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Created August 25, 2015 16:03
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Python implementation of the Universal cryptographic test for randomness
def universal(self, bin_data: str):
Note that this description is taken from the NIST documentation [1]
The focus of this test is the number of bits between matching patterns (a measure that is related to the
length of a compressed sequence). The purpose of the test is to detect whether or not the sequence can be
significantly compressed without loss of information. A significantly compressible sequence is considered
to be non-random. **This test is always skipped because the requirements on the lengths of the binary
strings are too high i.e. there have not been enough trading days to meet the requirements.
:param bin_data: a binary string
:return: the p-value from the test
# The below table is less relevant for us traders and markets than it is for security people
n = len(bin_data)
pattern_size = 5
if n >= 387840:
pattern_size = 6
if n >= 904960:
pattern_size = 7
if n >= 2068480:
pattern_size = 8
if n >= 4654080:
pattern_size = 9
if n >= 10342400:
pattern_size = 10
if n >= 22753280:
pattern_size = 11
if n >= 49643520:
pattern_size = 12
if n >= 107560960:
pattern_size = 13
if n >= 231669760:
pattern_size = 14
if n >= 496435200:
pattern_size = 15
if n >= 1059061760:
pattern_size = 16
if 5 < pattern_size < 16:
# Create the biggest binary string of length pattern_size
ones = ""
for i in range(pattern_size):
ones += "1"
# How long the state list should be
num_ints = int(ones, 2)
vobs = numpy.zeros(num_ints + 1)
# Keeps track of the blocks, and whether were are initializing or summing
num_blocks = math.floor(n / pattern_size)
init_bits = 10 * pow(2, pattern_size)
test_bits = num_blocks - init_bits
# These are the expected values assuming randomness (uniform)
c = 0.7 - 0.8 / pattern_size + (4 + 32 / pattern_size) * pow(test_bits, -3 / pattern_size) / 15
variance = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2.954, 3.125, 3.238, 3.311, 3.356, 3.384, 3.401, 3.410, 3.416, 3.419, 3.421]
expected = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5.2177052, 6.1962507, 7.1836656, 8.1764248, 9.1723243,
10.170032, 11.168765, 12.168070, 13.167693, 14.167488, 15.167379]
sigma = c * math.sqrt(variance[pattern_size] / test_bits)
cumsum = 0.0
for i in range(num_blocks):
block_start = i * pattern_size
block_end = block_start + pattern_size
block_data = bin_data[block_start: block_end]
# Work out what state we are in
int_rep = int(block_data, 2)
# Initialize the state list
if i < init_bits:
vobs[int_rep] = i + 1
initial = vobs[int_rep]
vobs[int_rep] = i + 1
cumsum += math.log(i - initial + 1, 2)
# Calculate the statistic
phi = float(cumsum / test_bits)
stat = abs(phi - expected[pattern_size]) / (float(math.sqrt(2)) * sigma)
p_val = spc.erfc(stat)
return p_val
return -1.0
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