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Created November 12, 2021 19:46
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Generates a module template for developing a PowerShell module.
process {
$DestinationPath ??= '.'
$ProjectRoot = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath((Join-Path $DestinationPath $ModuleName))
if ((Test-Path $ProjectRoot) -and (Get-ChildItem $ProjectRoot -Force)) {
Write-Error "The project cannot be built at '$ProjectRoot' because the path is an existing directory that is not empty."
if ($ModuleName.Contains('''')) {
Write-Error "The module name must not contain the apostraphe character (')."
$Reason = [System.Management.Automation.ShouldProcessReason]::None
$ShouldProcess = $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Creating module project at path '$ProjectRoot'.", "Create module project at path '$ProjectRoot'?", 'Create module project', [ref]$Reason)
if (!$ShouldProcess -and $Reason -ne [System.Management.Automation.ShouldProcessReason]::WhatIf) {
if ($ShouldProcess) {
$WhatIfPreference = $false
$ConfirmPreference = $false
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ProjectRoot 1>$null
if ($ShouldProcess) { Write-Verbose ((dotnet new sln --name $ModuleName --output $ProjectRoot) -join "`n") }
$SlnPath = Join-Path $ProjectRoot "$ModuleName.sln"
if (!$NoBinaryProject) {
$BinaryProjectPath = Join-Path $ProjectRoot 'src' $ModuleName
$XUnitProjectPath = Join-Path $ProjectRoot 'src' "$ModuleName.Tests"
if ($ShouldProcess) {
Write-Verbose ((dotnet new classlib --name $ModuleName --output $BinaryProjectPath) -join "`n")
Write-Verbose ((dotnet sln $SlnPath add $BinaryProjectPath) -join "`n")
Write-Verbose ((dotnet add $BinaryProjectPath package System.Management.Automation) -join "`n")
$csprojFilePath = Join-Path $BinaryProjectPath "$ModuleName.csproj"
[xml]$xml = Get-Content $csprojFilePath
| Where-Object Include -eq 'System.Management.Automation'
| ForEach-Object { $_.SetAttribute('PrivateAssets', 'all') }
if (!$NoXUnitTests) {
Write-Verbose ((dotnet new xunit --name "$ModuleName.Tests" --output $XUnitProjectPath) -join "`n")
Write-Verbose ((dotnet sln $SlnPath add $XUnitProjectPath) -join "`n")
Write-Verbose ((dotnet add $XUnitProjectPath reference $BinaryProjectPath) -join "`n")
$ScriptProjectPath = Join-Path $ProjectRoot 'src' 'PowerShell'
if (!$NoScriptProject) {
$PublicFunctionsPath = Join-Path $ScriptProjectPath 'Public'
$PrivateFunctionsPath = Join-Path $ScriptProjectPath 'Private'
$PSClassesPath = Join-Path $ScriptProjectPath 'Classes'
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ScriptProjectPath, $PublicFunctionsPath, $PrivateFunctionsPath, $PSClassesPath 1>$null
if (!$NoFormatFile) {
if (!(Test-Path $ScriptProjectPath)) { New-Item $ScriptProjectPath -ItemType Directory }
New-Item -Path (Join-Path $ProjectRoot 'src' 'PowerShell' "$ModuleName.format.ps1xml") -Value @'
<?xml version="1.0"?>
'@ 1>$null
if (!$NoTypesFile) {
if (!(Test-Path $ScriptProjectPath)) { New-Item $ScriptProjectPath -ItemType Directory 1>$null }
New-Item -Path (Join-Path $ProjectRoot 'src' 'PowerShell' "$ModuleName.types.ps1xml") -Value @'
<?xml version="1.0"?>
'@ 1>$null
if (!$NoPesterTests) {
$PesterTestsPath = Join-Path $ProjectRoot 'Tests'
$PesterModuleTests = Join-Path $PesterTestsPath "$ModuleName-Global.Tests.ps1"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $PesterTestsPath 1>$null
New-Item -Path $PesterModuleTests -Value (@"
using module ../../Build/$ModuleName
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '', Justification = 'Pester has special variable scope behavior')]
Describe '$ModuleName' {
BeforeAll {
Context 'Command <Command>' -ForEach @(
Get-Command -Module '$ModuleName'
"@ + @'
| ForEach-Object {
@{ Command = $_ }
) {
# Check that the command has a defined RemotingCapability
It 'defines RemotingCapability' {
if ($Command.CommandType -eq 'Function') {
