet a b_right) <;>
apply CHSH_inequality_for_semidet_strats
----------------- PROVE CHSH INEQUALITY --------------------
theorem CHSH_inequality
(ar : RandStrat)
(br : RandStrat)
: chsh_win_rate ar br ≤ 0.75 (by trivial)
:= by
cases ar with
| always a =>
simp [chsh_win_rate]
apply CHSH_inequality_for_semidet_strats
| rand b_chance b_left b_right =>
simp [chsh_win_rate]
apply Chance.le_max_from_le_lerp
unfold Chance.max
cases cr : (chsh_win_rate b_left br ≤ chsh_win_rate b_right br) <;>
apply CHSH_inequality
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