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Created March 23, 2024 19:57
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Fix Unreal Engine Linux uses Windows Paths for SteamDeck
// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using AutomationTool;
using UnrealBuildTool;
using EpicGames.Core;
using UnrealBuildBase;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using static AutomationTool.CommandUtils;
public static class SteamDeckSupport
private static string RSyncPath = "/bin/rsync"; //Path.Combine(Unreal.RootDirectory.FullName, "Engine\\Extras\\ThirdPartyNotUE\\cwrsync\\bin\\rsync.exe");
private static string SSHPath = "/bin/ssh"; //Path.Combine(Unreal.RootDirectory.FullName, "Engine\\Extras\\ThirdPartyNotUE\\cwrsync\\bin\\ssh.exe");
private static string DevKitRSAPath = "/home/subtixx/.config/steamos-devkit/devkit_rsa"; //Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), @"steamos-devkit\steamos-devkit\devkit_rsa");
static string KnownHostsPath = "/home/subtixx/.ssh/known_hosts";
static string SteamDeckScripts = Path.Combine(Unreal.RootDirectory.FullName, "Engine\\Build\\SteamDeck");
static string DefaultUserName = "deck";
#region Devices
public static List<DeviceInfo> GetDevices(UnrealTargetPlatform RuntimePlatform)
List<DeviceInfo> Devices = new List<DeviceInfo>();
// Look for any Steam Deck devices that are in the Engine ini files. If so lets add them as valid devices
// This will be required for matching devices passed into the BuildCookRun command
ConfigHierarchy EngineConfig = ConfigCache.ReadHierarchy(ConfigHierarchyType.Engine, null, UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64);
List<string> SteamDeckDevices;
if (EngineConfig.GetArray("SteamDeck", "SteamDeckDevice", out SteamDeckDevices))
// Expected ini format: +SteamDeckDevice=(IpAddr=,Name=MySteamDeck,UserName=deck)
foreach (string DeckDevice in SteamDeckDevices)
string IpAddr = ConfigHierarchy.GetStructEntry(DeckDevice, "IpAddr", false);
string DeviceName = ConfigHierarchy.GetStructEntry(DeckDevice, "Name", false);
string ConfigUserName = ConfigHierarchy.GetStructEntry(DeckDevice, "UserName", false);
// As of SteamOS version 3.1, "deck" is the required UserName to be used when making a remote connection
// to the device. Eventually it will be configurable, so we will allow users to set it via the config.
string UserName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigUserName) ? DefaultUserName : ConfigUserName;
if (RuntimePlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)
DeviceName += " (Proton)";
else if (RuntimePlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux)
DeviceName += " (Native Linux)";
// Name is optional, if its empty/not found lets just use the IpAddr for the Name
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DeviceName))
DeviceName = "[SteamDeck] " + IpAddr;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IpAddr))
// TODO Fix the usage of OSVersion here. We are abusing this and using MS OSVersion to allow Turnkey to be happy
DeviceInfo SteamDeck = new DeviceInfo(RuntimePlatform, DeviceName, IpAddr,
Environment.OSVersion.Version.ToString(), "SteamDeck", true, true);
SteamDeck.PlatformValues["UserName"] = UserName;
Logger.LogError("You must specify the 'IpAddr' field to connect to a SteamDeck!");
return Devices;
* Get the ipaddr and username of the device from the params and/or device registry
public static bool GetDeviceInfo(UnrealTargetPlatform RuntimePlatform, ProjectParams Params, out string IpAddr, out string UserName)
if (Params.DeviceNames.Count != 1)
Logger.LogWarning("SteamDeck deployment requires 1, and only, device");
IpAddr = UserName = null;
return false;
// look up in the devices in the registry based on the params (commandline -device=)
List<DeviceInfo> Devices = GetDevices(RuntimePlatform);
// assume DeviceName is an Id (ie IpAddr)
string DeviceId = Params.DeviceNames[0];
DeviceInfo Device = Devices.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id.Equals(DeviceId, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
// if the id didn't match, fallback to trying name match
if (Device == null)
Device = Devices.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(DeviceId, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
// if the device is still null, dont assume this is a valid steam deck device
if (Device == null)
IpAddr = UserName = null;
return false;
IpAddr = Device.Id;
// if -deviceuser was specified, prefer that, otherwise use what's in the registry
UserName = Params.DeviceUsername;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName))