[System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst]$Ast = $Command.ScriptBlock.Ast
[System.Management.Automation.Language.AttributeAst]$Attribute = $Ast.Body.ParamBlock.Attributes.Where{$_.TypeName.GetReflectionType() -eq [CmdletBinding]} | Select-Object -First 1
$RemotingCapability = @($Attribute.NamedArguments.Where{$_.ArgumentName -eq 'RemotingCapability'})
$RemotingCapability | Should -HaveCount 1
elseif ($Command.CommandType -eq 'Cmdlet') {
[System.Reflection.CustomAttributeData]$Attribute = $Command.ImplementingType.GetCustomAttributesData().Where{$_.AttributeType -eq [System.Management.Automation.CmdletAttribute]} | Select-Object -First 1
$RemotingCapability = @($Attribute.NamedArguments.Where{$_.MemberName -eq 'RemotingCapability'})
$RemotingCapability | Should -HaveCount 1
# Check that the command has a defined OutputType
It 'defines OutputType' {
if ($Command.CommandType -eq 'Function') {
[System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst]$Ast = $Command.ScriptBlock.Ast
[System.Management.Automation.Language.AttributeAst]$Attribute = $Ast.Body.ParamBlock.Attributes.Where{$_.TypeName.GetReflectionType() -eq [OutputType]} | Select-Object -First 1
$RemotingCapability | Should -HaveCount 1
elseif ($Command.CommandType -eq 'Cmdlet') {
[System.Reflection.CustomAttributeData]$Attribute = $Command.ImplementingType.GetCustomAttributesData().Where{$_.AttributeType -eq [OutputType]} | Select-Object -First 1
$RemotingCapability | Should -HaveCount 1
It 'has a default parameter set' {
if ($Command.ParameterSets.Count -gt 1) {
$Command.DefaultParameterSet | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because 'commands must define a default parameter set'
$Command.ParameterSets.Name | Should -Contain $Command.DefaultParameterSet -Because 'the default parameter set must be an actual parameter set'
# Check that a default parameter set is defined if a parameter set exists
It 'has completions for <Parameter.Name>' -ForEach @(
$ignore = @([System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet]::CommonParameters + [System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet]::OptionalCommonParameters)
| Where-Object {
$_.Name -notin $ignore -and
$_.Name -notlike '*path' -and
$_.ParameterType -notlike [switch] -and
| ForEach-Object {
@{ Parameter = $_ }
) {
$Completer = $Parameter.Attributes
| Where-Object {
$_ -is [ValidateSet] -or
$_ -is [ArgumentCompletions] -or
$_ -is [ArgumentCompleter] -or
$_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ArgumentCompleterFactoryAttribute] -or
($_.GetType().Name -like '*PathTo*' -and $_ -is [System.Management.Automation.ArgumentTransformationAttribute])
$Completer | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because 'parameters should offer relevant argument completion'
'@) 1>$null
$DocumentationRoot = Join-Path $ProjectRoot 'src' 'Documentation'
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $DocumentationRoot 1>$null
if ($ShouldProcess) { New-MarkdownAboutHelp -OutputFolder $DocumentationRoot -AboutName $ModuleName }
# Create build components
$BuildRoot = Join-Path $ProjectRoot 'Build'
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $BuildRoot 1>$null
New-Item -Path (Join-Path $BuildRoot 'Build.ps1') -Value @'
#requires -Module PlatyPS
#requires -Module PSSharp.ModuleFactory
process {
Push-Location -StackName 'Build.ps1'
try {
Set-Location (Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent)
$Data = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Build.psd1')
$Manifest = $Data['Manifest']
[version]$Version = ($Data['Version'] -as [version]) ?? '1.0.0'
$ModuleName = $Data['ModuleName']
$OutputRoot = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot $Data['OutputFolder']
$OutputPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath((Join-Path $OutputRoot $ModuleName $Version))
if (!(Test-Path $OutputPath)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $OutputPath
