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Last active June 30, 2019 07:57
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Exploring GraphQL on Android


Traditionally most of us have been using REST for our APIs. Even though it has worked well till now, there are multiple pain points around it like too many endpoints, payload bloat, documentation effort etc. Then came GraphQL to save us developers. GraphQL is a query language for APIs.

In this talk, we explore the general pain points regarding REST and understand how GraphQL addresses them. We also go through the process of consuming GraphQL APIs on Android and common things to keep in mind. With Apollo for Android reaching v1.0 recently, now is the perfect time to explore GraphQL on Android.

Elevator pitch

As a mobile developer working with REST APIs, you must have at one point wished that you didn't have to hit different endpoints just for slightly different data. GraphQL was built to address this and many other pain points. Come learn about this new query language and how you can try it on Android.

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