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Last active March 10, 2016 10:41
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  • Save Stuart-Moore/a5147932905384e4c0e8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Stuart-Moore/a5147932905384e4c0e8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#One liner answer to 'Beginner Task'
#relies on the fact that all Latin-1 accented characters have an ASCII value > 192 (
#Not clear from brief on how this is meant to be run, but works locally:
Get-ChildItem c:\temp\FileShare -recurse | Where-Object{[int[]][char[]]$ -gt 192} | Format-Table name, @{label="Directory"; Expression={$_.DirectoryName}}, @{label="Creation Date"; Expression={$_.CreationTime}},@{label="Last Modification Date"; Expression={$_.LastWriteTime}}, @{label="File Size"; Expression={$_.length}}
#Over UNC
Get-ChildItem \\labbox1\share$\FileShare -recurse | Where-Object{[int[]][char[]]$ -gt 192} | Format-Table name, @{label="Directory"; Expression={$_.DirectoryName}}, @{label="Creation Date"; Expression={$_.CreationTime}},@{label="Last Modification Date"; Expression={$_.LastWriteTime}}, @{label="File Size"; Expression={$_.length}}
#Or via RemotePS:
Invoke-Command -Computer labbox1 -Scriptblock {Get-ChildItem c:\temp\FileShare -recurse | Where-Object{[int[]][char[]]$ -gt 192} | Format-Table name, @{label="Directory"; Expression={$_.DirectoryName}}, @{label="Creation Date"; Expression={$_.CreationTime}},@{label="Last Modification Date"; Expression={$_.LastWriteTime}}, @{label="File Size"; Expression={$_.length}}
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