[System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$NestedModules = @()
$AddRangeParameters = @{
MemberType = 'ScriptMethod'
Name = 'AddRange'
Value = { param([string[]]$values) foreach ($val in $values) { [void]$this.Add($val) } }
PassThru = $true
function newhashset { ,[System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]::new([StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) }
$RequiredAssemblies = Add-Member -InputObject (newhashset) @AddRangeParameters
$FormatsToProcess = Add-Member -InputObject (newhashset) @AddRangeParameters
$TypesToProcess = Add-Member -InputObject (newhashset) @AddRangeParameters
$FunctionsToExport = Add-Member -InputObject (newhashset) @AddRangeParameters
$AliasesToExport = Add-Member -InputObject (newhashset) @AddRangeParameters
$CmdletsToExport = Add-Member -InputObject (newhashset) @AddRangeParameters
$RequiredModules = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new()
[version]$PowerShellVersion = $null
# Build binary modules
$GetExportedCommandsScript = {
Set-Location $using:OutputPath
$m = Import-Module "./$using:binaryProject.dll" -PassThru
if (!$m) { Write-Error "Failed to import binary module '$using:binaryproject.dll' to remote sesion for command identification." }
@($m.ExportedCmdlets.Values; $m.ExportedAliases.Values) | Select-Object -Property Name, @{L='CommandType';E={$_.CommandType.ToString()}}
foreach ($binaryProject in $Data['BinaryProjectPaths'].Keys) {
$binaryProjectPath = $Data['BinaryProjectPaths'][$binaryProject]
Write-Verbose "Building binary module '$BinaryProject' from path '$binaryProjectPath'."
if ($Data['SetAssemblyVersionOnBuild']) {
dotnet publish $binaryProjectPath --output $OutputPath /p:Version="$Version" /p:AssemblyFileVersion="$Version" /p:AssemblyVersion="$Version"
else {
dotnet publish $binaryProjectPath --output $OutputPath
$cmdletAlias = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $GetExportedCommandsScript | Receive-Job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob
$CmdletsToExport.AddRange($cmdletAlias.Where{$_.CommandType -eq 'Cmdlet'}.Name)
$AliasesToExport.AddRange($cmdletAlias.Where{$_.CommandType -eq 'Alias'}.Name)
# Build script modules
$ExcludeFiles = if ($Data['ScriptFilesToExclude']) { Get-Item -Path $Data['ScriptFilesToExclude'] -ErrorAction Ignore } else { @() }
foreach ($scriptProject in $Data['ScriptModuleProjectPaths'].Keys) {
$scriptProjectPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Data['ScriptModuleProjectPaths'][$scriptProject])
if (!(Test-Path $ScriptProjectPath)) {
Write-Warning "No files were identified for script module project $scriptProject at path '$scriptProjectPath'."
$ScriptProjectFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $scriptProjectPath -Include '*.ps1', '*.psm1' -Recurse
| Where-Object { $_.FullName -notin $ExcludeFiles.FullName }
if ($Data['CompileScriptModules']) {
Write-Verbose "Building script module '$scriptProject' from path '$scriptProjectPath'."
$ScriptModuleData = $ScriptProjectFiles
| Build-ScriptModule -DestinationPath (Join-Path $OutputPath "$scriptProject.psm1")
if ($ScriptModuleData) {
# Only add the file if it was created
if ($ScriptModuleData.RequiredModules) {
if ($RequiredPSEditions -and ($RequiredPSEditions -ne $ScriptModuleData.RequiredPSEditions)) {
Write-Error 'Conflicting PSEdition requirements.'
elseif (!$RequiredPSEditions) {
$RequiredPSEditions = $ScriptModuleData.RequiredPSEditions
if ($ScriptModuleData.PowerShellVersion -and (($PowerShellVersion ?? '1.0') -lt $ScriptModuleData.PowerShellVersion)) {
$PowerShellVersion = $ScriptModuleData.PowerShellVersion
if ($ScriptModuleData.IsElevationRequired) {
$IsElevationRequired = $true
else {
Write-Verbose "Copying script module components for '$scriptProject' from path '$scriptProjectPath'."
Write-Warning "When script files are not compiled, all aliases are exported and requirements from script modules are not included in the manifest."
