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Created June 15, 2015 14:36
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Implementation of various distance metrics in Python
import math
import random
import csv
import cProfile
import numpy as np
import hashlib
memoization = {}
class Similarity:
This class contains instances of similarity / distance metrics. These are used in centroid based clustering
algorithms to identify similar patterns and put them into the same homogeneous sub sets
:param minimum: the minimum distance between two patterns (so you don't divide by 0)
def __init__(self, minimum):
self.e = minimum
self.vector_operators = VectorOperations()
def manhattan_distance(self, p_vec, q_vec):
This method implements the manhattan distance metric
:param p_vec: vector one
:param q_vec: vector two
:return: the manhattan distance between vector one and two
return max(np.sum(np.fabs(p_vec - q_vec)), self.e)
def square_euclidean_distance(self, p_vec, q_vec):
This method implements the squared euclidean distance metric
:param p_vec: vector one
:param q_vec: vector two
:return: the squared euclidean distance between vector one and two
diff = p_vec - q_vec
return max(np.sum(diff**2), self.e)
def euclidean_distance(self, p_vec, q_vec):
This method implements the euclidean distance metric
:param p_vec: vector one
:param q_vec: vector two
:return: the euclidean distance between vector one and two
return max(math.sqrt(self.square_euclidean_distance(p_vec, q_vec)), self.e)
def half_square_euclidean_distance(self, p_vec, q_vec):
This method implements the half squared euclidean distance metric
:param p_vec: vector one
:param q_vec: vector two
:return: the half squared euclidean distance between vector one and two
return max(0.5 * self.square_euclidean_distance(p_vec, q_vec), self.e)
def cosine_similarity(self, p_vec, q_vec):
This method implements the cosine similarity metric
:param p_vec: vector one
:param q_vec: vector two
:return: the cosine similarity between vector one and two
pq = self.vector_operators.product(p_vec, q_vec)
p_norm = self.vector_operators.norm(p_vec)
q_norm = self.vector_operators.norm(q_vec)
return max(pq / (p_norm * q_norm), self.e)
def tanimoto_coefficient(self, p_vec, q_vec):
This method implements the cosine tanimoto coefficient metric
:param p_vec: vector one
:param q_vec: vector two
:return: the tanimoto coefficient between vector one and two
pq = self.vector_operators.product(p_vec, q_vec)
p_square = self.vector_operators.square(p_vec)
q_square = self.vector_operators.square(q_vec)
return max(pq / (p_square + q_square - pq), self.e)
def fractional_distance(self, p_vec, q_vec, fraction=2.0):
This method implements the fractional distance metric. I have implemented memoization for this method to reduce
the number of function calls required. The net effect is that the algorithm runs 400% faster. A similar approach
can be used with any of the above distance metrics as well.
:param p_vec: vector one
:param q_vec: vector two
:param fraction: the fractional distance value (power)
:return: the fractional distance between vector one and two
# memoization is used to reduce unnecessary calculations ... makes a BIG difference
memoize = True
if memoize:
key = self.get_key(p_vec, q_vec)
x = memoization.get(key)
if x is None:
diff = p_vec - q_vec
diff_fraction = diff**fraction
return max(math.pow(np.sum(diff_fraction), 1/fraction), self.e)
return x
diff = p_vec - q_vec
diff_fraction = diff**fraction
return max(math.pow(np.sum(diff_fraction), 1/fraction), self.e)
def get_key(p_vec, q_vec):
This method returns a unique hash value for two vectors. The hash value is equal to the concatenated string of
the hash value for vector one and vector two. E.g. is hash(p_vec) = 1234 and hash(q_vec) = 5678 then get_key(
p_vec, q_vec) = 12345678. Memoization improved the speed of this algorithm 400%.
:param p_vec: vector one
:param q_vec: vector two
:return: a unique hash
# return str(hash(tuple(p_vec))) + str(hash(tuple(q_vec)))
return str(hashlib.sha1(p_vec)) + str(hashlib.sha1(q_vec))
class VectorOperations():
This class contains useful implementations of methods which can be performed on vectors
def product(p_vec, q_vec):
This method returns the product of two lists / vectors
:param p_vec: vector one
:param q_vec: vector two
:return: the product of p_vec and q_vec
return p_vec * q_vec
def square(p_vec):
This method returns the square of a vector
:param p_vec: the vector to be squared
:return: the squared value of the vector
return p_vec**2
def norm(p_vec):
This method returns the norm value of a vector
:param p_vec: the vector to be normed
:return: the norm value of the vector
return np.sqrt(p_vec)
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