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Last active October 25, 2015 16:47
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Falsehoods programmers cannot believe about non-existing things
There is a huge body of valid and yet faked or non-existing things you can use freely e.g. for testing purposes:
* The "Null Island" being a geographical convenience, non-existing island: "Null Island is a fictional island in the Gulf of Guinea
added to the Natural Earth public domain map dataset, located where the equator crosses the prime meridian, at coordinates 0°N 0°E."
see details: - it even has a fake travel website :)
* On TV, you see the recurring fake phone number:
* There is a broad variety of fake, generated "languages" which follow proper linguistic conventions in e.g. word length:
* In a way, the internal IP space probably counts..
* See the classic "lorem ipsum" and its many varieties
* RFC 2606 specifies reserved/testing domain names: such as
* Generate fake but schema-wise valid credit card numbers:
Contrary to popular belief, these people/identities really exist!
* german ID example woman's picture "Erika Musterfrau" is a real person
* Babs Jensen of the LDAP basic dataset is a real person
* The colour calibrating centerfold picture of a woman is a real person
* The basic 3D teapot rendering is a real teapot by Melitta
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Thinking about placeholder names like Erika Mustermann and their different examples in different cultures brought first to Wikipedia's Placeholder names by language, then to the article Placeholder name, a huge list of stuff from ACME Corporation to the example domains.

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Su-Shee commented Oct 24, 2015

excellent, will look into it!

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Su-Shee commented Oct 24, 2015

note to self:

  • VIN Numbers
  • ID/Passport numbers
  • Cities/Adresses
  • Names
  • MAC Address

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