$scriptProjectOutputRoot = Join-Path $OutputPath $scriptProject
if (!(Test-Path $ScriptProjectOutputRoot)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $scriptProjectOutputRoot
$copyTargets = $ScriptProjectFiles
| ForEach-Object {
$copyTarget = [PSCustomObject]@{
From = $_.FullName
To = $_.FullName.Replace($scriptProjectPath, $scriptProjectOutputRoot, [StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)
ShouldCopy = $true
$copyTargetDir = Split-Path $copyTarget.To -Parent
if (!(Test-Path $copyTargetDir)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $copyTargetDir 1>$null
if ((Test-Path $copyTarget.To) -and ([System.IO.File]::GetLastWriteTime($copyTarget.To) -ge $_.LastWriteTime)) {
$copyTarget.ShouldCopy = $false
$copyTargets | Where-Object ShouldCopy | Copy-Item -Path {$_.From} -Destination {$_.To}
[string[]]$scriptProjectOutput = $copyTargets.To
| ForEach-Object {
$_.Replace($outputPath, '', [StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase).Trim('/\')
if ($scriptProjectOutput) {
# Non-compiled script files
$TypeFiles = Get-ChildItem $scriptProjectPath -Include '*.types.ps1xml' -Recurse
| Where-Object { $_.FullName -notin $ExcludeFiles.FullName }
$FormatFiles = Get-ChildItem $scriptProjectPath -Include '*.format.ps1xml' -Recurse
| Where-Object { $_.FullName -notin $ExcludeFiles.FullName }
$OutputTypeFiles = $TypeFiles | Copy-Item -Destination {Join-Path $OutputPath $_.Name} -PassThru
$OutputFormatFiles = $FormatFiles | Copy-Item -Destination {Join-Path $OutputPath $_.Name} -PassThru
# Identify functions to export from the module
$PublicFunctionsDir = Join-Path $scriptProjectPath 'Public'
if (Test-Path $PublicFunctionsDir) {
$FunctionNames = @(Get-ChildItem $PublicFunctionsDir -Recurse -File
| Where-Object Name -like '*-*.ps*'
| Select-Object -ExpandProperty BaseName)
if ($ScriptModuleData) {
foreach ($FunctionName in $FunctionNames) {
if ($ScriptModuleData.Aliases.ContainsKey($FunctionName)) {
# Build documentation
foreach ($helpFileSource in $Data['DocumentationPaths']) {
Write-Verbose "Building help files from source '$helpFileSource'."
New-ExternalHelp -OutputPath $OutputPath -Path $helpFileSource -Force
# Copy explicit copy files from the manifest
foreach ($copyFile in $Data['IncludeFiles']) {
if ($copyFile -is [string]) {
$To = Join-Path $OutputPath (Split-Path $copyFile -Leaf)
Copy-Item -Path $copyFile -Destination $To
elseif ($copyFile -is [hashtable]) {
$From = $copyFile['From'] ?? $copyFile['Path'] ?? $copyFile['FilePath'] ?? $copyFile['Source']
$To = $copyFile['To'] ?? $copyFile['Output'] ?? $copyFile['Destination']
if (!$From -or !$To) {
Write-Error "The hashtable input $copyFile is invalid. The value must contain a From and To key to indicate the where the file exists relative to the project directory and where it should be placed relative to the output path."
Copy-Item -Path $From -Destination $To
else {
Write-Error "Cannot process IncludeFile '$copyFile' of type $(${copyFile}?.GetType() ?? "(null)"). Data type not handled."
function TrimPath {
process {
foreach ($fp in $FilePath) {
$fp.Replace($OutputPath, '', [StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase).Trim('/\')
$MaybeSetValueParameters = @{
InputObject = $Manifest
MemberType = 'ScriptMethod'
Name = 'MaybeSetValue'
Value = {
param([string]$key, [object]$value)
if (!$this.ContainsKey($key)) {
$this[$key] = $value
# return $this[$key]
Add-Member @MaybeSetValueParameters
# Build manifest
$Manifest['Path'] = Join-Path $OutputPath "$ModuleName.psd1"
$Manifest['FileList'] = Get-ChildItem -Path $OutputPath -Recurse | TrimPath
$Manifest['ModuleVersion'] = $Version
$Manifest.MaybeSetValue('TypesToProcess', $TypesToProcess)
$Manifest.MaybeSetValue('FormatsToProcess', $FormatsToProcess)
$Manifest.MaybeSetValue('FunctionsToExport', $FunctionsToExport)
$Manifest.MaybeSetValue('CmdletsToExport', $CmdletsToExport)
$Manifest.MaybeSetValue('AliasesToExport', $AliasesToExport)
if ($PowerShellVersion) {
$Manifest['PowerShellVersion'] = ($Manifest['PowerShellVersion'] ?? '1.0.0') -gt $PowerShellVersion ? $Manifest['PowerShellVersion'] : $PowerShellVersion
if ($CompatiblePSEditions) {
if ($Manifest.ContainsKey('CompatiblePSEditions')) {
if (![System.Linq.Enumerable]::SequenceEqual([string[]]@($Manifest['CompatiblePSEditions']), [string[]]@($CompatiblePSEditions)), [StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) {
Write-Error "The CompatiblePSEditions specified in the script module files does not match the CompatiblePSEditions in the build.psd1 manifest section."
