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Last active June 12, 2022 02:23
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Simple Implementation of a Binary Search Tree(C++)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
struct node {
int data{};
node* left = nullptr;
node* right = nullptr;
class BinarySearchTree{
node* root;
BinarySearchTree() { root = nullptr; }
node* GetRoot() { return root; }
void InsertNode(int stuff) {
if(root == nullptr){
root = new node();
root->data = stuff;
cout << "Element inserted.\n";
root->left = root->right = nullptr;
else {
auto parent = GetRoot();
node * temp;
temp = new node();
temp->data = stuff;
while(parent != nullptr){
if(parent->data > stuff){
if(parent->left == nullptr){
parent->left = temp;
cout << "Element inserted.\n"; break; }
else { parent = parent->left; }
} else {
if(parent->right == nullptr){
parent->right = temp;
cout << "Element inserted.\n"; break; }
else { parent = parent->right; }
void inorderTreeWalk(node *temp) {
if(temp == nullptr){ return; }
cout << " -> " << temp->data;
inorderTreeWalk(temp->right); }
void preorderTreeWalk(node *temp) {
if(temp == nullptr){ return; }
cout << " -> " << temp->data;
preorderTreeWalk(temp->right); }
void postorderTreeWalk(node *temp) {
if(temp == nullptr){ return; }
cout << " -> " << temp->data; }
node* TreeMin(node* temp) {
if(temp == nullptr){ return nullptr; }
while(temp->left) { temp = temp->left; }
return temp;
node* TreeMax(node* temp) {
while(temp->right != nullptr) { temp = temp->right; }
return temp;
node* TreeSearch(int stuff) {
auto temp = GetRoot();
if(temp == nullptr) { return nullptr; }
while(temp) {
if(stuff == temp->data){ return temp; }
else if(stuff < temp->data){ temp = temp->left; }
else { temp = temp->right; }
return nullptr;
node* Successor(int data) {
node* current = TreeSearch(data);
if(current == nullptr){ return nullptr; }
if(current->right){ return TreeMin(current->right); }
node* temp = GetRoot();
node* succ = nullptr;
if(current->data < temp->data){
succ = temp;
temp = temp->left;
} else if(current->data > temp->data){ temp = temp->right; }
else { break; }
return succ;
node* Predecessor(int data) {
node* current = TreeSearch(data);
if(current == nullptr){ return nullptr; }
if(current->right){ return TreeMax(current->left); }
node* temp = GetRoot();
node* succ = nullptr;
if(current->data < temp->data){
temp = temp->left;
} else if(current->data > temp->data){ succ = temp; temp = temp->right; }
else { break; }
return succ;
void RemoveNode(node* parent, node* curr, int stuff) {
if(curr == nullptr) { return; }
if(curr->data == stuff) {
//CASE -- 1
if(curr->left == nullptr && curr->right == nullptr){
if(parent->data == curr->data){ root = nullptr; }
else if(parent->right == curr){ parent->right = nullptr; }
else { parent->left = nullptr; }
//CASE -- 2
else if(curr->left != nullptr && curr->right == nullptr) {
int swap = curr->data;
curr->data = curr->left->data;
curr->left->data = swap;
RemoveNode(curr, curr->right, stuff);
else if(curr->left == nullptr && curr->right != nullptr) {
int swap = curr->data;
curr->data = curr->right->data;
curr->right->data = swap;
RemoveNode(curr, curr->right, stuff);
//CASE -- 3
else {
bool flag = false;
node* temp = curr->right;
while(temp->left){ flag = true; parent = temp; temp = temp->left; }
if(!flag){ parent = curr; }
int swap = curr->data;
curr->data = temp->data;
temp->data = swap;
RemoveNode(parent, temp, swap);
void Remove(int stuff){
auto temp = root;
auto parent = temp;
bool flag = false;
if(temp == nullptr){ RemoveNode(nullptr, nullptr, stuff); }
while(temp) {
if(stuff == temp->data){ flag = true; RemoveNode(parent, temp, stuff); break; }
else if(stuff < temp->data){ parent = temp ; temp = temp->left; }
else { parent = temp ; temp = temp->right; }
if(!flag){ cout << "\nElement doesn't exist in the table"; }
void menu(){
cout << "\n___________________________________________";
cout << "\n\n --BINARY SEARCH TREE--";
cout << "\n___________________________________________";
cout << "\n\n1. Insert elements into the tree.";
cout << "\n2. Search for an element.";
cout << "\n3. Find Successor of an element.";
cout << "\n4. Find Predecessor of an element.";
cout << "\n5. In-order Tree-Walk.";
cout << "\n6. Pre-order Tree-Walk.";
cout << "\n7. Post-order Tree-Walk.";
cout << "\n8. Remove an element from the tree.";
cout << "\n9. Exit.";
cout << "\n___________________________________________";
cout << "\nYour Choice -- ";
int main(){
BinarySearchTree demo;
int info, input;;
cin >> info;
while(info != 9){
switch (info){
case 1: cout << "\nElement to be inserted -- ";
cin >> input; demo.InsertNode(input);
case 2: cout << "\nElement to be searched -- ";
cin >> input;
if(demo.TreeSearch(input)) { cout << "Element found.\n"; }
else { cout << "Element not found.\n"; }
case 3: cout << "\nElement whose Successor is to be found -- ";
cin >> input;
if(demo.Successor(input)) {
cout << "Successor of " << input << " in the tree is " << demo.Successor(input)->data << endl; }
else { cout << "\nSuccessor of that element doesn't exist in the tree.\n"; }
case 4: cout << "\nElement whose Predecessor is to be found -- ";
cin >> input;
if(demo.Predecessor(input)) {
cout << "Predecessor of " << input << " in the tree is " << demo.Predecessor(input)->data << endl; }
else { cout << "Predecessor of that element doesn't exist in the tree.\n"; }
case 5: cout << "In-Order Traversal of the tree ";
cout << endl;
case 6: cout << "Pre-Order Traversal of the tree ";
cout << endl;
case 7: cout << "Post-Order Traversal of the tree ";
cout << endl;
case 8: cout << "Element to be deleted? -- ";
cin >> input;
cout << endl;
default: cout << "Wrong Choice.\n";
cout << "\nAnything Else?";
cin >> info;
cout << "\nTerminating.... ";
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