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Last active August 20, 2021 11:24
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Kotlin solution for day 3 of advent of code 2020.
package day03
private value class Map(val map: List<List<Square>>) {
fun countNumberOfTreesForStep(step: Coordinate): Int {
return generateSequence(
seed = Coordinate(0, 0),
nextFunction = { coordinate: Coordinate ->
val nextCoordinate = coordinate + step
if (nextCoordinate.y > map.size) return@generateSequence null
).count { coordinate ->
this.getSquareAtCoordinateOrNull(coordinate) == Square.Tree
private fun getSquareAtCoordinateOrNull(coordinate: Coordinate): Square? {
return map.getOrNull(coordinate.y)?.let { row ->
row.getOrNull((coordinate.x % row.size))
private data class Coordinate(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
operator fun plus(other: Coordinate): Coordinate {
return Coordinate(x + other.x, y + other.y)
private enum class Square {
companion object {
fun fromChar(char: Char): Square {
return when (char) {
'#' -> Tree
'.' -> Empty
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
fun main() {
val inputMap = File("src/main/kotlin/day03/input.txt")
.map { line: String ->
// Part 1
inputMap.countNumberOfTreesForStep(Coordinate(3, 1)).also(::println)
// Part 2
Coordinate(1, 1),
Coordinate(3, 1),
Coordinate(5, 1),
Coordinate(7, 1),
Coordinate(1, 2),
).map { coordinate: Coordinate ->
}.fold(1L) { accumulatedScore: Long, score: Int ->
accumulatedScore * score
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