else {
$Manifest['CompatiblePSEditions'] = $CompatiblePSEditions
$Manifest['NestedModules'] = $NestedModules | Where-Object { $_ -ne $Manifest['RootModule'] }
if (!$Manifest.ContainsKey('RequiredAssemblies')) {
$AssembliesFromOutput = Get-ChildItem -Path $OutputPath -Recurse -Include '*.dll' | TrimPath
$Manifest['RequiredAssemblies'] = $RequiredAssemblies
else {
$Manifest['RequiredAssemblies'] = $RequiredAssemblies
New-ModuleManifest @Manifest
finally {
Pop-Location -StackName 'Build.ps1'
'@ 1>$null
New-Item -Path (Join-Path $BuildRoot 'Build.psd1') -Value @"
# Use this file to customize actions for the build.ps1 script that runs when you build the module
# Relative path from `$PSScriptRoot to where the output should be built
# The module name and version will be appended to this directory, i.e. '.' will build at '`$PSScriptRoot\MyModule\1.0'
'OutputFolder' = '.'
# The name of the module to build, which will be used in the build output path and when naming generated
# components such as the script module file.
'ModuleName' = '$ModuleName'
# The version to build. Will be used in the manifest and in the build output path.
'Version' = '1.0.0'
# True to set the AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion of binary projects to the version specified above
# before building the file(s).
'SetAssemblyVersionOnBuild' = `$true
'CompileScriptModules' = `$true
'IncludeFiles' = @(
# One or more paths relative to the directory of this file indicating files that should be copied into the
# module output. By default, only types.ps1xml and format.ps1xml files will be copied directly. The binary
# project will be published into the output folder, script .ps1 and .psm1 files within the src/PowerShell
# directory will be compiled into the output folder as '$ModuleName.psm1', .cdxml files within
# src/PowerShell/cdxml will be copied directly.
# Files in this list will be placed at './Resources/`${FileName}' in the module during build.
# Paths to binary projects to build using dotnet build. Hashtable of project name to project path.
'BinaryProjectPaths' = @{
'$ModuleName' = 'src/$ModuleName'
# Script modules to build. Hashtable of script module name to directories containing the script files.
'ScriptModuleProjectPaths' = @{
'$ModuleName' = 'src/PowerShell'
# Paths to exclude from script module build
'ScriptFilesToExclude' = @()
# Paths from which PlatyPS docs should be generated
'DocumentationPaths' = @(
'Manifest' = @{
'CompanyName' = 'PSSharp'
'Author' = 'Caleb Frederickson'
'LicenseUri' = ''
'Copyright' = 'Copyright 2021 Caleb Frederickson'
'ProjectUri' = '$ModuleName'
