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Last active July 26, 2019 07:34
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  • Save StuartGordonReid/0bc70b7c262a44d4b303 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save StuartGordonReid/0bc70b7c262a44d4b303 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Load the required packages.
#' @title Sample a random disturbance from either a normal distribution with a
#' constant standard deviation (Geometric Brownian Motion model) or from a
#' distribution with a stochastic standard deviation (Stochastic Volatility GBM)
#' @description Given a long run random disturbance mean, mu, and a standard
#' deviation, sigma, sample a random disturbance from either a standard normal
#' distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma, or sample a random
#' disturbance from a normal distribution with mean mu and a stochastic standard
#' deviation sampled from a normal distribution centered around sigma with a
#' standard deviation equal to half of sigma. This is maxed out at 0.01 because
#' a negative standard deviation is incoherent.
#' @details When the stochastic volatility option is enabled, the resulting
#' distribution of means for the random disturbance has much fatter tails. This
#' can be illustrated with the compareRandomDisturbances function.
#' @param mu double :: The expected value of the disturbance (should be zero).
#' @param sigma double :: The standard deviation of the disturbance.
randomDisturbance <- function(mu = 0.0, sigma = 0.45,
stochastic.volatility = TRUE) {
if (!stochastic.volatility) {
return (rnorm(1, mean = mu, sd = sigma))
} else {
# sigma.stochastic <- rlnorm(1, meanlog = log(sigma), sdlog = sigma/2)
sigma.stochastic <- max(rnorm(1, mean = sigma, sd = sigma/2), 0.01)
return (rnorm(1, mean = mu, sd = sigma.stochastic))
#' @title Step forward one unit of time in the log price process.
#' @description This step function is used to move from state t / t-1 in the log
#' price process to t+1 / t. This involves adding a static drift component to the
#' previous price and adding a random disturbance sampled from some distribution.
#' @param Xt1 double :: The current price in the log price process.
#' @param mu double :: The drift component of returns.
#' @param rd double :: A random disturbance in the force.
#' @param dt double :: This variable controls time. It is set to 1/252 by default
#' @return Xt2 double :: The next price in the log price process.
logPriceStep <- function(Xt1, mu, rd, dt = 0.003968254) {
Xt2 <- Xt1 + (mu * dt) + (rd * sqrt(dt))
return (Xt2)
#' @title Generate a log price process.
#' @description This method is used to generate a log price process which
#' simulates the log price of an asset starting with the value X0. The process
#' is controlled by a number of parameters including mu, the average daily
#' return, the average daily random disturbance, rd.sigma, the volatility
#' of the random disturbance, and dt, time. The method works by iteratively
#' sampling a new log price using the logPriceStep function.
#' @param t int :: The number of days worth of prices to simulate.
#' @param X0 int :: The starting price of the asset. Set to 1.0.
#' @param mu double :: The drift component of returns.
#' @param double :: The average daily disturbance to be added.
#' @param rd.sigma double :: The volatility of daily disturbances to be added.
#' @param dt double :: Time. This variable is set to 1/252 by default.
#' @return X vector :: A simulated log price process.
logPriceProcess <- function(t = 252, X0 = 1.0, mu = 0.1062, = 0.0, rd.sigma = 0.45,
dt = 0.003968254, stochastic.volatility = TRUE) {
X <- rep(X0, t)
for (ti in 2:t) {
rd <- randomDisturbance(, rd.sigma, stochastic.volatility)
X[ti] <- logPriceStep(X[ti - 1], mu, rd, dt)
#' @title Generate a discrete price process.
#' @description This method exponentiates a log price process and returns it.
#' @inheritParams logPriceProcess
priceProcess <- function(t = 252, X0 = 1.0, mu = 0.1062, = 0.0, rd.sigma = 0.45,
dt = 0.003968254, stochastic.volatility = TRUE) {
return(exp(logPriceProcess(t, log(X0), mu,, rd.sigma,
dt, stochastic.volatility)))
#' @title Generate an XTS object containing multiple discrete price processes.
#' @description This method constructs an xts object which contains multiple
#' discrete price processes as simulated using the priceProcess function. These
#' price processes are named S1, S2, ... , Sn.
#' @param n int :: The number of price processes to simulate.
#' @inheritParams logPriceProcess
priceProcesses <- function(n, t = 252, X0 = 1.0, mu = 0.1062, = 0.0, rd.sigma = 0.45,
dt = 0.003968254, stochastic.volatility = TRUE) {
processes <- xtsProcess(priceProcess(t, X0, mu,, rd.sigma,
dt, stochastic.volatility), "S1")
if (n > 1) for (i in 2:n)
processes <- merge.xts(processes,
xtsProcess(priceProcess(t, X0, mu,, rd.sigma,
dt, stochastic.volatility),
paste("S", i, sep = '')))
#' @title Generate an XTS object containing daily returns for multiple discrete
#' price processes.
#' @description This method constructs an xts object which contains multiple
#' daily return processes as simulated using the priceProcess function. These
#' price processes are named S1, S2, ... , Sn.
returnProcesses <- function(n, t = 252, X0 = 1.0, mu = 0.1062, = 0.0, rd.sigma = 0.45, dt = 0.003968254,
stochastic.volatility = TRUE, method = "discrete") {
prices <- priceProcesses(n, t, X0, mu,, rd.sigma, dt, stochastic.volatility)
return(Return.calculate(prices, method = method))
#' @title Convert a time series into an xts time series starting from today and
#' going forward into the future.
#' @description This method just converts a time series (a vector of prices or
#' returns) into an xts object.
#' @param ts vector :: The vector containing the time series values.
#' @param character :: The name of the time series.
xtsProcess <- function(ts, {
dates <- seq.Date(Sys.Date(), Sys.Date() + (length(ts) - 1), 1)
ts.xts <- xts(ts, = dates, col.names =
colnames(ts.xts) <-
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