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Last active March 10, 2016 10:36
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Get files with accented Latin-1 characters in their name
Long description
Get-Diacritic -Path c:\fileshare\ -To
Gets all files whose name contains an accented Latin-1 character in the given folders and sends
the results as a CSV attachment to the email address supplied
Get-Diacritic -Path c:\fileshare\ -To -AsHtml
Includes the results as a HTML formatted table in the body of the Email
The component this cmdlet belongs to
The role this cmdlet belongs to
The functionality that best describes this cmdlet
function Get-Diacritic
# Path Parameter
#Address to send email to
# Switch to include the details as a HTML body to the email
[Switch] $AsHTML
#Check that supplied path exists
if (!(Test-Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop)){
Write-Error "Supplied path $path does not exist"
$Files = Get-ChildItem c:\temp\FileShare -recurse |
Where-Object{[int[]][char[]]$ -gt 192} |
select name, @{label="Directory"; Expression={$_.DirectoryName}}, `
@{label="Creation Date"; Expression={$_.CreationTime}}, `
@{label="Last Modification Date"; Expression={$_.LastWriteTime}},`
@{label="File Size"; Expression={switch ($_.Length){ `
{$_ -lt [math]::pow(2,20)} {"$([math]::Round($_/[math]::pow(2,10),2)) Kb"; break}
{$_ -lt [math]::pow(2,30)} {"$([math]::Round($_/[math]::pow(2,20),2)) Mb"; break}
{$_ -lt [math]::pow(2,40)} {"$([math]::Round($_/[math]::pow(2,30),2)) GB"; break}
if ($files.Count -gt 0){
$FileDateStamp = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd
$FilePath = "c:\temp\$($FileDateStamp)_FileNamesWithDiacritics.csv"
$files | Export-Csv -Path $FilePath
if ($AsHTML){
#Brief wasn't clear if the output should be sent in the body as an html table but shows it in the example email, so it's here as an option
Send-MailMessage -To $To -Subject "Diacritic files $(get-date)" -BodyAsHtml ($files | ConvertTo-HTML | Out-String) -SmtpServer -from -Attachments $FilePath
Send-MailMessage -To $To -Subject "Diacritic files $(get-date)" -SmtpServer -from -Attachments $FilePath
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