# 'Description' = ''
# 'ReleaseNotes' = ''
# 'Prerelease' = ''
# 'ScriptsToProcess' = @()
# 'ProcessorArchitecture' = ''
# 'ClrVersion' = ''
# 'DotNetFrameworkVersion' = ''
# 'PowerShellHostName' = ''
# 'PowerShellHostVersion' = ''
# 'RequiredModules' = @()
# 'ModuleList' = @()
# 'DscResourcesToExport' = @()
# 'PrivateData' = @{}
# 'Tags' = @()
# 'IconUri' = ''
# 'RequireLicenseAcceptance' = `$false
# 'ExternalModuleDependencies' = @()
# 'HelpInfoUri' = ''
# 'DefaultCommandPrefix' = ''
# 'VariablesToExport' = @()
# The members below may be manually overridden but values will be auto-generated by default.
# Generated using New-Guid.
# 'Guid' = '$(New-Guid)'
# Assemblies will be imported into a private session and enumerated to populate this field.
# 'CmdletsToExport' = @()
# Files in the src/PowerShell/Functions/Public folder will be used to identify public functions.
# 'FunctionsToExport' = @()
# Aliases using the [Alias()] attribute will be used to populate this field.
# 'AliasesToExport' = @()
# This field will be populated from all *.types.ps1xml files in the output at the end of the build.
# 'TypesToProcess' = @()
# This field will be populated from all *.format.ps1xml files in the output at the end of the build.
# 'FormatsToProcess' = @()
# This field will not be included; the module type will be 'Manifest' and modules (such as the
# script module and binary modules) will be listed under 'NestedModules'.
# RootModule = '$ModuleName$($NoBinaryProject ? '.psm1' : '.dll')'
# Generated from '#Requires -Version' statements in script files
# 'PowerShellVersion' = '7.2.0'
# Generated from all dll files in the output folder at the end of the build, and '#Requires -Assembly'
# statements in script files.
# Manual override will list the files required instead of including all in the output folder, but
# assemblies indicated by #Requires -Assembly in script modules files will still be appended to this
# list.
# 'RequiredAssemblies' = @()
# Generated from '#Requires -PSEdition' statements in script files. If overridden, cannot conflict
# with a PSEdition in a script file.
# 'CompatiblePSEditions' = @()
# The following will be generated during the build process. Overriding the value here will be ignored.
# ModuleVersion - from the Version parameter of the root hashtable defined in this file
# FileList - from all contents of the output directory
"@ 1>$null
# Create VSCode components
$VSCodeRoot = Join-Path $ProjectRoot '.vscode'
New-Item -Path $VSCodeRoot -ItemType Directory 1>$null
New-Item -Path (Join-Path $VSCodeRoot 'launch.json') -Value @"
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "PowerShell",
"type": "coreclr",
"request": "launch",
"program": "pwsh",
"args": [
"Import-Module '`${workspaceFolder}/build/$ModuleName'"
// "preLaunchTask": "build",
"console": "externalTerminal",
"cwd": "`${workspaceFolder}",
"name": "Windows PowerShell",
"type": "clr",
"request": "launch",
"program": "powershell",
"args": [
"Import-Module '`${workspaceFolder}/build/$ModuleName'"
"preLaunchTask": "build",
"console": "externalTerminal",
"cwd": "`${workspaceFolder}"
"name": ".NET Core Attach",
"type": "coreclr",
"request": "attach"
"@ 1>$null
New-Item -Path (Join-Path $VSCodeRoot 'tasks.json') -Value @"
// See
// for the documentation about the tasks.json format
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "build",
"type": "shell",
"detail": "Builds the PowerShell module",
"command": "pwsh",
"args": [
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true
// "problemMatcher": "`$msCompile"
"label": "pester tests",
"type": "shell",
"detail": "Test PowerShell execution using Pester.",
"command": "pwsh",
"args": [
"quoting": "weak",
"value": "Import-Module '`${workspaceFolder}/build/$ModuleName'; Import-Module Pester -MinimumVersion 5.0; Invoke-Pester -Configuration @{Run=@{Path='`${workspaceFolder}/tests/'};Output=@{Verbosity='Detailed'}}"
"dependsOn": "build",
"group": "test",
"problemMatcher": "`$pester"
"label": "xunit tests",
"detail": "Test C# execution using XUnit.",
"type": "shell",
"command": "dotnet",
"args": [
"dependsOn": "build",
"group": "test",
"problemMatcher": "`$msCompile"
"label": "all tests",
"detail": "Runs Pester and XUnit tests",
"type": "shell",
"group": {
"kind": "test",
"isDefault": true
"dependsOn": [
"xunit tests",
"pester tests"
"label": "clean",
"detail": "Removes the build output of the module.",
"type": "shell",
"command": "pwsh",
"args": [
"Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -Path `${workspaceFolder}/build/$ModuleName"
"@ 1>$null
if ($ShouldProcess) {
Get-ChildItem -Path $ProjectRoot -Recurse
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