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Created April 16, 2016 20:17
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Compression Test
compressionTest <- function(code, years = 7, algo = "g") {
# The generic Quandl API key for TuringFinance.
# Download the raw price data.
data <- Quandl(code, rows = -1, type = "xts")
# Extract the variable we are interested in. <- which(colnames(data) == "Adjusted Close")
if (length( == 0) <- which(colnames(data) == "Close")
ix.rate <- which(colnames(data) == "Rate")
closes <- data[ ,max(, ix.rate)]
# Get the month endpoints.
monthends <- endpoints(closes)
monthends <- monthends[2:length(monthends) - 1]
# Observed compression ratios.
cratios <- c()
for (t in ((12 * years) + 1):length(monthends)) {
# Extract a window of length equal to years.
window <- closes[monthends[t - (12 * years)]:monthends[t]]
# Compute detrended log returns.
returns <- Return.calculate(window, method = "log")
returns <- na.omit(returns) - mean(returns, na.rm = T)
# Binarize the returns.
returns[returns < 0] <- 0
returns[returns > 0] <- 1
# Convert into raw hexadecimal.
hexrets <- bin2rawhex(returns)
# Compute the compression ratio
cratios <- c(cratios, length(memCompress(hexrets)) /
# Expected compression ratios.
ecratios <- c()
for (i in 1:length(cratios)) {
# Generate some benchmark returns.
returns <- rnorm(252 * years)
# Binarize the returns.
returns[returns < 0] <- 0
returns[returns > 0] <- 1
# Convert into raw hexadecimal.
hexrets <- bin2rawhex(returns)
# Compute the compression ratio
ecratios <- c(ecratios, length(memCompress(hexrets)) /
if (mean(cratios) >= min(1.0, mean(ecratios))) {
print(paste("Dataset:", code, "is not compressible { c =",
mean(cratios), "} --> efficient."))
} else {
print(paste("Dataset:", code, "is compressible { c =",
mean(cratios), "} --> inefficient."))
bin2rawhex <- function(bindata) {
bindata <- as.numeric(as.vector(bindata))
lbindata <- split(bindata, ceiling(seq_along(bindata)/4))
hexdata <- as.vector(unlist(mclapply(lbindata, bin2hex)))
hexdata <- paste(hexdata, sep = "", collapse = "")
hexdata <- substring(hexdata,
seq(1, nchar(hexdata), 2),
seq(2, nchar(hexdata), 2))
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