UserName = Device?.PlatformValues["UserName"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(IpAddr))
Logger.LogWarning("Unable to discover Ip Adress and Username for your Steamdeck. Use -device to specify device, and if that device is not in your Engine.ini, then you will need to specify -deviceuser= to set the username.");
return false;
return true;
#region Deploying
private static string GetRegisterGameScript(ProjectParams Params, UnrealTargetPlatform RuntimePlatform, string GameFolderPath, string GameRunArgs, string MsvsmonVersion)
FileReference ExePath = Params.GetProjectExeForPlatform(RuntimePlatform);
string RelGameExePath = ExePath.MakeRelativeTo(DirectoryReference.Combine(ExePath.Directory, "../../..")).Replace('\\', '/');
string GameId = $"{Params.ShortProjectName}_{RuntimePlatform}";
// create a script that will be copied over to the SteamDeck and ran to register the game
// TODO make these easier to customize, vs hard coding the settings. Assume debugging for now, requires the user to have uploaded the required msvsmom/remote debugging stuff
// which is done through uploading any game with debugging enabled through the SteamOS Devkit Client
string[] LinuxSettings =
$"\"steam_play\": \"0\"",
string[] ProtonSettings =
$"\"steam_play\": \"1\"",
$"\"steam_play_debug\": \"1\"",
$"\"steam_play_debug_version\": \"{MsvsmonVersion}\"",
string JoinedSettings = string.Join(", ", RuntimePlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux ? LinuxSettings : ProtonSettings);
string[] Parms =
$"\"argv\":[\"{RelGameExePath} {GameRunArgs}\"]",
$"\"settings\": {{{JoinedSettings}}}",
string JoinedParams = string.Join(", ", Parms);
// combine all the settings
return $"#!/bin/bash\nrm ~/devkit-game/{GameId}-settings.json\npython3 ~/devkit-utils/steam-client-create-shortcut --parms '{{{JoinedParams}}}'";
private static string GetRunGameScript(ProjectParams Params, UnrealTargetPlatform RuntimePlatform)
string GameId = $"{Params.ShortProjectName}_{RuntimePlatform}";
// NOTE this path is setup based on our steam-client-run-game script, if this changes other places need to change
return $"#!/bin/bash\npython3 ~/epic-scripts/steam-client-run-game --parms '{{\"gameid\":\"{GameId}\"}}'";
// Rsync is a Cygwin utility, so convert windows paths to a path that Cygwin Rsync will understand
// This will not work with UNC paths
public static string FixupHostPath(string HostPath)
if (HostPlatform.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)
string CygdrivePath = "";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HostPath))
string FullPath = Path.GetFullPath(HostPath);
string RootPath = Path.GetPathRoot(FullPath);
CygdrivePath = Path.Combine("/cygdrive", Char.ToLower(FullPath[0]).ToString(), FullPath.Substring(RootPath.Length));
return CygdrivePath.Replace('\\', '/');
return CygdrivePath;
return HostPath;
private static IProcessResult Rsync(string SourceFolder, string DestFolder, string UserName, string IpAddr, string[] ExcludeList)
// make a standard set of options to pass to the rsync for auth's -e option
string[] AuthOpts =
$"-o UserKnownHostsFile='{KnownHostsPath}'",
$"-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
$"-i '{DevKitRSAPath}'",
string AuthOptions = $"-e \"{string.Join(" ", AuthOpts)}\"";
// make a set of --exclude options for anything we want to exclude
string ExcludeOptions = "";
if (ExcludeList != null)
ExcludeOptions = string.Join(" ", ExcludeList.Select(x => $"--exclude={x}"));
string[] RsyncOpts =
// archive, verbose, human readable
// ensure certain permissions on the files copied
// standard authorization options
// this is a trick to make sure the target path exists before running the remote rsync command
$"--rsync-path=\"mkdir -p {DestFolder} && rsync\"",
// copy/update files as needed
// delete destination files not in source
// exclude some files
// source path, in cygwin-speak (/cygdrive/c/Program Files.....)
// destrination in standard 'user@ipaddr:destpath' format
// Exclude removing the Saved folders to preserve logs and crash data. Though note these will keep filling up with data
return CommandUtils.Run(RSyncPath, string.Join(" ", RsyncOpts), "");
private static IProcessResult SSHCommand(string Command, string UserName, string IpAddr)
string SSHArgs = $"-i {DevKitRSAPath} {UserName}@{IpAddr}";
return CommandUtils.Run(SSHPath, $"{SSHArgs} \"{Command}\"", "");
/* Deploying to a steam deck currently does 2 things
* 1) Generates a script that will register the game on the SteamDeck once uploaded
* 2) Uploads the build using rsync to the devkit-game location. Once uploaded it runs the generated before.
