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Created February 13, 2014 21:23
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I made you all a valentine's vim color scheme! ♥
set background=dark
highlight clear
if exists("syntax on")
syntax reset
let g:colors_name="valentine"
hi Normal guifg=#fabef5 guibg=#000000
hi Comment guifg=#8c0888 guibg=NONE
hi Constant guifg=#ff00ff guibg=NONE
hi String guifg=#a3069e guibg=NONE
hi htmlTagName guifg=#de84f0 guibg=NONE
hi Identifier guifg=#fa05c1 guibg=NONE
hi Statement guifg=#620675 guibg=NONE
hi PreProc guifg=#ff80ff guibg=NONE
hi Type guifg=#99055e guibg=NONE
hi Function guifg=#fa0a86 guibg=NONE
hi Repeat guifg=#f590f5 guibg=NONE
hi Operator guifg=#d60370 guibg=NONE
hi Error guibg=#ff0000 guifg=#ffffff
hi TODO guibg=#0011ff guifg=#ffffff
hi TODO guibg=#0011ff guifg=#ffffff
hi link character constant
hi link number constant
hi link boolean constant
hi link Float Number
hi link Conditional Repeat
hi link Label Statement
hi link Keyword Statement
hi link Exception Statement
hi link Include PreProc
hi link Define PreProc
hi link Macro PreProc
hi link PreCondit PreProc
hi link StorageClass Type
hi link Structure Type
hi link Typedef Type
hi link htmlTag Special
hi link Tag Special
hi link SpecialChar Special
hi link Delimiter Special
hi link SpecialComment Special
hi link Debug Special
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