public static void Deploy(UnrealTargetPlatform RuntimePlatform, ProjectParams Params, DeploymentContext SC)
string IpAddr, UserName;
if (GetDeviceInfo(RuntimePlatform, Params, out IpAddr, out UserName) == false)
string GameFolderPath = $"/home/{UserName}/devkit-game/{Params.ShortProjectName}_{RuntimePlatform}";
string GameRunArgs = $"{SC.ProjectArgForCommandLines} {Params.StageCommandline} {Params.RunCommandline}".Replace("\"", "\\\"");
if (!File.Exists(DevKitRSAPath))
Logger.LogWarning("Unable to find '{DevKitRSAPath}' rsa key needed to deploy to the steam deck. Make sure you've installed the SteamOS Devkit client", DevKitRSAPath);
// copy debugger support files if needed
string MsvsmonVersion = "";
if (RuntimePlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)
if (DeployMsvsmon(IpAddr, UserName, out MsvsmonVersion) == false)
// write a create shortcut and run game script into the stage dir so it will be copied with out project. Note this is required due to the json
// strings requiring a single quote, which our run command replaces with a double quote due to a dotnet limitation.
string CreateShortcutScriptFileName = "";
string CreateShortcutScriptFile = Path.Combine(SC.StageDirectory.FullName, CreateShortcutScriptFileName);
File.WriteAllText(CreateShortcutScriptFile, GetRegisterGameScript(Params, RuntimePlatform, GameFolderPath, GameRunArgs, MsvsmonVersion));
string RunGameScriptFileName = "";
string RunGameScriptFile = Path.Combine(SC.StageDirectory.FullName, RunGameScriptFileName);
File.WriteAllText(RunGameScriptFile, GetRunGameScript(Params, RuntimePlatform));
// copy the staged directory, skipping over huge debug files that we don't need on the target
IProcessResult Result = Rsync(SC.StageDirectory.FullName, GameFolderPath, UserName, IpAddr, new string[] { /*"*.debug", */ "*.pdb", "Saved/" });
if (Result.ExitCode > 0)
Logger.LogWarning("Failed to rsync the {Arg0} to {GameFolderPath}. Check connection on ip Check connection on ip {UserName}@{IpAddr}", SC.StageDirectory.FullName, GameFolderPath, UserName, IpAddr);
// copy any scripts we have SteamDeckScripts to our custom epic script location
string DevkitUtilsPath = $"/home/{UserName}/epic-scripts/";
Result = Rsync(SteamDeckScripts, DevkitUtilsPath, UserName, IpAddr, new string[] {});
if (Result.ExitCode > 0)
Logger.LogWarning("Failed to rsync the {SteamDeckScripts} to {DevkitUtilsPath}. Check connection on ip Check connection on ip {UserName}@{IpAddr}", SteamDeckScripts, DevkitUtilsPath, UserName, IpAddr);
// Run the script to register the game with the Deck
Result = SSHCommand($"chmod +x {GameFolderPath}/{CreateShortcutScriptFileName} && {GameFolderPath}/{CreateShortcutScriptFileName}", UserName, IpAddr);
if (Result.ExitCode > 0)
Logger.LogWarning("Failed to run the {CreateShortcutScriptFileName}.sh script. Check connection on ip Check connection on ip {UserName}@{IpAddr}", CreateShortcutScriptFileName, UserName, IpAddr);
private static bool DeployMsvsmon(string IpAddr, string UserName, out string MsvsmonVersion)
// get the path to some compiler's Msvsmon/RemoteDebugger support files to copy over
string MsvsmonPath = null;
MsvsmonVersion = "2022";
IEnumerable<DirectoryReference> InstallDirs = WindowsExports.TryGetVSInstallDirs(WindowsCompiler.VisualStudio2022);
if (InstallDirs == null)
InstallDirs = WindowsExports.TryGetVSInstallDirs(WindowsCompiler.VisualStudio2019);
MsvsmonVersion = "2019";
if (InstallDirs != null)
MsvsmonPath = Path.Combine(InstallDirs.First().FullName, "Common7/IDE/Remote Debugger");
string TargetMsvsmonPath = $"/home/{UserName}/devkit-msvsmon/msvsmon{MsvsmonVersion}";
IProcessResult Result = Rsync(MsvsmonPath, TargetMsvsmonPath, UserName, IpAddr, null);
if (Result.ExitCode > 0)
Logger.LogWarning("Failed to rsync debugger support files to the SteamDeck. Check connection on ip {UserName}@{IpAddr}", UserName, IpAddr);
return false;
return true;
#region Running
public static IProcessResult RunClient(UnrealTargetPlatform RuntimePlatform, CommandUtils.ERunOptions ClientRunFlags, string ClientApp, string ClientCmdLine, ProjectParams Params)
string IpAddr, UserName;
if (GetDeviceInfo(RuntimePlatform, Params, out IpAddr, out UserName) == false)
return null;
string GameFolderPath = $"/home/{UserName}/devkit-game/{Params.ShortProjectName}_{RuntimePlatform}";
string RunGameScriptFileName = "";
// TODO would be great if we could tail the log while running. Figure out how to cancel/exit app
return SSHCommand($"chmod +x {GameFolderPath}/{RunGameScriptFileName} && {GameFolderPath}/{RunGameScriptFileName}", UserName, IpAddr);
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